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題名: 當中國遇見市場:有關市場轉型、經濟成就、發展失衡的制度理論
When China Marketized : The Institutional Theory of Market Transition, Economic Achievement and Disparities
作者: 曾偉峰
貢獻者: 耿曙
關鍵詞: 中國研究
China study
market transition
institutional explanations
economic achievement
economic disparities
日期: 2006
上傳時間: 17-Sep-2009
摘要: 有關中國轉型的研究,在九○年代與兩千年後,由於聚焦於不同的社會層面,產生了研究上的鴻溝。原有的各項轉型制度理論,無法對現實社會問題,提供研究的指導與洞察,因此造成近年社會分析的理論貧乏問題。本文乃嘗試以制度為主線,捻出「制度同化」與「制度相依」兩項觀點,有系統的整理、爬梳現有各項轉型理論文獻,試圖連綴「轉型歷程」、「經濟成就」與「社會失衡」間的相互關係。本文希望藉此文獻功夫,幫助銜接「既有的理論架構」與「演進中的社會實踐」,使得彼此滋潤、相互激發,不斷開展出中國社會研究的源頭活水。
The study of China’s market transition falls into two distinct periods: in the earlier phase, China’s phenomenal economic success is the subject and many institutional accounts has been proposed while in following years , China’s rising economic disparities attracts all the attention and little effort has been devoted to the business of theory-building. As a result, today’s social analyses in China have hardly ever been theory-informed. Given this situation, this paper seeks to review existing theoretical literature with special reference to institutional changes and hopefully bridge the gap between institutional theory and Chinese practices.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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