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題名: 兩岸比較視野下的中國政治發展:國家對社經變遷的控制與調適-總計畫暨子計畫一:多重緩衝下的中共黨內民主:鞏固黨的領導的工具或民主化的媒介?
其他題名: Intra-Party Democracy with Multiple Buffers in China: an Instrument of Consolidating the Leading Role of the Ccp or a Carrier of Democratization?
作者: 寇健文;冷則剛
貢獻者: 行政院國家科學委員會
關鍵詞: 中共;黨內民主;基層選舉;一黨統治;一元化領導;後極權主義
日期: 2011
上傳時間: 14-十一月-2011
摘要: 在整合計畫中,本子計畫的角色是勾勒出中共面對社經變遷時,後極權主義的特性如何塑造中共採取的政治路徑選項。1980年代起,中共推動基層選舉,一度給予外界高度期望,認為它們將成為民主化的平台。如今中共把「基層群眾自治制度」納入中國特色政治制度的範疇,但停止鄉鎮長選舉試點,遏止基層選舉向上發展的可能性。同時,中共把政治體制改革的重心轉移到黨內民主。若是如此,如何解釋中共阻止基層選舉向上延伸,卻又進行黨內民主試點呢?黨內民主是鞏固「黨的領導」的工具或走向民主化的媒介?本計畫認為,黨內民主是中共回應社經壓力的產物,為典型的「既控制又調適」策略。當中共必須增強由下而上的參與、提高競爭程度、改善監督效能時,黨內民主對一黨統治的衝擊比基層選舉小。主因是後者隱含對黨外競爭的有限包容,前者則沒有此一顧慮,不會發生溢出效果。這是後極權主義特性對中共政治軌跡的第一層影響。其次,中共對黨內民主試點採取「分層緩衝」的措施,兼納由下而上的參與需求,又減緩對黨內從上至下的一元化領導。這是後極權主義特性對中共發展軌跡的第二層影響。本計畫將參照台灣轉型經驗,來回答中共黨內民主是否是民主化媒介的問題。過去的國民黨和中共都是列寧式政黨。台灣轉型過程中,地方選舉是民主化平台,讓反對力量宣傳理念、動員支持者。當時國民黨在黨內民主的建樹不多,維持從上而下的決策體質。由此可見,中共的黨內民主可能是鞏固「黨的領導」的工具,不易出現溢出效果。本計畫利用現有文獻整理台灣轉型過程與原委,解釋兩岸發展軌跡差異的問題,但不會對台灣進行一手資料分析。
The purpose of this project is to outline how the post-totalitarian attribute of the Chinese party-state shapes the trajectory of political development in China in the reform era. For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), “intra-party democracy” and “grass-root democratic elections” represent two different political options. Since the late 1990s, the CCP has encouraged local leaders to adopt various kinds of reform trials on “intra-party democracy” while contained the adoption of “grass-root democratic elections” to a higher administrative level. By making this decision, the CCP wants to protect one-party rule from the threat of public contestation, revealing the impact of post-totalitarianism. In addition, only those reform trials of “intra-party democracy” which are consistent with the top-down centralized commanding system in the CCP can be sustainable and be adopted wider in regional scopes and higher at administrative levels. This also demonstrates the effect of post-totalitarian attribute on China’s political trajectory. Accordingly, this project attempts to argue that “intra-party democracy” is an instrument of consolidating the CCP’s grasp on power, rather than a carrier of democratic value. In order to present the unique characteristics of the Chinese case, this project will compare and contrast it with Taiwan. However, the Taiwanese case will be primarily a study on the existing literature while the Chinese case will widely use first-hand materials.
關聯: 基礎研究
研究期間:10001~ 10012
資料類型: report

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