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dc.contributor.advisorTang,Chih Min<br>Chang,I Huaen_US
dc.contributor.authorFulton,Gerald C.en_US
dc.creatorFulton,Gerald C.en_US
dc.description.abstractMotivation is an important and essential element in promoting student learning and ensuring student success. Educators have used various methods and materials in search of ways to motivate their students to be involved with their studies and to take control of their own learning. One currently used direction involves the use of technology and technological tools to provide motivation. This is due partly to the increased use of technology and computers by students themselves, but also due to technology’s ability to deliver a more interesting and knowledge-rich educational experience. This study looked at using student-built virtual worlds as a vehicle for providing academic motivation and for enhancing constructivist learning in an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom environment. Constructivist learning environments encourage students to actively participate in class activities, intensively collaborate with others, and deeply reflect on their own experiences related their own learning processes, and this study used virtual world building as the basis of course content and as an educational method for providing motivation towards learning English. \nThirty-five Taiwanese university students took part in a conversation course which blended virtual world building instruction with related conversation activities. Students constructed virtual worlds which were based on a story of their own choosing and performed conversation activities related to the building elements of their created virtual worlds. The study used a mixed methods research methodology to investigate the specific case and utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods and measures in course of the investigation. Qualitative data included surveys related to second language learning and computer motivation as well as a survey regarding the constructivist learning environment of the technologically oriented course. Qualitative data included in-depth student interviews and teacher observation journal information. These data were collected, analyzed, and evaluated based on the mixed methods research triangulation design. \nThe pretest to posttest survey comparison did not show an increase in motivation towards English or in computer attitude over the timeframe of the course; however, posttest statements regarding motivation towards both English and computers were generally positive. In addition, quantitative and qualitative data indicated the favorable constructivist environment of the course and its activities. Students were motivated to put time and effort into their virtual worlds and reported that these activities not only helped them to think about their projects but also allowed them to use their English skills. Overall, this study showed that student-built virtual worlds can provide a motivating and intellectually stimulating constructivist environment in an EFL setting.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS\nABSTRACT iii\nLIST OF TABLES viii\nLIST OF FIGURES ix\nCHAPTER\n1. INTRODUCTION 1\n 1.1 Introduction 1\n 1.2 Background 1\n 1.3 Purposes of the Study 7\n 1.4 Research Questions 7\n 1.5 Limitations, Assumptions and Importance 8\n 1.6 Research Ethics 11\n 1.7 Key Terms 12\n 1.8 Summary 15\n2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 17\n 2.1 Introduction 17\n 2.2 Technological Studies 17\n 2.3 Text-based Tools 18\n 2.4 Graphics Based Tools 22\n 2.5 Theoretical Concepts and Issues 39\n 2.6 Studies of Virtual Worlds and Education 53\n 2.7 Concerns and Issues with Virtual Worlds 59\n 2.8 Virtual System 62\n 2.9 Summary 67\n\n3. METHODOLOGY 69\n 3.1 Introduction 69\n 3.2 Focus and Phenomenon 69\n 3.3 Mixed Methods Research 79\n 3.4 Quantitative Methods 82\n 3.5 Qualitative Methods 86\n 3.6 Triangulation Design 92\n 3.7 Summary 95\n4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 99\n 4.1 Introduction 99\n 4.2 Quantitative Measures 99\n 4.3 Qualitative Measures 110\n 4.4 Separated Summary of Results 124\n 4.5 Discussion of Results 126\n 4.6 Merged Summary of Results 133\n 4.7 Overall Summary of Results and Discussion 137\n5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 139\n 5.1 Introduction 139\n 5.2 Conclusions 139\n 5.3 Recommendations 141\nREFERENCES 145\nAPPENDIX\n A Information and Consent Form 161\n B Freeware User Agreement Information 162\n C Vircon Web Page 164\n D Background English Education and Computer Use Survey 174\n E Computer Motivation Pretest/posttest Survey 175\n F English Motivation Pretest/posttest Survey 176\n G Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Survey 178\n H Computer Chat Log Page 181\n I Open-ended Interview Questions 182\n J Student Interview Narratives 183\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLIST OF TABLES\nTable Page\n1 Constructivist Learning Aspects of Current Educational Tools 37\n2 Week by Week List of Virtual World Building and Conversation Activities 75\n3 English Education Background Information 100\n4 Computer Usage Background Information 101\n5 Pretest/Posttest Computer Motivation Paired Means 102\n6 Computer Motivation Posttest Survey Statements 103\n7 Pretest/Posttest English Motivation Paired Means 103\n8 English Motivation Posttest Survey Statements 105\n9 English Motivation Posttest Survey Subsections 106\n10 Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment 107\n11 Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Subsections 108\n12 Chat Lines by Week 109\n13 Student Outside of Class Building Reports 110\n14 Teacher Observation Matrix 123\n15 Motivation Characteristics and Findings Matrix 134\n16 Constructivist Learning Environment and Findings Matrix 136\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLIST OF FIGURES\nFigure Page\n1 Screenshot of ABNet2 Interface 64\n2 Screenshot of PhotoFiltre 64\n3 Screenshot of Irfan View 65\n4 Screenshot of Avatar Studio 65\n5 Screenshot of Flux Studio 66\n6 Screenshot of Google SketchUp 66\n7 Screenshot of Vircon Web Page 77\n8 Screenshot of Virtual System Entry Page 78\n9 Screenshot of Virtual System 3D Chat Page 79\n10 2 x 2 Matrix for Maximal Variation Sampling of Interview Participants 88\n11 Screenshot of Example Virtual Story World 92\n12 Triangulation Design: Convergence Model 94\n13 Visual Diagram of Mixed Methods Research Triangulation Design 97zh_TW
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dc.titleUsing Student-built 3D Virtual Worlds to Promote Motivation anden_US
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