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題名: 非政府組織與低度開發國家關係之研究-以馬拉威共和國為例
The Relationship between NGOs and LDCs- the case of the Republic of Malawi
作者: 常國祥
貢獻者: 姜家雄
關鍵詞: 非政府組織
日期: 2009
上傳時間: 8-Dec-2010
摘要:   非政府組織現今全球性議題上,均扮演著重要的角色,其活動範圍亦遍及全球性、區域性及個別國家之中;目前一般學者對非政府組織的研究多偏重於理論探討,暨其在國際建制的角色與功能;既然非政府組織在善心的動念上是為了更平等的世界,因此研究者在本文研究對象上,決定選擇全球發展最不平等的低度開發國家,並且藉由實際走訪馬拉威共和國的經驗與例證,檢視非政府組織與該國的關係。\n本論文首先對非政府組織與低度開發國家做個別的一般性說明,並著重於討論低度開發國家形成原因,進而選擇漠南非洲做為低度開發國家的代表區域;嗣在漠南非洲國家的討論之中,聚焦於馬拉威共和國為個案研究的對象,期藉該國近年的穩定發展,排除政治與內戰之干擾,得到較為獨立的結論。本論文在經過系統性的研究後認為,非政府組織在低度開發國家從事服務遞送與災難救援等類型之活動,成效明顯較一般政府組織卓著,機動性亦強,惟可能導致該等國家之依賴心理,妨礙政府正常職能之建立;其次,非政府組織在低度開發國家中,對高階政治議題的參與,仍有根本性的限制;最後,低度開發國家中,跨國性非政府組織與國內非政府組織所獲資源與具備之能力對比太大,權力分配不均,使國內基層組織能量始終無法有效建立,亦難構建成為合理的組織模型,可能阻礙未來效率之提升。
Although the activities of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) have spread all over the world, most studies still focus on the theory of NGOs or their roles in the international regime. This paper, meanwhile, has targeted to focus on the relation between NGOs and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), especially for the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.\nBy analyzing the case of the Republic of Malawi, this paper has proved that for LDCs, the NGOs have more efficiency in the mission of rescue or deliver service than that in the local government or International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) because of their flexibility. Even NGOs have reached the achievement that is mentioned above, they still have difficulty involving in LDCs’ politics or decision-making process. \nMeanwhile, the conclusion also shows that LDCs may lie on NGOs’ support too much to develop their own functions as well.
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