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題名: 探討台灣英文教科書被動語態解析與呈現: 高中英文教科書分析
An Analysis of the Presentation of the Passive Voice in Taiwan’s High School English Textbooks
作者: 陳彥君
Chen, Yen-Chun
貢獻者: 張郇慧
Chang, Hsun-huei
Chen, Yen-Chun
關鍵詞: 被動式
Passive voice
English textbooks
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 9-Mar-2023
摘要: 被動語態是台灣學生學習英文時,容易犯錯的句型之一。因為中文(話題優先語言)與英文(主語優先語言)之間的差異,使學生在學習被動語態時容易發生受母語影響而出現的錯誤。英文文法的三個面向—形式、意義、及功能傳達其語意、語境、及語用,因此在教學時,教科書是否能公平地呈現出這三個面向就特別重要。之前的研究顯示,台灣國、高中教科書在呈現被動語態時,較著重句法而忽略了語境及語用。本研究從形式、意義、及功能此三面向去檢視被動語態在高中英文課本中的呈現。研究發現英文被動語態在課本中的形式幾乎只以be-passives為主。而被動語態的意義及功能在課本中則是透過例句及文法練習題的方式呈現,讓學生推演出來。希望本研究能對未來的教科書編排,或對於教師在教授被動語態時,有些許建議及幫助。
Passive voice is one of the difficult sentence structures for Taiwanese students to acquire, considering Chinese is a topic prominent language and English is a subject prominent language, and the difference between Chinese and English makes passive voice difficult for students with Chinese as their mother tongue to acquire. It is claimed that the three dimensions- form, meaning, and use- of English grammar aimed to fulfill specific functions in language teaching and are therefore important to be covered equally in an English textbook. Previous studies have shown that when instructing passive voice, junior high and high school English textbooks focus more on the sentential and syntactic level, and the introduction on discourse and semantic level has been neglected. The current study examined the presentation of passive voice in senior high school English textbooks from the dimensions of form, meaning, and use. It is found that passive voices in the set of textbooks were mainly in the form of be-passives. The meaning and use of passive voice was presented with exercises and examples in a deductive way in the textbooks. It is hoped to provide pedagogical suggestions for textbook writers and language teachers on English passive voice instructions.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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