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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 227
2-Dec-2022The Impact of U.S. Domestic Politics on the Trade War盧業中; Lu, Yeh-chung; Teng, Chung-chian
12-Jul-2022Taiwan`s Practices about Immunities of States and Their Property陳純一; Chen, Chun-I
12-Jul-2022South Korea and V4 in a New Asia-EU Era: Hungary and Poland as Dual Manufacturing Hubs劉德海; Liou, To-hai
23-Jun-2022文在寅政府與伊朗關係:前有狼,後有虎劉德海; Liou, To-hai
23-Jun-2022The Romance of Three Economic Blocs: EU-China Economic Relations Evolving in an Era of Uncertainty劉德海; Liou, To-hai
25-Oct-2021Taiwan and Its Latin American Allies:An Uphill Diplomatic Campaign鄧中堅; Teng, Chung-Chian
25-Oct-2021The U.S. and Unresolved Cross-Strait Relations : From Trump to Biden黃奎博; Huang, Kwei-Bo
7-Jun-2021大辭典修訂三版陳純一; Chen, Chun-I
7-Jun-2021俄羅斯東向政策下之東亞區域局勢:機遇與挑戰連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
7-Jun-2021地緣政治經濟之爭奪戰:中國大陸在非西方世界攻城掠地?李明; Lee, Ming
23-Dec-2020俄羅斯東向政策下之東亞區域局勢:機遇與挑戰」連弘宜; Lien, Hong-Yi
28-May-2020習近平時期中國大陸與拉丁美洲經濟關係之發展:地緣經濟之分析鄧中堅; Teng, Chung-Chian
28-May-2020從地緣政治看美國與拉丁美洲政經關係鄧中堅; Teng, Chung-Chian
28-May-2020我國國際空間的本質、現況與未來黃奎博; Huang, Kwei-Bo
29-Apr-2020擺盪在兩強之間:文在寅總統時期的韓美中關係初探盧業中; Lu, Ye-Chung
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 227