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類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 21 to 40 of 504
4-三月-2020The Governing Paradox in a Transition Economy: Repeated Institutional Reforms and Increasing Regulatory Capture in China’s Energy Sector劉致賢; Liou*, Chih-shian; Tsai*, Chung-min
4-三月-2020Enabling Human Values in Foreign Policy: The Transformation of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy楊昊; Yang*, Alan H.; Chiang, Jeremy H.C.
4-三月-20202018年的中國大陸與東南亞關係:結構衝突、制度合作與區域疑慮的再揉合楊昊; Yang, Alan Hao
4-三月-2020「大國戰略與東南亞的樞紐化」專刊導言楊昊; Yang, Alan Hao
29-十一月-2019The Nature of Popular Protest and the Employment of Repressive State Capacity in China王信實; WANG, SHINN-SHYR; 王信賢; WANG, HSIN-HSIEN; 曾偉峰; TZENG, WEI-FENG
2-四月-2019Unpacking Taiwan`s Presence in Southeast Asia: The International Socialization of the New Southbound Policy楊昊; YANG, ALAN H.
20-十二月-2018Effects of early numeracy activities on mathematics achievement and affect: Parental value and child gender conditions and socioeconomic status mediation邱美秀; Chiu, Mei-Shiu
20-十二月-2018再探東南亞「外援」政治:發展、變革與在地回應楊昊; Yang, Alan H.
20-十二月-2018Democratic Peace Theory, the Problems of Pluralism, and the Opposition to the Use of Military Force in the US如大維; Lorenzo, David J.
6-十二月-2018近期大陸退伍軍人抗爭評析王信賢; Wang, Hsin-Hsien
5-十二月-2018The Social Development and Governance in China: The Observations on the "Political Report" to the 19th CPC National Congress王信賢; Wang, Hsin-Hsien
5-十二月-2018Technological Authoritarianism in China: State-society Relationship in Xi`s "New Era"王信賢; Wang, Hsin-Hsien
28-十一月-2018Deng Xiaoping: A Revolutionary Life, by Alexander V. Pantsov and Steven I. Levine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. viii+610 pp. £22.99 (cloth).鍾延麟; Chung, Yen-Lin
9-十一月-2018Deng Xiaoping: A Revolutionary LifeChung, Yen-Lin; 鍾延麟
9-十月-2018Peng Zhen`s Roles and Activities in the Yan`an Rectification Movement of the Chinese Communist Party (1941-1945)鍾延麟; Chung, Yen-Lin
4-九月-2018Confrontation or Communion?-Analyzing the Incremental Securitizatoin of Water Resources Crisis in the Aral Sea Basin楊昊; Yang, Hao; 朱韋昀; Chu, Wei-Yun
類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 21 to 40 of 504