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dc.contributor.advisorHong, Huang Yaoen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yu Huien_US
dc.creatorChang, Yu Huien_US
dc.description.abstract在知識社會裡,想法的生成是創新的原動力。如何培養學生提想法與翻新想法的能力、以及與他人協作並共構知識以激發團隊創造力,將是產生創新思考人才與促進未來社會進步的重要關鍵。本研究的目的在探究知識翻新學習對團隊創造力的影響。為協助學生進行協作與共創,本研究運用知識翻新(knowledge-building)教育理念(Scardamalia, 2002),並輔以「知識論壇」(knowledge Forum™)線上學習平台,作為教學與研究的環境。研究對象為某國立大學修習生活科技課程之大學生(N=30)。資料來源包括: (1) Besemer (1998)所編的創意產品分析量表(Creative Product Analysis Matrix);(2)平台互動資料;(3)線上協作的討論內容;(4)創意氛圍量表(Creative Climate Questionnaire )(吳靜吉和曾敬梅,2002);與(5) 創意生活經驗量表(吳靜吉、陳淑惠、李慧賢、郭俊賢、王文中和劉鶴龍,1996)。\n研究結果如下: (1)在團隊產品上,本研究比較學生在課程中所共創的十項產品與坊間有類似屬性之產品,結果發現學生普遍能提出有趣的創新構想。這些構想亦多能反應知識翻新的理念;(2)在協作歷程上,本研究發現學生均能在平台上進行密集的貼文、閱讀、與回文。顯示學生在社群裡並非只是被動閱讀文章,也能在平台上主動進行想法的分享、交流與激盪;內容分析—使用修改自Gunawardena, Lowe 和 Anderson (1997) 的互動分析模式(Interaction Analysis Model) 編碼—亦發現想法交流在知識共構階段上有顯著成長;(3)在團隊氛圍上,本研究也與台灣研究生(N=703)及瑞典中小企業員工(N=245)在創意氛圍量表的施測成績上進行比較,結果發現本研究的研究對象有六項因素優於上述二個參照團體的常模平均值。此六項因素分別為「玩興/幽默」、「想法支持」、「生動活潑」、「辯論」、「信任/開放」、和「自由」。此結果顯示,作為一個以想法為中心的知識翻新學習環境,知識論壇確實有助於提供學生較開放自在的討論環境,促使學生表達多元觀點,並透過知識分享以翻新彼此的看法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge building pedagogy and Knowledge forum (KF) technology on groups’ collaborative and creative processes in a college class. Participants were 30 college students who took a university course about living technologies. Data sources and analyses included: (1) students’ online activities, recorded in a KF database, which was assessed using descriptive statistics, (2) students’ online discourse data which were content-analyzed using Interaction Analysis Model (Gunawardena, Lowe & Anderson, 1997); (3) groups’ technology products which was peer-assessed using a survey called “Creative Product Analysis Matrix” (Besemer, 1998); and (4) “Creative Climate Questionnaire (CCQ)” (Tseng & Wu, 2000; Ekvall, 1987) which was adopted to evaluate the characteristics of Knowledge Forum being a creative learning environment. After 18 weeks of knowledge building, the findings indicated enhanced performance in terms of three dimensions of group creativity (i.e., product, process, and place): (1) first, in terms of product, in this study, students developed ten technology products by means of initially proposing original ideas and then progressively improving them, with the guidance of a set of 12 knowledge building principles. The results showed that students were able to propose novel and useful technology products; (2) in terms of process, findings based on content analysis showed that students could creatively work with their ideas while opportunistically collaborating with others both within and beyond groups; and (3) in terms of place, the results based on the CCQ suggested that, of all 10 factors that characterize a creative environment, six of them, including playfulness/humor, idea support, liveliness, debate, trust/openness, and freedom, were rated much superior than the means of two other reference/comparison groups—Taiwanese graduate students (n=703) and Swedish company employees (n=245). To conclude, the results showed that an idea-centered knowledge-building environment was helpful for students to become more engaged in generating, exchanging, and co-elaborating ideas while debating, collaborating and discussing with one another in an environment that is conducive to group creativity.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents謝誌 i\n摘要 ii\n目錄 v\n表目錄 vi\n圖目錄 vii\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1\n第二節 研究問題 3\n第三節 重要名詞釋義 4\n第四節 研究範圍與限制 5\n 第二章 文獻探討 7\n 第一節 團隊創造力 7\n 第二節 社群協作 12\n 第三節 電腦支援協作學習與創造力教學 16\n 第四節 以想法為中心之知識翻新學習 19\n 第三章 研究方法 24\n 第一節 研究設計與教學設計 24\n 第二節 學習環境 28\n 第三節 實施程序 30\n 第四節 資料來源與分析 31\n 第四章 研究結果分析 43\n 第一節 團隊產品之創意評估 43\n 第二節 知識翻新學習之團體協作歷程 55\n 第三節 知識翻新學習環境評估 67\n 第五章 結論與建議\n 第一節 結論 74\n 第二節 建議 77\n 參考書目 81zh_TW
dc.subjectknowledge buildingen_US
dc.subjectgroup creativityen_US
dc.titleThe effects of idea-centered knowledge building on group creativityen_US
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