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題名: 九一一事件後聯合國反恐戰略研究
A research on United Nations counter-terrorism strategy after September 11 attacks
作者: 何嘉竣
Ho, Chia Chun
貢獻者: 連弘宜
Lien, Hong Yi
Ho, Chia Chun
關鍵詞: 九一一事件
September 11
United Nations
Counter-terrorism strategy
Non-traditional security
Human rights
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 1-Sep-2023
摘要: 本研究係以九一一事件為研究的時間軸,論述聯合國在九一一事件發生之後在全球反恐戰略中發揮了那些功能。而當今國際社會對於恐怖主義無普世的定義,故在探討聯合國反恐戰略前,先針對當代恐怖主義進行定義上的彙整與梳理,以期在接下來的內文論述上能為恐怖主義定義上提供一個大方向。\n在九一一事件發生前,聯合國已經有針對恐怖主義擬定出相關決議及國際法律文書,早在1972年聯合國就成立了「國際恐怖主義特設委員會」,針對恐怖主義已有一套的因應措施;然而,世人卻沒有想到,九一一事件所帶來的衝擊力道是如此巨大且無法被抹滅,這完全推翻過去人類對非傳統安全觀念的看法,事件的發生也為美國這個強權國家帶來無論是在政治、經濟及軍事上帶來莫大的衝擊。事實上,九一一事件發生的第二天,聯合國安全理事會便無異議通過第S/RES/1368號決議並指出「承認固有的個別與集體自衛權」的概念,這也使得美國有機會藉由反恐的口號對中東國家進行反恐軍事行動;此外,聯合國安全理事會更於9月28日通過第S/RES/1373號決議,要求安全理事會成員組成「反恐怖主義委員會」(Counter-terrorism Commission;CTC),與此同時聯合國便加速對恐怖主義擬定相關決議及國際法律文書的進程。\n然而,就在國際社會大打反恐議題的同時,人權保障相關議題隨即浮出檯面,因國際社會對於恐怖主義的定義有著不同的見解,故在反恐的議題上會加入許多國家利益的因素而採取各個國家所認為的反恐措施進而影響人權,這是聯合國反恐戰略上最不樂見的狀況,但礙於國家主權的因素,聯合國卻沒有任何強制力能下令主權國家在反恐怖主義的議題上應如何處置。
This study takes the attack of September 11 as the timeline of the study, and discusses the functions that the United Nations played in the global counter-terrorism strategy after the attack of September 11. However, there is no universal definition of terrorism in today`s international society. Therefore, before discussing the United Nations counter-terrorism strategy, we first collect and sort out the definitions of contemporary terrorism, so that it can define terrorism in the following text.\n\nBefore the attack of September 11, the United Nations had formulated relevant resolutions and international legal instruments against terrorism. As early as 1972, the United Nations established the "Ad Hoc Committee on International Terrorism" and had a set of countermeasures against terrorism; However, people in the world did not expect that the impact of the attack of September 11 was so huge and could not be erased, which completely overturned human beings` views on non-traditional security concepts in the past. Whether it is political, economic and military, it will bring great impact. In fact, on the second day after the September 11th incident, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution S/RES/1368 without objection and pointed out the concept of "recognizing the inherent right of individual and collective self-defense", which also gave the United States the opportunity to Conduct anti-terrorist military operations against Middle Eastern countries under the slogan of anti-terrorism; in addition, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution S/RES/1373 on September 28, requiring members of the Security Council to form a "Counter-Terrorism Committee" (Counter- Terrorism Commission;CTC), at the same time the United Nations is accelerating the process of drafting relevant resolutions and international legal instruments on terrorism.\n\nHowever, while the international community is fighting the issue of anti-terrorism, issues related to human rights protection have surfaced. Because the international community has different opinions on the definition of terrorism, many national interest factors will be added to the issue of anti-terrorism. The anti-terrorism measures that various countries believe will affect human rights. This is the most undesirable situation in the United Nations anti-terrorism strategy. However, due to the factors of national sovereignty, the United Nations has no coercive power to order sovereign countries to respond How to dispose of it.
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