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題名: 兩岸共同打擊犯罪問題之研究
The study of cooperation across the Taiwan straits on crime-fighting question
作者: 丁樹蘭
貢獻者: 邱坤玄
日期: 2001
上傳時間: 18-Sep-2009
摘要: 兩岸經過四十多年的分離、分治,隨著1987年7月15日我方政府宣佈解嚴,同年11月間開放大陸探親後,兩岸人員往來頻繁,經貿文化之互動更為密切,也衍生了不少問題。\r\n 因兩岸政治之對立,無法營建共同打擊犯罪之架構與機制。不法者利用兩岸司法權無法伸展,互相勾結,謀求暴利,甚至有許多在台灣犯罪者,事後逃往大陸藏匿。長此下去,因無法將犯罪者繩之以法,使之受應有之制裁,此不僅對台灣的受害者或家屬無以慰藉,傷害了台灣人民的感情,對兩岸的治安亦堪憂。故兩岸如能暫時拋開政治的意識形態,加強民間與學術之交流,基於互利互惠原則,促進雙邊良性互動之發展,建立合作打擊犯罪之管道與機制,攜手共同打擊犯罪,以消弭日益嚴重的兩岸犯罪問題,實乃兩岸人民之福。\r\n 本論文從探討兩岸開放探親以來之犯罪狀況,諸如偷渡、走私、海上搶劫、漁事糾紛及其他相關之犯罪等著手研析。並對兩岸目前共同打擊犯罪所面臨之困境與應有之作為加以探討,再研討國際刑事司法互助及罪犯管轄之歸屬與引渡之方式,透過對分裂國家之刑事司法互助之介紹,進而找尋兩岸刑事司法互助之辦法,以期能找出兩岸共同打擊犯罪之策略,進而有效共同打擊兩岸之犯罪。
The 4-decade-odd long political division of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait under separate regimes saw its end on July 15 1987, when the R.O.C. government lifted ban on visits to relatives in China in November the same year. Interchanges between people on both sides of the strait frequented, just as economic, trade and cultural activities, with problems.\r\n The political rivalry of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has made it less successful to achieve any agreement on organizations and systems aiming to fighting crimes. Criminals, by taking advantage of loopholes of the judicial systems on both sides, work together for illegal lucre. It is nothing new today that Taiwanese criminals evade to and remain in China after unlawful operations. Should this practice go on without any criminal see justice be served, victims or their families in Taiwan would not meet relief and sentiment of Taiwanese people would also be hurt, let alone the public security of the two societies separated by the Taiwan Strait. It is paramount that both sides of the Taiwan Strait do, for the sake of mutual benefit and interest, ignore their own ideologies and strengthen academic exchanges in the direction of benign interaction before eventually reaching cooperation channels and systems that would help fight against crimes.\r\n This article includes studies on criminal acts on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, including stow-way, smuggling, maritime piracy, fishing disputes and other associated crimes, since the lift on ban on relative visitations. It also focuses on difficulties the authorities on both sides confront with when it comes to joint effort in fighting crimes and with proposals. Also includes are studies on mutual assistance by international criminal judicial systems on jurisdiction and extradition. Hopefully we could locate ways to make criminal justices on both sides of the Taiwan Strait help each other, through introduction on updates of divided nations in this regard, in waging effective joint effort against crimes.
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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