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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 726
5-Oct-2023China’s Propaganda and Disinformation Operations in Taiwan: A Sharp Power Perspective黃兆年; Huang, Jaw-Nian
29-May-2023大陸配偶面談政策與新移民女性之來臺組成及生活情形蘇昱璇;曾晴婉; Su, Yu-hsuan;Tseng, Ching-Wan
29-May-2023香港以糧為本「自然」識覺:Tim Ingold對話都市人類學何浩慈
21-Mar-2023China’s Food Security Governance from a Hydraulic Society to a Corporate Food Regime and COVID-19Lin, Scott Y.; 林義鈞
6-Feb-2023發展研究與反事實分析:以臺灣政府開發援助為例蘇昱璇; Su, Yu-Hsuan
1-Dec-2022威權的跨境流動與消長:中國因素、雙重政商關係與臺灣媒體自我審查黃兆年; Huang, Jaw-Nian
20-Oct-2022機會主義者: 英國、美國、台灣與李光耀的總理路(1955-1959)劉曉鵬; Liu, Philip Hsiaopong
21-Sep-2022育嬰假與學齡前幼兒發展之關聯蘇昱璇;蔡昂叡; Su, Yu-hsuan;Tsai, Ang-ruei
21-Sep-2022民粹主義與民主政治發展:以印度為例魏玫娟; Wei, Mei-chuan
21-Sep-2022美國總統拜登上臺後的臺美「中」關係魏玫娟; Wei, Mei-chuan
6-Jul-2022Localization of the corporate food regime and the food sovereignty movement: taiwan’s food sovereignty movement under “third regionalism”林義鈞; Lin, Scott Y.
6-Jul-2022Ant Forest - China`s low-carbon consumption practices driven by a community currency mechanism林義鈞; Lin, Scott Y.; Zeng, Jiawei
24-May-2022China`s Food Security Governance from a Hydraulic Society to a Corporate Food Regime and COVID-19林義鈞; Lin, Scott Y.
12-Jan-2022連失友邦之後:檢討兩岸援助策略劉曉鵬; Liu, Philip Hsiaopong
12-Jan-2022從兄弟到夥伴:七十年以來的非「中」關係劉曉鵬; Liu, Philip Hsiaopong; 許家瑜; Hsu, Chia-Yu
12-Jan-2022疫苗、債務、南南合作:新冠肺炎下的中非關係劉曉鵬; Liu, Philip Hsiaopong
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 726