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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 949
30-Oct-2023The Ownmost Potentiality-for-Being as Ought-to-Be蔡偉鼎; Tsai, Wei-Ding
30-Oct-2023Ethical Theoretical Reflections on Social Media: Place of the Human Being in the Digital Space蔡偉鼎; Tsai, Wei-Ding;Chistyakova, Olga Vasil`evna
30-Oct-2023[Book Review] Capturing the Elusive Self鄭會穎; Cheng, Tony
5-Oct-2023禪修過程中的經驗變異狀態:以法鼓山默照禪法之踐行為對象的現象學探究李維倫;釋常持; Lee, Wei-lun;Bhikşu, Chang Chi
5-Oct-2023使用隱喻故事腳本催眠之意識經驗歷程的個案研究李維倫; 王思涵
7-Aug-2023試論一種有可能從早期海德格思想推演出的倫理學蔡偉鼎; Tsai, Wei-ding
7-Aug-2023《荀子》中的名、實與類:一個道德之智與技藝的思考進路王華; Wang, Ellie Hua
12-Jul-2023關於證成唯識之因明論證的幾點看法--回應John Taber所謂的稻草人論證胡志強; Hu, Chih-chiang
12-Jul-2023回到經驗的哲學實踐:作為照顧哲學方法的存在現象學心理學李維倫; Lee, Wei-Lun
16-Jun-2023全球視域下的華人文化跨學科研究─「國立政治大學華人文化主體性研究中心」簡介林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-tse
29-May-2023Taking Conceptual Issues Really Seriously: One Next Step for the Cognitive Science of Consciousness鄭會穎; Cheng, Tony; Tseng, Yi Lin, Philip
29-May-2023Perspectival Shapes Are Viewpoint-Dependent Relational Properties鄭會穎; Cheng, Tony; Lin, Yi;Wu, Chen-Wei
29-May-2023Illusions, Objectivity, and Non-Reductive Emergentism: Reply to Rose鄭會穎; Cheng, Tony
29-May-2023Demystifying Consciousness and Non-cognitive Theories of Consciousness鄭會穎; Cheng, Tony
29-May-2023Artificial Agential Intelligence鄭會穎; Cheng, Tony
29-May-2023抒情與詩教:論「興」做為審美與教化之共通感建構的漢語語言哲學基礎林遠澤; Lin, Yuan-tse
29-May-2023瀕死或重生?:心臟停止期間經歷意識變異狀態之病人的生活經驗李維倫;楊知憲; Lee, Wei-lun;Yang, Chih Hsien
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 949