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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 142
30-Mar-2020西班牙1978年憲法的制定與施行40年之觀察石雅如; Shin, Yaju
15-Oct-2019La expansion del genero policiaco: Dimensiones de la memoria, de la historia y de la investigacion en Cielos de barro de Dulce Chacon楊瓊瑩; Yang, Chung-ying
15-Oct-2019Hybridization of Genres and Recovery of Memory: the Case of Dulce Chacon`s Cieslos de barro (Clay Colored Skies)楊瓊瑩; Yang, Chung-ying
5-Dec-2018Demenz und Gender. Roswitha Quadfliegs Roman “Neun Monate. Über das Sterben meiner Mutter.”蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
17-Oct-2018Consideraciones de la memoria, la violencia de género y la incomunicación en las novelas de la Trilogía de la huida楊瓊瑩; Yang, Chung-Ying
11-Oct-2018Desarrollo del derecho indígena de América Latina石雅如; Shin, Yaju
11-Oct-2018Aproximaciones pedagogicas a la novela policiaca escrita por mujeres: el caso de Ritos de muerte楊瓊瑩; Yang, Chung-ying
10-Jul-2018Kindheit und Jugend in den Texten Herta Müllers蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018Schreiben gegen das Vergessen bei Herta Müller蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018Space, and Movement in a foreign Culture蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018Sehen in Texten Herta Müllers蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018Tokio Hotel, and the postmodern body in German ‘Cyberpunk’-Popmusic.蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018From Eastern to Western Europe. Herta Muller’s prose text ‘The Passport’蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018Ethnizität in mikrologischen Formen von Bildern und Texten Else Lasker-Schülers蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
10-Jul-2018Anmerkungen zur Sprach- und Kulturvermittlung des Deutschen in einer von chinesischer Kultur geprägten Gesellschaft auf Taiwan.蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
9-Jul-2018In-between cultures. Cultural boundary-crossing of students from Taiwan who went abroad to Germany’蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
9-Jul-2018Giving-to-read, and the gift of names in prose texts by German-Jewish writer Else Lasker-Schüler蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
9-Jul-2018World literature at the margins. Unhomeliness in Herta Muller’s prose text “Das Land am Nebentisch” (The country at the next table)蔡莫妮; Monika, Leipelt-Tsai
9-Jul-2018Autonomy of Indigenous Peoples in Mexico石雅如; Shin, Ya-Ju
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 142