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題名: 熱心的資訊提供者
作者: 李如璇
貢獻者: 國立政治大學創新與創造力中心
關鍵詞: 資訊提供、媒體使用度、領域熟悉度
information-giving, media usage, field familiarness
日期: Jul-2007
上傳時間: 18-Jun-2010
摘要: 本研究主要討論網路上無償資訊者。今日世界中,資訊地位益發重要,眾人無不希望掌握最新、最多的資訊,而網路也因此成為主要資訊來源。當眾人目光放在如何得到資訊以及研究消費者尋求資訊動機時,鮮少有人注意是誰提供這些資訊。這些提供資訊者不一定是名人,不一定是某領域的專家,可是其中有人提供食譜,有人幫忙解決各種電腦、文學、史地乃至於更高深的問題,上山下海全包。他們到底是怎樣的一群人呢?他們又是如何看待提供資訊這件事呢?本研究採取深度訪談,並以台灣大學批踢踢實業坊為田野,挑選長期或大量提供資訊的使用者。研究結果發現這些網路資訊提供者對各式媒體都很熟悉,也有高度領域熟悉度,他們在意資訊交流而非別人的回饋,這群人有助更廣泛的資訊交流。
This study mainly focuses on the nonprofit information giver on internet. Nowadays, information becomes more and more important, everyone wants the latest and the great amount information, and then internet becomes the most important source to get information. But when many study how to easily get information and why consumer search information, little of them pay attention to who give those information. The information giver may not celebrity or expert, but some of them provide recipe, and some of them can answer computer, literature, history, geography and even harder questions. Who are they? How do they think of their own action? This study uses in-depth interview and chose PTT(BBS) as research field. The result shows that the information-giver familiar with any kind of media, they also familiar with the information field they give, they care information-exchange but not feedback of information-receiver, they are very important to information exchange.
關聯: 第五屆「世界華文傳媒與華夏文明傳播國際學術研討會」,2007.07.14-2007.07.15
描述: 國立政治大學創新與創造力中心專任助理
資料類型: conference
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