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題名: 新聞自律機制—台灣電視媒體建立公評人制度之可行性分析
The Mechanism of Journalistics Discipline---Analysis on the Feasibility of News Ombudsman System for Taiwan TV Media
作者: 王建雄
Chen-hshiung Wang
貢獻者: 劉幼琍
Yu-li Liu
Chen-hshiung Wang
關鍵詞: 新聞自律
News Ombudsman
Journalistic Discipline
日期: 2008
上傳時間: 8-十二月-2010
摘要: 台灣電視新聞媒體,為了追求收視率,不顧法律和道德的規範,新聞製作上強調聳動和誇張的報導,讓議題失焦,也讓民眾失去對新聞的信任。為了維持新聞的品質,過去透過政府的法令、民間團體的監督,以及新聞同業者組成自律組織,但成效不彰。近年來,有新聞專業工作者和媒體改革人士呼籲引進國外公評人制度,盼對各台新聞自律能有所提昇。\n\n 新聞公評人制度,最早概念起源於1922年的日本朝日新聞。美國也在1967年地方報中設立了第一位新聞公評人。起初,公評人都只在平面媒體中,隨著媒體的多樣化發展,目前在國外電視、廣播或是網路媒體,都有新聞公評人出現。公評人代表閱眾,除了要對內部新聞產製監督,對外要回應來自大眾的意見和批評,盼藉由新聞公評人的角色,能達到新聞品質的改善。\n\n 在國外,新聞公評人在平面媒體居多,電視頻道仍不多見。為了因應台灣各電視台未來設立新聞公評人制度,本研究將先瞭解國外各媒體公評人的職責、角色定位和執行的情形,並深度訪談台灣各電視新聞頻道,負責新聞自律的主管和製作人,從中瞭解目前國內媒體環境,並因此來建立一套台灣電視媒體公評人制度,對其可行性進行分析,提供給未來各電視新聞媒體,在聘請新聞公評人的參考。
In pursuit of high ratings, News Media in Taiwan regardless of norms of law or ethics, have overemphasized provocative and exaggerated news reports. This has given rise to the making of out-of-focus reports, which has resulted in audience’s losing confidence in the News. In the past, the way to maintain News quality was based on official regulations, on supervision from non-governmental groups and on organizations set up within the News industry to promote journalistic discipline - the problem being, it didn’t function well. In recent years, there have been many news professionals and media revolutionists calling for an adoption of the News ombudsman System, which they expect, to improve the journalistic discipline of news channels’.\n \nThe News Ombudsman System’s concept, originates from Japan`s Asahi Shimbun (the influential newspapers in Japan) in 1922. In 1967, the first news ombudsman was set up for local newspapers in United States. In the early years, the news ombudsmen only existed in the print media, but over the years has developed and moved into every facet including TV, Radio and the Internet media, all now boasting their own independent news ombudsmen. The news ombudsman represents the audience, not only for internal supervision of news productions, but also acts as a mechanism for listening to the public’s opinions and criticisms, in the hope of improving the news quality.\n \nIn foreign countries, more news ombudsmen are set for the print media. This research will collect data about the role, position and condition of news ombudsman in foreign countries, and conduct in-depth interviews with the directors and producers of TV news channels in Taiwan, to map out the future media environment in our country. According to these researches, the thesis will construct a system of the news ombudsman in Taiwan, and analyze its feasibility, which will give references to the implementation of news ombudsmen for TV news channels in the future.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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