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dc.contributor.authorTsai, Peiyuen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Peiyuen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research is intended to study the amendments of Civil Code, Article 14, Article 15, Article 15-1, Article 15-2, and Section 2 Guardianship and Assistantship over Adults of Chapter IV announced by the President on May 23, 2008, and to investigate the adult guardianship cases. Furthermore, this research chooses four advanced countries--Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States to compare and analyze their legal systems of adult guardianship. Those countries’ adult guardianship legal systems and the scholars’ viewpoint provide the following conclusions and suggestions: First, according to the underlying philosophy of respecting decision-making power of the ward, we should establish the voluntarily nominated guardian model. Secondly, the Adult Guardianship Act should be amended:(1) A definite standard for a person’s capacity of evaluation should be clarified. We can adopt the UK Mental Capacity Act 2005, the five statutory principles to help evaluate if a person lacks capacity. (2) The Act should not deprive a person of all his legal capacity, when once a person is declared incapacity by the family court. (3) The Act’s applicants should include minor guardian and civil partnership. (4) Guardians who are bankrupt will no longer be allowed to act as guardians for property and affairs but can still act as guardians for personal welfare. (5) The ward’s personal welfare decisions on serious healthcare and treatment should be put before the family court for approval. (6) The act should aim to balance an individual’s right to make decisions for themselves with their right to be protected from harm if they lack capacity to make decisions to protect themselves. (7) The guardian’s authority terminates when the guardian dies. However, a problem will arise from it. The problem is that if the guardian does not have a successor, the guardian cannot transfer the ward’s property to a new guardian. To solve the problem, adopting a successor guardian may be a good method. (8)The assistance (advisory) system:Because assistants do not have authority to take actions to ask the third person to give back the person’s property, the authority should be granted to assistants by the family court in order to protect their interests. (9) Best interests: The family court must consider the ward’s past and present wishes, feelings, beliefs and values that would be likely to influence his/her decision if he or she had capacity. Thirdly, monitoring guardian system can help adult guardianship system to operate successfully, and protect those wards. Many countries such as Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are all devoted to developing their monitoring guardian system. In taking the quality of the adult guardianship into consideration, our country should establish monitoring guardian system in the future.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents中文摘要…………………………………………….………………………I\n英文摘要…………………………………………….………………………II\n目錄…………………………………………….…………………………….III\n第一章 緒論……………………………………………………1\n第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………………….1\n第一項 研究動機………………………………………………….........1\n第二項 研究目的…………………………………………………….....6\n第二節 研究方法與範圍………………………………………………….9\n第一項 研究方法與限制……………………………………………….9\n第二項 研究範圍……………………………………………………….9\n第二章 我國之成年監護制度………………………………11\n第一節 監護制度之概說…………………………………………………11\n第一項 監護制度之演進………………………………………………11\n第二項 成年監護之基本理念…………………………………………12\n第二節 我國舊成年監護制度之問題……………………………………13\n第一項 民法相關規定…………………………………………………13\n第二項 其他相關法制之問題…………………………………………15\n第三項 小結……………………………………………………………20\n第三節 我國新成年監護制度……………………………………………20\n第一項 成年監護宣告…………………………………………………20\n第二項 輔助宣告制度…………………………………………………25\n第三項 小結……………………………………………………………29\n第三章 大陸法系之成年監護制度--以德國與日本為中心……30\n第一節 德國成年監護制度之介紹………………………………………30\n第一項 新成年監護制度修法之緣由…………………………………30\n第二項 德國新成年監護制度之概述…………………………………31\n第三項 德國新成年照護法之探討……………………………………44\n第二節 日本新成年後見制度之介紹……………………………………48\n第一項 新成年後見制度修法緣由……………………………………48\n第二項 新成年後見制度修法架構及內容……………………………49\n第三項 日本新成年監護制度之探討…………………………………71\n第三節 小結………………………………………………………………77\n第四章 英美法系之成年監護制度--以美國與英國為中心……81\n第一節 美國成年監護制度之介紹………………………………………81\n第一項 概說……………………………………………………………81\n第二項 法定監護制度…………………………………….. …….……81\n第三項 意定監護制度………………………………………. ………..85\n第四項 美國成年監護制度相關見解之探討…………………………89\n第二節 英國2005年意思能力法之介紹………………………………107\n第一項 概說………………………………………………………......107\n第二項 2005年意思能力法案架構及內容……………………….....108\n第三項 英國2005年意思能力法之實務守則………………………122\n第四項 英國2005年意思能力法之探討……………………………140\n第三節 小結……………………………………………………………..147\n第五章 我國新成年監護制度之探討………………………154\n第一節 我國新成年監護制度之問題…………………………………..154\n第一項 監護制度……………………………………………………..154\n第二項 意定監護制度………………………………………………..169\n第三項 輔助制度……………………………………………………..172\n第二節 外國成年監護制度之啟示……………………………………..180\n第六章 結論與建議…………………..................................................189\n參考書目…………………………………………………………………..202zh_TW
dc.format.extent1362076 bytes-
dc.subjectadult guardianship lawen_US
dc.subjectvoluntarily nominated guardianen_US
dc.subjectGerman adult guardianship lawen_US
dc.subjectJapan adult guardianship lawen_US
dc.subjectMental Capacity Act 2005en_US
dc.subjectUnifrom Power of Attorney Act 2006en_US
dc.titleThe study of adult guardianshipen_US
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