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題名: 台灣婦女使用RU486墮胎經驗之實徵研究
作者: 陳惠馨;劉仲冬;陳惟華
貢獻者: 行政院衛生署;國立政治大學法律學系
關鍵詞: 墮胎經驗;優生保健法;非法墮胎;美服錠;健康風險;參與觀察;田野研究;深度訪談;RU486;Mifepristone;deep interview;公共衛生學;社會學
日期: 2002
上傳時間: 21-Jul-2010
摘要: 本研究為台灣婦女使用美服錠墮胎經驗的探索性研究,其目的在針對我國婦女相當普遍又鮮為人知的墮胎經驗進行階段性的探索研究。使用的研究方法主要為田野研究的深度訪談法,計劃為一年,首先透過網路搜尋得知墮胎婦女的態度、經驗分享與徵求受訪者,再由電話簿抽訪各家診所提供美服錠服務的價格,然後,配合滾雪球方式,到醫院婦產科門診或婦產科診所收案,以深度訪談法,蒐集台灣婦女使用美服錠的墮胎經驗。我國優生保健法第四章第十五及十六條明定「人工流產」的條件及可以實施的懷孕期限,所以可以說在台灣是(有條件的)墮胎合法的地區,但是實際的情況是:台灣地區極大多數的墮胎卻未能遵照優生保健法,也就是非法墮胎。非法墮胎的實情沒無人知曉,目前已有的數據都是推估的,從十萬到五十萬都有(劉仲冬1998:210。李美玲1994:43)。在綜合整理了台灣婦女的墮胎數據以後,黃君綺(2001:27)說:平均來說,至少有三分之一以上的成年婦女有過墮胎的經驗,所以墮胎是台灣婦女的普遍經驗。依育齡婦女人數來看,這個比率約是美國的2倍,法國的6倍。從這項數字,道出台灣公共衛生現況與先進國家仍有一段差距,也顯示台灣比上述國家都還更需要有完善的終止懷孕服務。依據李鎡堯(1985)的資料,72%的墮胎都在私人診所進行(李美玲、陳文玲1986)。在私人的小型診所裡接受非法的墮胎手術,不但需要冒健康風險,其過程及經驗不會愉快,亦可想而知,所幸RU486台灣在2000年12月28日由行政院衛生署正式宣佈合法上市,但是在確定RU486的使用管理及合法化的過程除了充滿爭議外,其過程所代表的意義與結果以及對婦女墮胎行為的影響,亟需多層次的脈絡探索研究。而計劃主持人長期關懷女性健康,累積了許多經驗,佐以樣本的可近性,深感這樣的工作責無旁貸。 In 1996 the Health Department announced that the newly invented drug RU486?HHH]Mifepristone?HHH^would soon be legalized in Taiwan. Since this drug can be used as an alternative to surgical abortion, thus it can increase autonomy of women in execution of abortion, questions arose as to whether the new drug would damage the morale of the society or whether it gives young women too much freedom in their sexual lives. Hence the impact of the new treatment might have on this society would be the chief intention of this study. In order to give the context and background of administrating the medicine, first an examination on the implementation of the regulations was made, followed by field work at the clinics to see whether and how the regulations took place. Women who had experience of using Ru486 would be interviewed. Qualitative data collected and analyzed by grounded theory method. In this way we hope that the subjective experiences of those women could be exposed. As a result the impact of RU486 on our society could be seen more clearly. The findings of this work are?HHHGThe most influential factor in the implementation of RU486 was the Obstetrician Association, though the final regulations came from the interaction and negotiation of different parties involved in the process- the Obstetrician Association, the Pharmaceutical Bureau, the Pharmacist Association, etc. Due to the obstetricians?HHH?HHH mistrust to the pharmacists, RU486 was listed as restricted medicine alongside with all narcotics and sedatives, and women are requested to take the medicine in front of doctors. In this way, women did not gain autonomy and benefit from the new invention. Above all they also lose their dignity and right as a mature person. Keyword: abortion, Health and Reproduction protection law, illegal abortion, Mifepristone, qualitative study, field work.
關聯: 應用研究
研究期間: 9103~9202
研究經費: 700 千元
資料類型: report
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