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類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 20 of 368
17-二月-2023Predictors of Covid Knowledge, Public Health Compliance, and Vaccine Intent in the US, South Korea, Taiwan, and India張郁敏
14-二月-2022社群媒體上的危機溝通鄭怡卉; Cheng, I-Huei
14-二月-2022The role of information literacy in the COVID-19 pandemic陳憶寧; Chen, Y. N. Katherine
14-二月-2022The impact of attitudes towards government and corporations on trust in technology陳憶寧; Chen, Y. N. Katherine
14-二月-2022How Do individuals’ world views shape their perceptions of AI陳憶寧; Chen, Y. N. Katherine
14-二月-20222020年臺灣總統大選之議題數據分析陳憶寧; Chen, Y. N. Katherine
14-二月-2022Z世代媒介多工動機與消費決策信心:從眾、任務相關性、與資訊可診斷性之調節連續中介效果張郁敏; Chang, Yuhmiin
14-二月-2022Media multitasking and mood management: The positive and negative mediation effects of entertainment and flow on mood repair張郁敏; Chang, Yuhmiin
4-六月-2021臉書粉絲參與品牌官方粉絲專頁之動機與社群公關內容經營策略鄭怡卉; Cheng, I-Huei
4-六月-2021由負轉正的新取徑:探討正向心理學於未來健康傳播研究 與健康宣導實務之應用鄭怡卉; Cheng, I-Huei; 陳坤虎
4-六月-2021Analysis of campaign issue dynamics陳憶寧; Chen, Yi Ning
21-十二月-2020翻轉教育 ; 行動實踐—政大X書院12年陳文玲; Chen, Wen-Ling
28-十月-2020News feed algorithms, fake news, and Taiwan’s 2018 municipal elections陳憶寧; Chen, Y. N. Katherine; Wen, C. H. Ryan
28-十月-2020The impact of attitudes towards government and corporations on trust in technology陳憶寧; Chen, Y. N. Katherine; Wen, C. H. Ryan
28-十月-2020A study of privacy behavior of Taiwan Facebook users after the Cambridge Analytica scandal陳憶寧; Chen, Y.N. Katherine; 溫嘉禾
28-十月-2020Press systems, freedom of the press and credibility: A comparative analysis of mobile news in four Asian cities.陳憶寧; Chen, Y.N. Katherine; Wei, R; Lo, V.H.; Tandoc, E.; Zhang, G.L.
24-六月-2020Cultivating relationships with fans on Facebook: Discussing the ethical dimensions of corporate PR and marketing communication on social media鄭怡卉; Cheng, I-Huei
14-四月-2020An analysis of false claims in Taiwan’s newspaper nutritional products advertisements during the colonial period孫秀蕙
16-八月-2019觀看影片與圖片對於兒童描述能力差異之研究郭晉谷; 鄭霈絨; Cheng, Pei-Jung
16-八月-2019團隊互動模式與設計成果的關係鍾宜芹; 黃任邦; 鄭霈絨; Cheng, Pei-Jung
類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 20 of 368