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題名: 在電腦施測情境中,促發、警告、時間限制對降低社會期許之效果
Reducing social desirability bias of personality scale in computer administration mode: Effects of priming, warning, and time limit
作者: 張軒正
Hsuan-cheng Chang
貢獻者: 陳彰儀
Hsuan-cheng Chang
關鍵詞: 降低社會期許
reducing social desirability
warning of having a lie scale
time limit
computer administration
日期: 2002
上傳時間: 17-Sep-2009
摘要: 本研究欲探討在模擬甄選情境中,情境因素對降低社會期許之效果。本研究採三因子2×2×2受試者間之實驗設計,所操弄的三個獨變項為: 1.促發(priming)受試者誠實作答的傾向之有無 2.測謊題警告之有無 3.作答時間的限制之有無;依變項為社會期許正、負向題分數與三個人格測驗向度(適應性、親和性、審慎性)的分數。本研究分為研究一、研究二兩階段進行。研究一之受試者包括企業應徵者81人與國小實習老師92人,研究結果顯示:三個獨變項中,只在有「測謊題警告」情境下能顯著降低社會期許正向題的分數。「時間限制」則在無「促發」之情況下,會提升「親和性」人格之分數。針對研究一的結果,研究者改變「促發」與「時間限制」的操弄方式,其它研究程序相同,進行研究二。研究二之受試者為503位大學生,研究結果顯示:「促發」會提升社會期許負向題的分數,且在有「時間限制」、無「警告」的情況下,亦可提升「適應性」分數。「測謊題警告」可降低社會期許正向題的分數,並有降低「親和性」分數之趨勢。「時間限制」仍然沒有任何效果。\n\n 研究者分別就研究一、研究二之結果加以討論並提出可能的解釋。此外,研究者亦嘗試驗證與討論社會期許量表中正向題與負向題之建構。最後研究者檢討本研究之限制,並對未來之研究方向提出若干建議。
The influence of three situational factors on reducing social desirability bias under simulated selection context was investigated in 2 studies. A 2×2×2 experimental design was used in these 2 studies. The three independent variables were: 1.’’Priming’’ the honest responding tendency. 2.Warning of having a lie scale. 3.Time limit for each question. The dependent variables included: 1.Two dimension scores of social desirability scale (positive keying items and negative keying items). 2.Scores of three personality dimensions (adjustment, likeability, prudence). Subjects of study1 were 81 job applicants and 92 elementary school interns. The results indicated that “warning of having a lie scale” could reduce the scores of positive keying social desirability scale. “Time limit” increased the scores of “likeability” under “no priming” situation. According to the results of study1, the author modified the manipulations of “priming” and “time limit”, and conducted study2. The subjects of study2 were 503 college students. The results indicated that “priming” could increase the scores of negative keying social desirability scale. “Priming” also increased the scores of “adjustment” under “time limit” and “no warning” situation. “Warning of having a lie scale” could reduce the scores of positive keying social desirability scale, and also had the trend to reduce the scores of “likeability”. “Time limit” still didn’t have any main effect on dependent measures.\n\n Base on the results for study1 and study2, the author discussed the effects of 3 situational factors on reducing social desirability bias, and also tried to clarify the construct validity of two-dimensional social desirability scale. The author also discussed the limitations of the present research, and made some suggestions for future research.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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