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題名: UNCITRAL全部或一部為海運之國際貨物運送公約草案之研究
作者: 莊健平
Chuang,Chien Ping
貢獻者: 張新平
Chuang,Chien Ping
關鍵詞: 聯合國國際貿易法委員會
multimodal transport
combined transport
multimodal transport operator
door-to-door transport
日期: 2007
上傳時間: 17-Sep-2009
摘要: 多式運送所生之種種法律問題,其複雜程度往往不下於單式運送所面臨者,然而,與單式運送相較,多式運送之國際統一立法運動之命運卻未免多舛,舉例而言,針對多式運送所制定之1980年公約,即使係經過冗長之討論及折衝後始通過,但是望穿秋水仍等不到生效的到來,而多式運送統一國際規範之需求,在現代運送貨櫃化以及第三方物流興起之推波助瀾下,仍不斷地節節升高。\n\n在這樣的大環境氛圍下,使得工作小組於UNCITRAL草案之討論過程中,不得不面對此一現實:大多數之海上貨物運送多係戶對戶運送,而戶對戶運送,又多以多式運送為之。因此,就UNCITRAL草案之適用範圍是否擴張至包括戶對戶運送,而其利弊得失為何,與會者就此紛紛各抒己見,表達自己之看法,工作小組最後乃決定:UNCITRAL草案應適用於涉及海上運送之戶對戶運送。\n\n工作小組此一決定,事實上對於多式運送國際統一規範之實現,可說是邁出了一大步,但此結果,可說是「無心差柳柳成蔭」,蓋UNCITRAL草案之定位本旨,係在取代海牙、海牙威士比規則,成為一個全新之海上貨物運送公約,但工作小組決定將草案適用範圍擴張至戶對戶運送之結果,使得UNCITRAL草案對於絕大多數之多式運送亦將有所規範,因此,稱UNCITRAL草案為多式運送之新統一規範,亦不為過。當然,UNCITRAL草案本質上既係一海上貨物運送公約,則受草案規範之多式運送,亦必須有一部運送途程為海上運送,方符合UNCITRAL草案第1條規定之運送契約定義。\n\n涉及海上運送之多式運送既有UNCITRAL草案之適用,此時MTO亦被視為運送人,而應負擔UNCITRAL草案中運送人之注意義務、賠償責任及舉證責任等;而UNCITRAL草案為解決與其他國際公約之衝突問題,採行了「最低限度網狀責任制」,但是,該最低限度網狀責任制卻抹煞了需要多式運送國際統一規範之根本理由:為多式運送法律關係帶來確定性。UNCITRAL草案不但未達成該目標,反而進一步導致多式運送法律關係趨於不穩定且無法預測,也因此,UNCITRAL草案就對多式運送之規範而言,仍有值得改進之處。
參考文獻: 中文部分
一 書籍及研究報告
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三、 學位論文
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30. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/497 - Possible future work on transport law
31. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/476 - Transport Law: possible future work
32. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/172 - Survey of the work of international organizations in the field of transport law
33. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/510 - Report of the Working Group on Transport Law on the work of its ninth session
34. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.21 - Transport Law - Preliminary draft instrument on the carriage of goods by sea
35. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/525 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its tenth session
36. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.23 - Preliminary draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea] - Proposal by Canada
37. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/526 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its eleventh session
38. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.28 - Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by Sea]
39. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.28/Add.1 - Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by Sea] - Addendum to compilation of replies to a questionnaire on door-to-door transport and additional comments by States and international organizations on the scope of the draft instrument
40. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.29 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea] - General remarks on the sphere of application of the draft instrument
41. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III.WP.30 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea] - Information document provided by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
42. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/544 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its twelfth session
43. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.32 - Transport Law: Draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]
44. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.34 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea] - Proposal by the United States of America
45. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/552 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its thirteenth session
46. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.36 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Provisional redraft of the articles of the draft instrument considered in the Report of Working Group III on the work of its twelfth session (UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/544)
47. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/572 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its fourteenth session
48. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.39 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Provisional redraft of the articles of the draft instrument considered in the report of Working Group III on the work of its thirteenth session (UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/552)
49. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.41 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [by sea] - Comments from the UNCTAD Secretariat
50. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/576 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its fifteenth session
51. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.44 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Scope of Application Provisions
52. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.46 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly][by sea] - Comments from the UNCTAD Secretariat on Freedom of Contract
53. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/591 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its sixteenth session
54. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.53 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft instrument on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Comparative table on limitation levels of carrier liability
55. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.56 - Transport Law: Draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]
56. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/594 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its seventeenth session
57. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.64 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Comments of the European Shippers` Council regarding the draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]
58. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.65 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Proposal by Japan on scope of application
59. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.66 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Volume Contracts: Document presented for the information of the Working Group by the Comité Maritime International
60. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.72 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Limitation of Carrier Liability
61. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.78 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Relation with other conventions
62. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.79 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Identify of Carrier - Drafting proposal by the Governments of Italy and the Netherlands
63. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.81 - Transport Law: Draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea]
64. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/621 - Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its nineteenth session
65. UNCITRAL, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.97 - Transport Law: Preparation of a draft convention on the carriage of goods [wholly or partly] [by sea] - Comments from Non-Governmental Organizations
66. UNCTAD, TD/B/COM.3/EM.20/2, Development of Mutimodal Transport and Logistics Services.
1. 全國法規資料庫入口網站
2. 聯合國貿易法委員會入口網站
3. CMI website
4. Lloyd’s Law Report website
5. Tetley`s maritime & admiralty law
6. Google Search
7. Westlaw Database
8. Lexis-Nexis Database
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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