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題名: 大學生的感恩心與知覺支持之相關研究
作者: 高麗雯
Kao, Li-Wen
貢獻者: 修慧蘭
Kao, Li-Wen
關鍵詞: 感恩心
perceived support
college student
日期: 2004
上傳時間: 17-九月-2009
摘要: 社會支持是個人調節壓力的重要資源,過去研究顯示知覺支持高的人對支持行為記憶較好、較正向地詮釋社會訊息。本研究假設感恩心應是影響知覺支持的因素,感恩心的認知風格使人注意、憶念得自他人的照顧與關愛,提高對知覺支持的滿意;感恩的人單純地對人親善、回報他人,建立較多社會資源,因而支持人數較多。本研究共進行二部分研究:\n\n 研究一編制感恩心量表,探索感恩心的因素、內涵與類型。以118位大學生為預試樣本、341位大學生為正式樣本。結果顯示感恩心的因素包括「對人事物的感恩感受與認知習慣」、「對人感恩與報恩」、「感恩負向人事」。第一、二因素共同隱涵「不把一切視為理所當然」的核心信念、追本溯源的歸因能力,以及經常注意、記憶益處或給予者的認知習慣。第二因素涉及同理他人內心情感的能力;也包含報恩,個人感到被照顧、關愛而有感恩情緒,進而促發個人希望回報對方。第三因素注意到自己的成長來自於負面狀況提供了機會,雖然給予者無正向意圖。三個因素共同的認知風格是辨認出人事物對自己的正向經驗和結果有貢獻,將益處被評估為正向且將益處歸因於他者,而產生感恩的愉悅情緒。且所有受試者在上述三個因素分數上,可分成七種類型。\n\n 研究二探討不同背景變項大學生在感恩心分數上的差異,及感恩心和知覺支持的關係,以341位大學生為問卷施測正式樣本。結果顯示只有感恩心、對人感恩與報恩、對人事物的感恩感受與認知風格對支持人數、支持滿意度有預測力。感恩心高的人在注意、歸因、同理、記憶上的認知風格使他容易辨認出別人對自己正向結果的貢獻與善意,知覺支持滿意度較高,也建立較多社會資源而支持人數較多。\n\n 研究結果顯示:協助大學生培養感恩心,應可擴大知覺支持,使之回復到應有的份量,進而緩衝壓力,也促使學生有回報他人的向社會行為,增加社會資源。根據感恩心因素、內涵,本研究針對大學生個人、諮商人員、父母提出培養感恩心的數點建議。
Social support is one of the important resources for individuals to moderate stress. Past researches showed that people who perceive more support recall other’s supportive behaviors better and interpreter social information more positive. This research hypothesized that gratitude influences perceived support. The grateful cognitive style makes people attend to the kindness of others and remember it well. Grateful persons are kind toward others, and are good to others for appreciation. Thus, they build more social resources, and have more available supporters.\n\n Study 1 created Gratitude Inventory, and explored the factors, implication, and styles of gratitude. 341 college students completed the Gratitude Inventory. The major findings were summarized as follows : First, the factor of gratitude includes : 1. The grateful feeling and cognitive habits toward people, events and things. 2. Gratitude and return kindness toward people. 3. Gratitude toward negative events and people. Second, there are seven kinds of gratitude styles.\n\n Study 2 investigated the relationship between gratitude and perceived support. 341college students completed the Gratitude Inventory, Social Support Questionnaire and Social Desirability Inventory. The result showed that grateful feeling and cognitive habits toward people, events and things and Gratitude and return kindness toward people are effective predictors to the numbers of available supporter and the satisfaction of perceived support.\n\n These findings showed that, helping college students developing gratitude will enlarge their perceived support, thus buffer the effect of stress. It will also make students behave more prosocially, thus build more social resources. According to the conclusions of the main findings, several suggestions are provided for college students, parents, counselors in the Universities, and future research.
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描述: 國立政治大學
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