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題名: 「合作/非合作」語用原則─論記者與消息來源之語言互動策略
The cooperative/non-cooperative verbal interaction between news reporters and news sources
作者: 林金池
Lin, Chin Chih
貢獻者: 臧國仁
Lin, Chin Chih
關鍵詞: 合作性語言互動
coperative verbal interaction
non-cooperative verbal interaction
threatening languages
reporters-source interactions
principle of impoliteness
日期: 2008
上傳時間: 18-Sep-2009
摘要: 本研究從作者實務工作曾經遭遇的兩個「威嚇語言」互動策略為起點,發現過去相關研究多屬探討記者與消息來源互動社會結構層面之「靜態論述」,鮮少觸及「語言互動」策略與內涵。本研究改以語用學之言說行動、語境概念、禮貌原則以及社會心理學之面子、面子威脅等概念為基礎,歸納出人際溝通由核心到外圍的語言互動脈絡,並依合作程度高低推演出記者與消息來源間之「合作性語言互動」(cooperative verbal interaction)與「非合作性語言互動」(non-cooperative verbal interaction)兩種不同語言互動策略。\n\n 根據訪談與個案研究資料所示,記者與消息來源語言互動過程使用之各種不同手法(如婉言相勸、閃躲、打哈哈、口頭威嚇、直接修理等),均可歸納於「合作/非合作」語言互動策略範疇。整體而言,「合作語言策略」最常出現,「非合作語言策略」在互動過程只是施壓手段,但兩種策略若像「胡蘿蔔與棍子」般地交叉運用,則常有較佳效果。\n\n 本研究亦發現,消息來源並非記者隨意擺布的「掌中棋」,亦即記者若不當使用「非合作語言策略」而將消息來源逼至瀕臨壓力邊緣之際,消息來源亦會使用「非合作語言策略」嚴厲反擊而造成反效果。因此,語言策略的尺度拿捏與技巧等語境因素,常是互動雙方能否達成目標之微妙關鍵所在。
As previous studies in this area have long emphasized more on the social levels of reporter-source interactions, this study, based on the literature of pragmatics, facework, and impoliteness, examined how the news reporters interact with their sources on a linguistic level trying to distinguish varied verbal strategies used by these two interactants in news reporting, such as exhorting, evasiveness, verbal threatening, and verbal attacking.\n\n Research result reveals that both cooperative/non-cooperative verbal interactive strategies are common and easily observable in news reporters’ routine meetings with their sources. In principle, the non-cooperative verbal interaction can be further divided into four sublevels according to the degrees of cooperation between the two interactants. \n\n In conclusion, it is confirmed that the cooperative/non-cooperative verbal interaction model developed in this study can be used not only as a research framework to examine the reporter-source interactions in a qualitative way, but also as a practical strategy which would show that both the reporters and sources may use the model to detect and challenge, and in the meantime to counterattack, the other side in their daily encounters.
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資料類型: thesis
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