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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 206
8-May-2013From Wealth to Power?: Trade Expectations and China`s Assertive International Behavior盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013The Ties that Divide: China, the Six-Party Talks, and Peace in the Korean Peninsula盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013理性?不理性?小布希發動伊拉克戰爭之研析盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013中國大陸國家機關角色與能源安全:以政府部門對於石油能源取得之規劃為例盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013全球金融危機對新自由制度主義之衝擊:以東亞地區之安全議題為例盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013China and the Liberal International Order: Did China`s Accession to WTO Shape Its Behavior?盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013Words and Deeds: The Ma Ying-jeou Administration`s View on Arms Procurement from the United States盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013中國大陸與世界貿易組織:從規則遵守者到規則制定者?盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013Maritime Security in Asia-Pacific: Taiwan`s Contribution as a Peacemaker盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
8-May-2013俄羅斯的公眾外交:俄羅斯國營傳媒對型塑俄國國家形象之研究連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013俄中在上海合作組織反恐機制下合作之研究連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013峰會外交深化中俄雙邊關係連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013北約東擴與俄美關係之研究連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013俄羅斯對歐盟調解歐洲區域衝突的認知及其因應之道連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013Middle and Small Powers’ Foreign Policy in the Shadow of Strong Neighboring Powers-- Making a comparison between Mongolia and Kazakhstan連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013台灣應發展軍事「不對稱作戰能力」探討連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
8-May-2013俄國對歐盟及北約觀點差異性之研究連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 206