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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 206
30-Jul-2020Sino-Russian Military Cooperation and Security Implications in East Asia連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
30-Jul-2020安倍首相的對俄政策及俄羅斯的回應連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
30-Jul-2020俄美於敘利亞的競合連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
30-Jul-2020Taiwan’s Viable Diplomacy and International Space: A Late-stage Review黃奎博; Huang, Kwei-Bo
30-Jul-2020美「中」關係四十年:從正常化到裂變黃奎博; Huang, Kwei-Bo; 陳偉華
30-Jul-2020Trading with the Enemy? How Taiwan Debates Its Trading Relations with China盧業中; Lu, Yeh-chung
23-Jun-2020「一帶一路」倡議與「上海合作組織」的安全關係連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020「中」、俄在中亞地緣競逐對戰略協作關係的衝擊與侷限連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020Crimean Annexation Conforms to Russian National Interests?連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020Decommunization in Eastern Europe over 30 Years: Reality and Perspective連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020Russia’s Arctic Policy連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020Russian Asia-Pacific Policy and APEC Participation in Putin Era連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020The Co-opetition between Russia and China in Central Asia: The Perspective of the Three-Party Energy Cooperation連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020東歐非共化30年:現實與前瞻連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020俄美於敘利亞的競合:危機或轉機連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020俄蒙中關係的新面向:政經分離下的競合態勢連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020脫美入亞的可能性─日本參與「一帶一路」倡議是契機?連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020普京時期俄朝關係之發展連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020雅爾達會議中的強權博弈:蘇聯因素的詮釋性解析連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
23-Jun-2020蒙古新領導人為蒙俄關係發展注入新動力連弘宜; Lien, Hong-yi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 206