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題名: Web 2.0中的群體智慧價值創造──以社會性書籤網站為例
Web 2.0 Collective Wisdom Creation – Case Study on Social Bookmarking Sites
作者: 翁榮暉
Weng, Jung Hui
貢獻者: 苑守慈
Yuan, Soe Tsyr
Weng, Jung Hui
關鍵詞: 社會性書籤網站
Social Bookmarking Site
Collective Wisdom
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
日期: 2007
上傳時間: 18-Sep-2009
摘要: Web 2.0時代強調由使用者貢獻內容,並藉由使用者的互動來創造群體智慧的價值。社會性書籤網站統合散佈在各處的網路資訊(尤其是由使用者所產生的部落格文章),承接內容的生產及閱讀,是網路內容價值鏈樞紐;另一方面,從媒體的角度來看,書籤網站可視為是web 2.0下的公民新聞守門人(引路人),以公民取代專業編輯,提供了一個完全不一樣的公民媒體運作方式。本研究針對社會性書籤網站中的內容評價推薦機制,探討其群體智慧運作情形:參考動物群體行為的運作原則,加上文獻的整理及實際案例的觀察,建構出社會性書籤網站推薦機制的模擬運作架構;並透過代理人模擬方法,來找出影響網站群體智慧運作的原則,及相關屬性設定對運作結果的影響。研究結果發現,社會性書籤網站的運作成效,可以分為篩選效果及文章更新效率,兩者之間具有魚與熊掌不可兼得的特性,並可藉由不同的閱讀策略安排來調整。基於web 2.0的特性,使用者同時扮演服務的生產者與消費者。因此,使用者閱讀文章時的閱讀策略安排,可視為是群體智慧運作中的工作分配策略。而群體智慧的運作原則中,正回饋效應可以提升篩選效果,判斷獨立性可以提升文章的更新效率,抑制與負回饋則可以使系統較為穩定。本研究除了為web 2.0網站的群體智慧經營提供具體的參考方針,多重代理人模擬的方法也可做為往後web 2.0相關研究及網站經營時的工具。
The core spirit for web 2.0 is the contribution of users, and the creation of value through the interaction between users. Social book marking sites integrate all kind of contents on the Internet (especially those generated by users), and play the role of pivot between content production and consumption. From the aspect of media, social bookmarking site can be regarded as news gatekeeper (or gateway) in the web 2.0 era. This study focuses on the rating and recommendation mechanism of social bookmarking sites, trying to find out the effects of collective wisdom with regard to different operations. The principle of collective animal behavior and the existing operations of some social bookmarking sites are first surveyed. Then, an operational model of social bookmarking sites and its recommendation mechanism is built and used for subsequent simulation.<br>The research findings show that the performance of social bookmarking sites has a tradeoff between sifting effect and efficiency, and that the performance can be controlled through a job allocation strategy. The operation of 「positive feedback」in collective wisdom can lead to sifting effect, 「integrity and variability」 leads to efficiency, and 「negative feedback」, 「inhibition」 lead to system stability. This research is believed to provide some managerial guidelines for web 2.0 sites operation.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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