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題名: 新聞組織之經營與會員滿意度調查─以台灣新聞記者協會為例
Analysis of Management of Journalist Organization and Members’ Satisfaction: A Case Study of Association of Taiwan Journalists
作者: 李建忠
JJ Lee
貢獻者: 祝鳳岡
JJ Lee
關鍵詞: 記協
Association of Taiwan Journalists
Members’ Satisfaction
Organizational identification
日期: 2007
上傳時間: 7-十二月-2010
摘要: 本研究針對台灣新聞記者協會的組織經營與會員滿意狀況,以全體正式會員做為問卷分析對象,分別在非營利組織、組織認同感及會員滿意度等影響層面做為分析指標,輔以主導整個會務組織發展方向與決策擬定之理、監事之深度訪談,並加上未加入台灣新聞記者協會之現職記者進行焦點團體訪談,找出台灣新聞記者協會之定位、功能與服務,是否能滿足會員與現職記者群的期望及認同;並分析現有的服務與活動滿意度。\n問卷調查的對象是以台灣新聞記者協會全體正式會員的電子郵件信箱做為問卷調查的樣本,依序探討會員滿意度、參與度、服務品質與組織認同感等四大指標,對於會員的影響程度進行分析。\n深度訪談的對象是13位理、監事當中的7位,以「半結構性訪談」的方式,了解記協如何經營會員服務、創造參與意義,並剖析現有之困境與關鍵成功因素,以及未來之方向。\n焦點團體訪談則是針對六位現職記者,分析台灣新聞記者協會現有之會員服務及組織認同感兩大層面之成效如何,並且深度探討他們為何不加入記協這關鍵問題。\n研究結果發現台灣新聞記者協會之會員滿意度僅是及格邊緣的成績,會員主要依賴對組織的專業認同感而對該協會有所認同,卻對於協會的相關服務與品質,多半不滿意而要求再加強。而會員人數不足、經營走向衝突、政治色彩影響、專業性再提升與溝通及參與管道不足等問題,都是記協之困境與眾人期待改善之方向。
This study aims to investigate the position, function and service of Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) on the one hand, and members and journalists’ satisfaction, expectation, and identification to ATJ on the other. Research methods include general survey, in-depth interview with council members and supervisors who direct organizational management of ATJ, and focus group interview with non-member journalists.\nThe survey was sampled from electronic mail account of ATJ members. Indices include the extent of members’ satisfaction and participation of organizational activities, and organizational identification to ATJ. Based on 7 interviewees out of thirteen council members and supervisors, in-depth interview was conducted with semi-structured questions. It not only seeks to understand the ways in which ATJ provides members with services and meaningfulness, but to analyze organizational obstructions, benefits and prospects of ATJ. Focus group, composed of 6 non-member journalists, is interviewed for analyze performance of ATJ with respect to member services and organizational identification, and for grasp the interviewees’ reasons of not join ATJ.\nThe research findings are several. First, members are barely satisfied with services and performance of ATJ. Second, their identification with ATJ depends upon professionalism. Third, among many organizational obstructions, insufficient amount of member, conflicts of diversified organizational strategy, the effects of political positions, improvement of professionalism, and the increase of channels of communication and participation are the most demanding.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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