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題名: KTV未來營運模式之研究
作者: 程日昌
貢獻者: 周宣光
關鍵詞: KTV
日期: 2007
上傳時間: 12-Sep-2009
摘要: 影音休閒娛樂市場競爭越趨多元化,在音樂產業中,KTV產業垂直供應鏈從上游到下游,共分3層:上游是唱片業,中游是伴唱帶發行業,下游是KTV業。上游發行歌曲,賣CD也賣版權;中游買歌曲版權,製作營業用歌曲;下游則買歌曲,供消費者視聽歌唱。由於台灣目前並無強制授權法令,歌曲來源仍受到限制。為解決歌曲來源並進而降低購歌成本,KTV業者可應用《維基經濟學》一書的觀念,也就是開放、合作、分享和全球化。\r\n\r\n書裡提到一個名詞「Prosumers」,亦即消費者就是產品創造者,消費者主動、積極地參與產品創作方式,正在全球各處上演,形成一個「Prosumption」模式。在Web2.0觀念下,大家一樣平等,每個人都可以透明地創作、發表,打破市場傳統價值鏈的平衡。 \r\n\r\n這個模式從「部落格」就可以看出,個人經由網路發表迅速崛起的例子日增。眾所皆知的歌曲「老鼠愛大米」,以及許多透過草根競賽勝出的新興名人,都足以印證媒體2.0時代,好內容來自世界各地的個人,沒有任何公司或通訊管道可以獨占,創作力只會更爆發更精彩。 \r\n\r\n在這樣的趨勢下,KTV業者可以採取以下做法:在網路上徵求原創歌曲、舉辦歌唱比賽、網路票選優勝者預測、優勝者歌曲製成伴唱歌曲在KTV包廂供顧客點播;或是讓創作者呼朋引伴,在包廂點唱自己的歌曲;點播率高者提供高額獎金並發行CD唱片;在實體通路銷售等等。 \r\n\r\n應用Web2.0創新商業模式,強調集體智慧、互動及分享,藉以改變現有KTV產業競爭模式。從MySpace的超人氣為它帶來獲利機會,甚至成為「星探」,未來極可能改變音樂產業的模式。 \r\n\r\n使原創音樂能成為網路或實體通路KTV中的主流音樂。不必受限「周杰倫事件」(藝人約滿全面回收專輯音樂版權再重啟談判)。主流絕對優勢的時代,已經變成歌手不必依賴主流媒體也能發片,消費者選擇音樂的範圍更廣泛的時代,給予不特定多數無名小卒參與的機會,從事催生新音樂的嘗試,才能打開長尾的原野,開拓出更寬廣的可能性。對企業來說,這種做法代表改變現有的一些習慣和方法,雖然不保證能得到相對應的回報。\r\n\r\nKTV已屬成熟產業,KTV消費在「食、衣、住、行、育、樂」中排名最後,屬於末端消費,所有娛樂業都是KTV的競爭者,且周休二日實施後,KTV優勢不再,KTV業者或許可以應用「Prosumption」模式,再度引起消費者的唱歌熱情。
The competition in the audio visual recreational entertainment market has become more diverse. In the music industry, the vertical supply chain of KTV industry are divided into three levels—the upstream record industry, the midstream sing along cassette publishing industry, and the downstream KTV industry. The upstream publishes songs, selling both CDs and their copyrights; the midstream purchases the song copyrights and produce the songs for business; the downstream buys the songs, providing audio visual and singing services for consumers. As no mandatory authorization regulation is available in Taiwan at present, the sources of songs are still limited. In order to solve the problem of song sources and lower the cost of songs, KTV dealers could apply the concepts in the book “Wikinomics”, which is openness, cooperation, and globalization.\r\n\r\n According to the book, “prosumers” refers to the consumers who are the product creators. Consumers’ active involvement with product creation methods are becoming more popular worldwide, forming a “presumption” mode. In the idea of Web2.0, everyone is equal. Everyone can create and publish with transparency, breaking the balance of the traditional value chain in the market.\r\n\r\n This mode can be observed in “blogs”, where an increasing number of individuals gain popularity through internet publishing. The popular song ““Mice loves big rice”, and many emerging celebrities from grassroot competition winners are evidence of the media 2.0 era, where good content comes from individuals all over the world. Without the monopolization of companies or communication channels, there will be increasing outburst of amazing creativity.\r\n\r\n Under such a trend, KTV dealers could apply the follow methods—ask for original songs on the internet, organize singing context, prediction of internet voting winners, produce sing along winner songs for request in KTV rooms; allow creators and their friends to request their own songs in KTV rooms; provide large bonus and record publishing for high request rate songs; to market in existing channels, etc. \r\n\r\n The application of Web 2.0 new business mode emphasizes group intelligence, interaction and sharing to change the present KTV industry competition mode. Profit opportunities are available from MySpace popularity, potential of being talent scouts, with high possibilities of changing future music industry mode. \r\n\r\n Original music may become popular music in the internet or existing channels in KTV. No longer limited by the “Jay Chow incident” (artist recycle all record music copyright at the end of contract and re-negotiate). In the generation where mainstream has absolute advantage, singers are not dependent on mainstream media to release their music. In the era where consumers have a wide range of music choices, opportunities are available for an infinite number of nobodies to participate in the making of new music, opening the doors of more possibilities. For enterprises, this indicates the change of some present practices and methods, yet corresponding profits are not guaranteed. \r\n\r\n KTV is a mature industry. KTV expense came last in “Food, Clothes, Residence, Transportation, Education, Entertainment”, belonging to extremity expenses. All recreational industries are the competitors of the KTV industry. Moreover, since the administration of the two-day-off per week policy, the advantage of KTV no longer exists. KTV dealers may apply the “presumption” mode, arousing the singing passion of consumers once again.
第一章 緒論 1\r\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\r\n第二節 研究問題 5\r\n第三節 研究目的 6\r\n第四節 研究步驟 7\r\n第二章 文獻探討 8\r\n第一節 關鍵成功因素 8\r\n第二節 數位網路技術 11\r\n第三節 Web2.0 16\r\n第四節 營運模式(business model) 20\r\n第三章 KTV產業分析、經營現況與困境 23\r\n第一節 臺灣視聽歌唱業產業發展概述 23\r\n第二節 KTV產業特性與環境 27\r\n第三節 KTV產業現況 29\r\n第四節 臺灣KTV產業經營困境 32\r\n第五節 研究問題 37\r\n第四章 個案現況分析 40\r\n第一節 個案公司發展背景 40\r\n第二節 H公司組織架構 42\r\n第三節 H公司營運績效分析 42\r\n第四節 H公司問題分析 44\r\n第五節 KTV產業關鍵成功因素 47\r\n第六節 H公司近期的改變 49\r\n第七節 應變 53\r\n第五章KTV未來營運模式 54\r\n第一節 H公司之星Web2.0 54\r\n第二節 經營模式之變革 76\r\n第三節 數位影音管理作業流程改善方案 78\r\n第四節 改善方案成本效益評估 88\r\n第六章 結論與未來研究建議 89\r\n第一節 結論 89\r\n第二節 未來研究建議 89\r\n參考文獻 91\r\n附件一:寬頻影音相關資料 96\r\n\r\n\r\n圖 次\r\n圖1-1 KTV事業系統架構 2\r\n圖1-2研究流程 7\r\n圖2-1產業關鍵成功因素分析層級與策略形成過程關係圖 10\r\n圖2-2 RFID系統架構圖 11\r\n圖2-3 RFID應用產業發展 12\r\n圖3-1 KTV 產業垂直鏈關聯圖 29\r\n圖4-1 H企業集團組織架構圖 42\r\n圖4-2 KTV歌曲授權流程 46\r\n圖4-3經營模式 53\r\n圖5-1台灣音樂線上付費使用率 57\r\n圖5-2「Prosumption」模式 66\r\n圖5-3後臺作業互動功能 71\r\n圖5-4自行架設網站平臺步驟 71\r\n圖5-5內容伺服器模型 82\r\n圖5-6快取伺服器模型 85\r\n\r\n\r\n表 次\r\n\r\n表3-1視聽歌唱業企業單位經營概況表 26\r\n表3-2歷年民間消費支出比例 28\r\n表3-3民間消費實質成長率 28\r\n表3-4臺灣地區合法視聽歌唱業者分佈表 30\r\n表3-5營收分佈狀況表 31\r\n表3-6國內主要KTV視聽歌唱業者 32\r\n表3-7營業收入淨額與稅後純益 32\r\n表4-1公司沿革 40\r\n表4-2近五年度損益資料 43\r\n表4-3最近五年度財務分析 43\r\n表4-4 H公司銷售服務區域 47\r\n表5-1 ALEXA統計台灣網路瀏覽排行入口網站及部落格排行及國外知名網站部落格排行 59\r\n表5-2線上音樂產業分析 61\r\n表5-3各年齡層感興趣之部落格內容 62\r\n表5-4各人口層級分析 63\r\n表5-5免費部落格比較 63\r\n表5-6產業總體分析 66\r\n表5-7 SWOT分析 67\r\n表5-8有線、無線媒體節目比較 73\r\n表5-9下載各種內容所需時間 80
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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