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dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討葉爾欽政府為達成其農業經濟與政治目的,針對蘇聯國營與集體農場,所進行的「去集體化」改革。「去集體化」的主要內涵,即是透過土地改革的執行,來推動農場重組,促使國營與集體農場解散,冀望以私人農場取代之。\n\n 本論文首先說明國營與集體農場的經濟與政治問題,並解釋葉爾欽進行「去集體化」之目的。其次,具體描述土地改革、農場重組,以及推展私人農場之改革內容。隨後,分析私人農場發展的經濟、政治與社會文化問題。最後,評估「去集體化」的經濟與政治成效;並探討往後普欽政府對此結果的後續政策。\n\n 研究發現「去集體化」的推行,由於設計缺陷與執行不力,加上無法克服改革阻礙,其結果並未改變原有農場結構。私人農場發展不佳,延續蘇聯制度的農場企業仍主導了農業,經濟與政治問題愈趨嚴重。普欽接任總統後,加以調整過去的農業經濟政策,並透過有效之政治手段,改善了葉爾欽所遺留的農業問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at exploring the de-collectivization reform of Yeltsin government. The pattern of de-collectivization includes the land reform, farm reorganization and development of private farms. Yeltsin attempted to implement the de-collectivization to break up the state and collective farms, and to replace by the private farms for achieving his agricultural economic and political purposes.\n\n The thesis analyzes the economic and political problems of the state and collective farms, firstly. After that, the thesis describes the pattern of reform: land reform, farm reorganization, as well as the development of private farms. And following discussion is about the economic, political and socio-cultural problems when developing the private farms. Eventually, the thesis assesses the agricultural economic and political effects of de-collectivization, and that continues exploring the Putin government’s subsequent policies.\n\n The conclusion argues that the implementation of de-collectivization didn’t change the structure of Russian farms. The development of private farms was insufficient, and the farm enterprises, which have maintained the Soviet institution, still dominated the Russian agriculture. The economic and political problems became more and more serious. However, the Putin government has adjusted the Yeltsin’s economic and political policies to improve these agricultural issues.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章 緒論……………………………………………………………………1\n 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………1\n 第二節 名詞界定與研究範圍……………………………………………4\n 第三節 假設命題…………………………………………………………7\n 第四節 文獻探討…………………………………………………………11\n 第五節 研究方法與限制…………………………………………………18\n 第六節 研究架構與章節大綱……………………………………………19\n第貳章 去集體化之背景與目的………………………………………………21\n 第一節 蘇聯農場制度之形成……………………………………………21\n 第二節 經濟的因素與目標………………………………………………28\n 第三節 政治的遺續與意圖………………………………………………34\n 第四節 小結………………………………………………………………38\n第參章 土地改革與農場重組模式……………………………………………40\n 第一節 私人所有權立法…………………………………………………40\n 第二節 土地私有化與立法………………………………………………45\n 第三節 農場重組與立法…………………………………………………50\n 第四節 小結………………………………………………………………56\n第肆章 私人農場發展之問題…………………………………………………60\n 第一節 經濟性質…………………………………………………………60\n 第二節 政治性質…………………………………………………………72\n 第三節 社會文化性質……………………………………………………79\n 第四節 小結………………………………………………………………83\n第伍章 成果評估與後續政策…………………………………………………85\n 第一節 去集體化的成效…………………………………………………85\n 第二節 經濟與政治的影響………………………………………………93\n 第三節 普欽的因應政策…………………………………………………104\n 第四節 小結………………………………………………………………114\n第陸章 結論……………………………………………………………………116\n 第一節 研究發現…………………………………………………………116\n 第二節 後續研究建議……………………………………………………119\n參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………………121zh_TW
dc.format.extent8470890 bytes-
dc.subjectland reformen_US
dc.subjectfarm reorganizationen_US
dc.subjectprivate farmen_US
dc.titleA study of the agricultural de-collectivization in Russiaen_US
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