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題名: 國際投資法與國際人權法對於財產權保障之比較
Comparison Between International Investment law and International Human Rights Law in Terms of Property Rights
作者: 林思妤
Lin, Szu-Yu
貢獻者: 薛景文
Hsueh, Ching-Wen
Lin, Szu-Yu
關鍵詞: 國際人權法
Yukos v Russia
International Human Rights Law
International Investment Law
Access to Justice
Non-discrimination treatment
denial of justice
Yukos v Russia
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 1-Sep-2023
摘要: 國際投資法與國際人權法皆是在保障人權,只是投資法乃專精於保障外國投資者之財產權,而人權法保障之權利包羅萬象,兩法皆有保障財產權,而兩法對於財產權之保障原則、文字與應用皆十分類似。本篇文章藉由Yukos v Russia一案作為研究動機,將比較投資法與人權法對於財產權保障之規範,研究兩者異同之處。\n在透過將國際投資法之徵收原則、公平與公正待遇原則、訴諸司法之權利、正當程序與禁止拒絕司法原則、禁止歧視原則,與國際人權法之財產權條文規範、受司法保護之權利(有效救濟權、公平審判權)、不歧視原則做比較後,發現不論是從法條之文字使用或是實務上投資仲裁庭與人權法院對系爭原則之適用與解釋,皆很相似,而由海牙常設仲裁法院與歐洲人權法院各自對於Yukos v Russia一案之判決內容中也可印證上述比較結果,即國際投資法與國際人權法在對於財產權之保障上所使用之法律原則是相同的,即便國際人權法有公益上之考量,兩法對於財產權保障之相似性仍極高,並不存在投資法對投資者財產權保護過大之疑慮,因此投資者若與地主國發生財產權上之糾紛,或許可以不僅僅向投資仲裁庭尋求救濟,亦可選擇透過國際人權法尋求保護。
International Investment law and International Human Rights Law both aim to safeguard human rights. However, International Investment law specializes in protecting the property rights of foreign investors, whereas International Human Rights law encompasses a wide range of rights. Both laws include provisions for the protection of property rights, and the principles, texts, and application of these principles are quite similar. This article takes the Yukos v Russia case as a research stimulus to compare the norms of property rights protection in International Investment law and International Human Rights law, and to examine the similarities and differences between the two. By comparing principles such as expropriation, fair and equitable treatment, access to justice, due process and prohibition of denial of justice, and non-discrimination in International Investment Law with provisions related to those rights in International Human Rights Law, the article found that both laws share significant similarities in the use and application of these principles, and the judgments of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the European Court of Human Rights on Yukos v Russia case supported these findings as well. Even though International Human Rights law takes public interest into consideration, the two laws bear a striking resemblance in safeguarding property rights. There is no substantial concern that International Investment law excessively protects investors` property rights. Therefore, if investors encounter disputes regarding property rights with host states, they might not only seek remedies from investment arbitration but also explore protection through International Human Rights law.
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