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dc.contributor.advisorYeh, Chieh-yueen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang,, Yung-lienen_US
dc.creatorHuang,, Yung-lienen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討如何增進低學習成就者英聽能力,除了研究何種聽力教材符合低學習成就者認知上的需求之外,並在英聽課從情意因素著手,引起低學習成就者學習動機,而且英聽課程設計也融入多元智慧,從外在成績的提昇激勵低學習成就者內發性地自主學習動機。\r\n 本研究以14位高三體育生為研究對象,研究時間持續一學期從2003年9月到2004年1月,研究工具以日記方式由學生記錄聽英文歌曲以及英文文章段落的課後心得。資料分析取自學生日記。\r\n 本研究結果如下:〈一〉淺顯易懂與學生日常生活相關而且包括學生先前學過的生字、片語、句型的英文歌曲以及文章段落有益於增進低學習成就者英聽能力。〈二〉愉快而且充滿互助的教室氣氛減少英文學習的焦慮,維持低學習成就者自尊,增加低學習成就者自信,引起學習動機。〈三〉融入六種多元智慧〈語文智慧、音樂智慧、視覺空間智慧、肢體-動覺智慧、人際智慧、內省智慧〉的英聽課程以聽前(pre-listening)、聽時(while-listening)、聽後(post-listening)三階段可有效的加強低學習成就者英聽能力。〈四〉外在的獎賞可激勵低學習成就者內發性自主學習。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research investigated how to improve low achievers’ listening ability, using PE students as the subject of the study. The purpose was (a) to investigate what kind of listening materials meet low achievers’ cognitive needs; (b) to motivate low achievers in listening course affectively; (c) to apply MI theory into listening curriculum development for low achievers; (d) to trigger low achievers extrinsically and intrinsically in English class.\r\n A total of 14 high school PE seniors in Taipei County in Taiwan participated in the study. The research period lasted for a semester from September 2003 to January 2004. Journals on listening to songs and listening to passages were employed as instruments. Data for the research were collected from students’ journals.\r\n The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Comprehensible English songs and English passages related to learners’ daily life, including lexis, phrases, and sentence patterns they previously learned were especially beneficial for low achievers to improve their listening ability. (2) A pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere enables low achievers to reduce language learning anxiety and maintain low achievers’ self-esteem. (3) Courses integrating six intelligences (i.e. verbal/linguistic, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences) were designed into three stages; i.e. pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening in the listening treatment, and proved to be effective. (4) Low achievers were inspired by extrinsic rewards and intrinsic factors. Better grades and positive feedback inspired low achievers’ extrinsic motivation. Besides, intrinsic motivation derived from comprehensible input and listening to English songs.\r\n The findings of the study suggest that low achievers’ listening ability can be effectively improved as long as listening materials are carefully designed to suit students’ needs.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS iii\r\nLIST OF TABLES vii\r\nCHINESE ABSTRACT viii\r\nENGLIS ABSTRACT\r\nCHAPTER\r\n1. INTRODUCTION 1\r\n 1.1 Background 1\r\n 1.2 Statement of the Problem 5\r\n 1.3 The Gap 6\r\n 1.4 Purpose of the Study 6\r\n 1.5 Research Questions 6\r\n 1.6 The Content of the Present Project 7\r\n\r\n2. LITERATURE REVIEW 8\r\n 2.0 Introduction 8\r\n 2.1 The Importance of Listening in Second Language Acquisition 8\r\n 2.2 The Complexity of Listening Process 9\r\n 2.3 Modes of Listening Process 11\r\n 2.4 Studies Related to Teaching Listening for High School Students 11\r\n 2.5 The Input Hypothesis and the Affective Filter Hypothesis 14\r\n 2.6 The Affective Factors 15\r\n 2.6.1 Anxiety 15\r\n 2.6.2 Inhibition 16\r\n 2.6.3 Self-Esteem 16\r\n 2.6.4 Self-Confidence 17\r\n 2.6.5 Risk-Taking 17\r\n 2.6.6 Motivation 17\r\n 2.7 Studies on the Effects of English-Song Teaching 19\r\n 2.8 Multiple Intelligences Theory 21\r\n 2.8.1 Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence 23\r\n 2.8.2 Musical Intelligence 23\r\n 2.8.3 Visual-Spatial Intelligence 24\r\n 2.8.4 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence 24\r\n Page\r\n 2.8.5 Interpersonal Intelligence 25\r\n 2.8.6 Intrapersonal Intelligence 25\r\n 2.9 Studies on Journal Writing 26\r\n 2.9.1 Studies with Learners in the United States 26\r\n 2.9.2 Studies with Learners in Taiwan 28\r\n 2.10 Conclusion 29\r\n\r\n3. METHODOLOGY 30\r\n 3.0 Introduction 30\r\n 3.1 Research Purpose 30\r\n 3.2 Research Design 30\r\n 3.3 Instrument 32\r\n 3.4 Subjects 34\r\n 3.5 Course Design 35\r\n 3.5.1 Course Design for Listening to English Songs 35\r\n 3.5.2 Course Design for Listening to Passages 37\r\n 3.5.3 Classroom Activities Integrated with MI Theory 39\r\n 3.6 Procedures of the Study 49\r\n 3.6.1 Pre-Test 49\r\n 3.6.2 The Procedures of Listening to Songs 50\r\n 3.6.3 The Procedures of Listening to Passages 50\r\n 3.6.4 Journal Writing 51\r\n 3.6.5 Post-Test 51\r\n 3.7 Make-Up Class 51\r\n 3.8 Data Analysis 52\r\n 3.9 Limitations of the Study 52\r\n\r\n4. RESULTS 54\r\n 4.0 Introduction 54\r\n 4.1 The Results of Questionnaire on Listening to Songs 54\r\n 4.2 The Results of Questionnaire on Listening to Passages 59\r\n 4.3 Introspection on Open-Ended Questions 64\r\n 4.3.1 Introspection on Listening to Songs 65\r\n 4.3.2 Introspection on Listening to Passages 71\r\n 4.4 Conclusion 76\r\n\r\n5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 79\r\n Page\r\n 5.0 Introduction 79\r\n 5.1 Listening Materials from the Cognitive Perspective 79\r\n 5.1.1 English Songs 79\r\n 5.1.2 English Passages 80\r\n 5.2 Low-Achievers’ Learning Motivation 80\r\n 5.2.1 Classroom Atmosphere 81\r\n 5.2.2 Teacher-Student Interaction 81\r\n 5.2.3 Peer Interaction 82\r\n 5.3 The Integration of MI Theory into Curriculum Development 82\r\n 5.3.1 Pre-Listening Activities 83\r\n5.3.2 While-Listening Activities 83\r\n5.3.3 Post-Listening Activities 84\r\n 5.4 Inspiring Low-Achievers’ Extrinsic and Intrinsic Orientation 85\r\n 5.4.1 Extrinsic Rewards 85\r\n 5.4.2 Intrinsic Factors 86\r\n 5.5 Present Study vs. Previous Studies 86\r\n 5.5.1 Consistent Findings 87\r\n 5.5.2 New Findings 89\r\n 5.6 Pedagogical Implications 90\r\n 5.7 Generalisibility 92\r\n 5.8 Suggestions for Future Research 93\r\n\r\nAPPENDIX A: Cover page of Journal 95\r\nAPPENDIX A1- A2: Journal of the first week 96\r\nAPPENDIX A3: Student’s Original Journal (week 1) 102\r\nAPPENDIX A4: Student’s Original Journal (1st class) 103\r\nAPPENDIX A5: Student’s Original Journal (2nd class) 106\r\nAPPENDIX B: Lesson Plan of Listening to English Songs 109\r\nAPPENDIX C: Lesson Plan of Listening to English Passages 112\r\nAPPENDIX D: Activities for Listening to Songs 115\r\nAPPENDIX E: Activities for Listening to Passages 129\r\nAPPENDIX F1- F1-2: Pretest One 144\r\nAPPENDIX F2- F2-2: Student’s Original Pretest One 147\r\nAPPENDIX F3- F3-2: Pretest Two 150\r\nAPPENDIX F4- F4-2: Student’s Original Pretest Two 153\r\nAPPENDIX G1- G12: English Song Background Knowledge 156\r\nAPPENDIX H1-H12: English Song Activity Handout 157\r\n Page\r\nAPPENDIX I: English Passage Background Knowledge 182\r\nAPPENDIX J-J-3: Tape Transcript of English Passage 183\r\nAPPENDIX K1-K1-3: Posttest 187\r\nAPPENDIX K2-K2-3: Student’s Original Posttest 191\r\n\r\nREFERENCES 195zh_TW
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dc.subjectlow achieversen_US
dc.subjectlistening to English songsen_US
dc.subjectlistening to passagesen_US
dc.subjectjournal writingen_US
dc.titleHow to Improve Low-Achievers` Listening Abilities─Using PE students as An Examplezh_TW
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