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題名: 以用戶觀點初探社群媒體新聞分享之情緒與動機
Exploring User Perspectives on the Emotional and Motivational Aspects of News Sharing on Social Media Platforms
作者: 郭凡傑
Guo, Fan-Jie
貢獻者: 林淑芳
Lin, Shu-Fang
Guo, Fan-Jie
關鍵詞: 社群媒體
social media
news sharing
structural equation model
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 3-Oct-2023
摘要: 藉由社群媒體分享新聞,是當代指標性的新聞消費模式,該行動的成因,遂成為學界爭相探討的議題。過往學者已辨認出情緒和動機,是決定用戶於社群媒體分享新聞的兩大因素,然而,前人頂多單獨檢驗情緒或動機其中之一對新聞分享的效果,忽略了情緒和動機在心理學上即為一組相伴相生的概念,應予並置探究,所以至今罕有研究綜合討論情緒和動機於新聞分享情境下的作用關係。有鑑於此,本研究旨在提出一個模型,解釋社群媒體上,「用戶動機」如何中介「情緒反應」對「新聞分享」的影響,目標是建立一個社群媒體新聞分享的整體框架。同時亦釐清用戶在閱讀不同類型的新聞時,分享機制是否有落差。\n本研究採用問卷調查法,於2023年6月在社群媒體公開徵求用戶參與填答,最終一共回收473份有效樣本。透過統計軟體R語言,進行結構方程式模型分析後,結果顯示,社群用戶在閱讀政治與公共事務新聞時,激動程度會正向影響追尋事實動機、以及影響強化關係動機,同時強化關係動機會正向影響新聞分享,故強化關係動機完全中介情緒反應對新聞分享的影響;至於社群用戶在閱讀非政治與公共事務新聞時,同樣會經過上述四條路徑,唯一不同的是,愉悅程度還會正向影響強化自我動機。這符合過去文獻的論述邏輯,也就是用戶僅有在閱讀軟性非政治新聞,才有機會因著「表彰自己最對選擇」的愉悅,帶動強化自我形象的欲望。\n總結上述,本研究最重大的發現,在於成功驗證「激動程度」到「強化關係動機」,最終抵達「新聞分享」的間接影響關係。這讓本研究成為第一篇提供證據,支持情緒反應將經由用戶動機,進而影響社群媒體新聞分享的學術論文。研究者建議,將來可善用實驗法、深度訪談法甚或是更創新的研究方法,以填補本研究在選用問卷調查法時,不得不化約各式分享狀況的傾向。
Sharing news on social media is a prevalent modern news consumption trend. Consequently, understanding the motives behind this behavior is a topic of academic interest. While emotions and motivations impact news sharing, prior research often studied them separately, disregarding their interconnected psychological nature. Thus, there`s a scarcity of studies comprehensively examining their combined influence.\nIn order to seek to provide a holistic framework for news sharing on social media, this study aims to establish a model revealing how social media’s user motivations mediate the impact of emotional responses on news sharing. Data was collected through a questionnaire on social media in June 2023, with 473 valid responses. Results show aroused emotion positively affects both fact-finding and relationship-enhancement motivations for political news, and relationship-enhancement motivation also positively impacts news sharing behavior. A similar pattern emerges for non-political news, with pleasant emotion boosting self-enhancement motivation. This is aligned with past findings.\nIn summary, this study confirms the indirect path from arousal to relationship-enhancement motivation, shaping news sharing in the end. This conclusion provides the first evidence that emotions influence social media news sharing through user motivations. Future studies can use experiments, in-depth interviews, and more creative methods to address survey limitations in capturing various sharing scenarios.
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