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題名: 大學通識英文之「課程指標」與「學習成效」評析
作者: 崔正芳
貢獻者: 崔正芳
關鍵詞: 大學英文
College English
general education
English course criteria
日期: 31-Dec-2009
上傳時間: 9-Apr-2010
摘要: 本研究針對國立政治大學「大學英文(一)、(二)」之通識課程指標實施狀\r\n況與學生學習成效進行問卷調查,問卷對象為97 學年度修習大學英文(一)(二)\r\n之學生(N = 1834)及該年度授課教師 (N = 24),學生自我評量其學習成效,老師\r\n則評量所教授學生之學習成效以及通識課程指標之落實情形。\r\n研究結果顯示,整體而言,老師對學生英文聽、說、讀三項技能的評量與學\r\n生自評有所出入,學生自己比較不覺得有老師評估得那麼好。惟在英文書寫能力\r\n方面,老師與學生的評估趨於一致。而在通識領域的學習,學生對課程中能幫助\r\n他們瞭解自我、獨立學習及跨文化學習的部分與老師有顯著不同的評估,但對於\r\n修課是否有助於學習與他人互動,學生的評估則與老師的相近。對於通識課程指\r\n標之回饋,老師們對於現行課程指標之實用性,一般來說皆持正面評價,大部份\r\n的老師同意該指標能做有效之教學指引,並同意能落實四至六成於課程中。\r\n研究中並進行聚焦訪談 (focus group) 的資料蒐集,除了前述的正向回饋\r\n外,參與的老師們並提出,現行課程指標尚需明列課程宗旨(mission statement),\r\n具體說明每一課程所預設之學生整體能力及目標程度為何,以便讓所有任課教師\r\n都清楚共同的目標,即便在沒有共同的教科書狀況下,也能夠有教學共識。另外\r\n針對課程指標中以字彙量決定課程難易度及較為抽象的通識精神指標,訪談的老\r\n師們亦提供了修正的意見及課室教學建議。
The purpose of the current study is twofold: (1) to document how teachers and\r\nstudents of College English I & II would evaluate the learning outcomes of the said\r\nEnglish coursework; (2) to investigate how the English Course Criteria, which have\r\ntaken effect since 2004, are being implemented in classroom practice.\r\nSubjects are students (N = 1834) enrolled in College English I in Fall, 2008 and\r\nCollege English II in Spring, 2009 and their teachers (N = 24). Students completed a\r\nsurvey evaluating their own English language abilities while teachers responded to an\r\nidentical survey evaluating the performance of their own students. Also, all teachers\r\nresponded to another part of the Teacher Survey regarding their opinion on the\r\nEnglish Course Criteria.\r\nFindings suggest that, in general, teachers tended to give higher ratings on\r\nstudents’ language abilities. Specifically, on English listening, speaking, reading\r\nabilities, teachers gave significantly higher ratings than students’ self-evaluated\r\nratings. Writing ability, on the other hand, is the only language skill in which teachers\r\nand students rated similarly. As for learning outcomes in the general education\r\ndomain, students and teachers once again demonstrated significantly different\r\nperceptions.\r\nAs for the usefulness of the existing English Course Criteria, a majority of the\r\nteachers responded positively and stated to have managed to implement 40~60\r\npercent of the criteria into their classrooms. A follow-up “focus group” conducted\r\nwith some of the teacher respondents further yielded specific suggestions for its future\r\nmodification and classroom implementation.
資料類型: report
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