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dc.contributor.advisorChinag, Alexen_US
dc.contributor.authorKraus, Filipen_US
dc.creatorKraus, Filipen_US
dc.description.abstractThe thesis aims to chart the historical development of Sino-Cambodian relations from 1989 to 2010; analyze the external factors in Sino-Cambodian relations; highlight the PRC’s main strategic interests in the region; analyze the measures and instruments that the PRC is applying in the region to achieve its objectives; highlight the possible impacts of Sino-Cambodian relations on the region; and chart the possible impacts on the integration process of the Southeast Asian region; predicting the course of Sino-Cambodian relations in the foreseeable future.\r\nHistorically, the PRC government supported the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) and Sihanouk’s royalists in their struggle against the People’s Republic of Kampuchea. The PRC government approach changed after the elections in May 1993 and Sino-CPP relations were further strengthened to such an extent that they ranged from political, economic and military cooperation, to cultural exchanges. \r\nExternal factors such as the Southeast Asia integration process, the Chinese Community living in Cambodia, and the CPP’s close historical ties with Vietnam are currently playing important roles in Sino-Cambodian relations. \r\nThe main strategic interests behind China’s relationship with Cambodia are to maintain and reinforce the PRC’s strategic position in the region, counter US influence, strengthen its own position and security within Southeast Asia, and create a peaceful and stable environment in the region that would enable China to focus on its economic development. \r\nThe PRC is using diplomatic, economic, military and informational means to achieve objectives that contribute not only to its own national security, but also to its economy. Recently, the PRC government has relied on a bilateral rather than multilateral approach.\r\nChina’s “peaceful growth” will create a stable, peaceful environment in the region, and its economic engagement in Southeast Asia will have a positive impact on the regional economy. \r\nIt is likely to be that Sino-Cambodian relations will remain good in the foreseeable future.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsDedication i\r\nAbstract ii\r\nTable of Contents iii\r\nList of Charts and Tablets iv\r\nList of Abbreviations v\r\nMap 1: Cambodia in Southeast Asian viii\r\nTimeline of Cambodian History after 1953 ix\r\nChapter 1 Introduction 1\r\nChapter 2 Sino-Cambodian Relations Before 1989 29\r\nChapter 3 Historical Development of Political and Diplomatic Cooperation in Sino-Cambodian Relations after 1989 42\r\nChapter 4 Sino-Cambodian Economic Cooperation 76\r\nChapter 5 Sino-Cambodian Military and Security Cooperation 94\r\nChapter 6 Other Factors in the Sino-Cambodian Relations 109\r\nChapter 7 People’s Republic of China - Strategic Interests in the Region - Measures and Instruments 138\r\nChapter 8 Conclusion 153\r\nReferences: 160zh_TW
dc.subjectChina and Cambodia Relationsen_US
dc.title中國和柬埔寨關係 (1989-2010)zh_TW
dc.titleThe Sino-Cambodian relations (1989-2010)en_US
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