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dc.description.abstract本研究的主要目的在探究以想法為中心的教學設計對大學生學習歷程與知識信念的影響。本研究透過知識論壇 (Knowledge Forum,KF) —一個以知識翻新(knowledge-building)教育理念為核心所建立的數位學習平台—來記錄學生的學習歷程。研究設計採個案研究法,以一個班級為研究單位,藉由多元資料的蒐集,以深入瞭解知識翻新教學對大學生在學習歷程上的影響。研究對象為某大學修習「生活科技概論」課程之22位學生。\n資料來源包括:(1) 知識論壇上的學習筆記(note)—即學生整學期在知識論壇平台上的貼文與對話記錄;(2) 期末科技成品與影音記錄—即課程中學生所設計科技產品的期末發表; (3) 期末反思—即學生的期末學習心得; (4) 知識信念問卷(Chan & Elliott, 2004)的前後測資料。\n本研究依據資料分析結果提出以下三點主要結論: (1)協作式的知識共構活動可以幫助學生跳脫傳統以個人為中心的學習方式,並進而以集體想法交流的形式來共構知識;(2) 從學生在科技產品上的創意表現可知,學生已逐漸能體認到知識是可以被創造的,人人都有能力創造知識;(3) 學生經過一學期的知識建構過程後,在知識信念上也有部分轉變,特別是在「天賦能力」的面向上,傾向學習能力並非天賦且不可改變的觀點。\n根據上述結論,本研究在教育實務上提出以下三點建議:(1) 教師應多運用想法中心的教學設計,以培養有自主想法的學生,並藉此激勵學生積極參與學習社群中的知識共構活動;(2) 教師應將知識創造的能力視為學生學習的關鍵能力,以培養學生面對未來職場所需的競爭力;(3) 師資培育機構應注重師資培育生在知識信念上的發展,並協助其養成更具建構取向與學生中心的教學信念。\n\n關鍵詞:想法中心、電腦支援協作學習、知識翻新、知識信念、主動學習zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of idea-centered education on college students’ learning progress and change in epistemological beliefs. An online collaborative knowledge-building environment—Knowledge Forum (KF)—was employed in this study to document the process of students’ idea generation and development, as well as their belief change. This study employed a case-study design, using a college class as a unit for investigation, with multiple datasets collected to understand how knowledge building might affect students’ learning process and outcome. Participants were 22 students (16 females and 6 males) who took a course titled “Introduction to Living Technology” in a university, Taiwan. \nMajor data sources include: (1) Students’ online discourse recorded in a KF database; (2) Students’ final presentations about the technology products they designed (the presentations were videotaped); (3) An open-ended survey employed to elicit students’ reflection on what they did and learned from this course; (4) A belief questionnaire, adopted from Chan & Elliott (2004), which was administered in the beginning and at the end of the course. There were three main findings: (1) An idea-centered approach was found helpful for students to move away from individual-based learning to taking more collective responsibility in their knowledge advancement. It was found that with support of KF, students were able to engage in continuous idea exchange and improvement; (2) As evidenced in students’ performance on the design of creative technology products, it was suggested that students have gradually realized that knowledge can be created and that all humans has potential to create knowledge; (3) After doing knowledge-building for a whole semester, the participating students also shifted their’ beliefs to become less inclined to believe in inborn ability as a fixed quality.\nBuilding on the findings, this study made the following suggestions: (1) To foster student capacity for more autonomous learning and collaborative knowledge building, teachers should try to encourage students to work with ideas and to engage them in sustained idea improvement; (2) Teachers should regard knowledge creation as a key ability that students need to acquire in order to face the competitive workplace in the future; (3) Teacher education programs should pay attention to the development of students’ epistemological beliefs, and to help student develop a more constructivist-oriented and student-centered teaching beliefs.\n\nKeywords: idea-centered, CSCL, knowledge building, epistemological beliefs, active learningen_US
dc.description.tableofcontents致謝 i\n摘要 ii\nAbstract iii\n目錄 v\n圖目錄 vi\n表目錄 vii\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1\n第二節 研究問題 3\n第三節 重要名詞釋義 5\n第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 6\n第二章 文獻探討 8\n第一節 知識信念 8\n第二節 知識建構 15\n第三節 想法中心的教育 19\n第四節 電腦支援協作學習 23\n第三章 研究方法 28\n第一節 研究設計 28\n第二節 教學設計 29\n第三節 實施程序 34\n第四節 資料來源與分析 36\n第四章 研究結果與討論 46\n第一節 學生知識建構歷程的發展情形 46\n第二節 探討學生對於知識翻新的概念成長情形 53\n第三節 探討學生知識信念前後測之差異 64\n第五章 結論與建議 66\n第一節 結論 66\n第二節 建議 71\n參考文獻 75\n \n圖目錄\n圖 3 1 知識論壇的介面 31\n圖 3 2收納系列-法寶袋衣櫃正面與側面圖 42\n圖 3 3收納系列-夢幻床鋪 42\n圖 3 4奧普特屋-別墅內部圖 42\n圖 4 1想法的生命週期 57\n圖 4 2奧普特屋-地下化的立體停車空間 59\n圖 4 3知識論壇中學生知識建構的記錄 63\n \n表目錄\n表 2 1知識信念的類別和實例 12\n表 3 1生活科技概論課程大綱 33\n表 3 2學生知識建構歷程之編碼、編碼意義及舉例(N=22) 37\n表 3 3創意產品評量的分類、指標與定義 41\n表 3 4學生在「知識分享與建構」信念上的期末反思之編碼及舉例(N=22) 44\n表 4 1學生在知識論壇中的活動記錄 46\n表 4 2學生知識建構歷程的參與度相關係數矩陣 47\n表 4 3學生進行知識建構過程之統計數量(N=22) 49\n表 4 4學生知識論壇編碼的相關係數矩陣 50\n表 4 5學生知識建構歷程的參與度與知識論壇編碼的相關係數矩陣 51\n表 4 6科技產品評分者間信度 53\n表 4 7各組科技產品的功能與特色 54\n表 4 8評分者對學生科技產品的分項指標平均值與標準差 56\n表 4 9 知識論壇中停車位關鍵字的想法貼文 58\n表 4 10追蹤平台學生想法的生命週期 60\n表 4 11學生於期末在其知識信念上的轉變 61\n表 4 12學生知識信念的改變情形 65zh_TW
dc.format.extent1049518 bytes-
dc.subjectknowledge buildingen_US
dc.subjectepistemological beliefsen_US
dc.subjectactive learningen_US
dc.titleEffects of idea-centered design approach on college students’ knowledge construction and epistemological beliefen_US
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