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dc.contributor.advisorChristine Cooken_US
dc.contributor.authorRaksina Pongdumbunen_US
dc.creatorPongdumbun, Raksinaen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討泰國男同志(BL)影集的主角,如何運用其個人社群帳號來宣傳泰 國 BL 影集,並揭示 BL 影集主角在社群平台與忠實粉絲互動背後的奧妙。本研究目標為揭 露提高粉絲參與度的機制。此研究包含兩個關鍵問題:(1)哪個社群平台,最能有效引 發泰國 BL 影集主角的粉絲們嗑 CP 的行為、並提高與男主角們互動的參與度(2)哪種泰 國 BL 影集主角與粉絲互動的特定方式,為瘋狂粉絲持續追劇並高度參與的主因。為回答 上述問題,本次向十五位受訪者進行深度訪談,受訪者身份包含粉絲或該領域的專業人士。 本次研究使用「紮根理論研究方法」並使用「代碼簿」進行數據分析,期以得出具洞見。\n有別文獻的預期,研究結果顯示 Twitter(目前更名為X)僅反映粉絲黏著度極高 原因下的冰山一角。粉絲們對於男主角所投注的熱情及關注度,遠遠超越社群平台本身所 帶來的影響力;更多後續所引發的粉絲效應,來自男主角與粉絲們的互動方式。本研究揭 示背後一系列精心安排的策略行銷,包括男主角間微妙的公開示愛及與長期的互動,展現 “嗑 CP”行為的複雜背景。此外,本研究亦指出粉絲自創內容是對男主角們保持高度關 注的關鍵原因。以互動來說,留言區更是增加粉絲及主角們關係的重頭戲。這不僅是演員回覆 留言而已,甚至製作公司及工作人員都加入討論。評論區就像名人的聚會,透過彼此往來的頻繁 接觸,除了主角與粉絲們得以維持聯繫,製片方與消費者間亦減少認知上的鴻溝。\n另外,本研究亦提出對BL產業的建議、其研究限制及對未來研究的方向。實質上, 本研究顯示粉絲參與度的概論以及社群媒體與,“嗑 CP“現象的交互關係,展現泰國 BL 影集的魅力之處。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis capstone project explores the world of Thai BL series promotion through protagonists’ personal social media accounts, exploring the enigmatic realm of direct interactions between Thai BL actors and their devoted fans on social media platforms. I aim to uncover the mechanisms behind heightened fan engagement. The study consists of two key questions: (1) Which social media platform most effectively fosters shipping behavior and increases engagement among fans of a Thai BL series’ male leads, and (2) what specific interactions between Thai BL actors and fans on social media correlate with the highest levels of fan engagement? To answer these questions, in-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 15 participants, including both fans and professionals in the field. The collected data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach and the development of a comprehensive codebook, leading to insightful findings.\nContrary to expectations derived from extant literature, the findings reveal that Twitter (now referred to as X) is just the surface of a much deeper phenomenon. Fans’ attention transcends the platform itself, focusing more on the presence and interactions of the actors. The study unveils an array of captivating promotion strategies, including subtle public displays of affection and enduring interactions, shedding light on the intricate world of “shipping.” Additionally, the study demonstrates the pivotal role of fan-generated content in keeping enthusiasm alive. In the realm of interactions, commenting emerges as an unsung hero, weaving threads of authenticity and validation between actors and their dedicated fans. The impact extends beyond actor responses; even participation from producers and staff adds a touch of enchantment. It mirrors a celebrity rendezvous, where frequent engagement forges connections and narrows the divide between production and consumer.\nThe capstone additionally addresses the practical implications of the present work, its limitations, and prospective directions for future research. In essence, this study illuminates the intricate panorama of fan engagement, yielding profound insights into the dynamic interplay of social media, the intricacies of the “shipping” phenomenon, and the captivating realm of Thai BL series.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction 1\n2. Theoretical Background 4\n2.1. The Role of Shipping Practices in Fan/Industry Engagement 4\n2.2. The Impact of Social Media on Fan Culture 7\n2.3. Transcending Parasocial Interaction 9\n3. Methodology 11\n3.1. Participants 11\n3.2. Procedure & Materials 11\n3.3. Analytical Strategy 12\n4. Results 13\n4.1. Social Media Platforms in Relation to Shipping Behavior 13\n4.1.1. Social Media Platforms 13\n4.1.2. Aspects surrounding PDA 14\n4.1.2.1. The Level 14\n4.1.2.2. The Boundary 18\n4.1.2.3. The Duration 18\n4.1.3. Fan-generated Content 20\n4.2. Direct interaction between actors and fans 20\n4.2.1. The Choice of Social Media Platform 20\n4.2.2. The Type of Interaction 21\n4.2.2.1. Commenting 22\n4.2.2.2. Interacting with fan-generated content 23\n4.2.2.3. Other types of interaction 25\n4.3. The Frequency of Interaction 26\n5. Discussion 29\n5.1. Practical Implications 30\n5.1.1. Opting for a pair of actors with strong interconnections 30\n5.1.2. Conducting specialized seminars focused solely on “PDA” 32\n5.1.3. Series crews Q&A session 32\n5.2. Limitations and Future Directions 33\nReferences 35\nAppendix 39zh_TW
dc.format.extent7310063 bytes-
dc.subjectBL 劇zh_TW
dc.subjectThai mediaen_US
dc.subjectBoys’ love (BL)en_US
dc.subjectfan engagementen_US
dc.subjectfan/industry interactionen_US
dc.subjectshipping behavioren_US
dc.subjectsocial mediaen_US
dc.subjectparasocial relationshipsen_US
dc.subjectparasocial interactionen_US
dc.titleThai BL Series Social Media Promotion through Parasocial Interaction and Shipping Practiceen_US
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