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dc.contributor.authorLu, Chen Shinen_US
dc.creatorLu, Chen Shinen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文重要的目的,瞭解捷克轉型正義的特色與淨化法的施行。捷克轉型正義,發生在蘇聯解體、中東歐國家政治、經濟轉型的脈絡下。去共化和處理過去共遺緒問題,是中東歐國家轉型正義的重要任務,淨化法在如此政治環境下產生。捷克的淨化政策,由於國內政治非制度淨化,加上民主選舉過程,導致黑函滿天飛,所造成嚴重的政治問題,因而訂定的立法規範。這樣的背景下,淨化政策是一種特殊、臨時的政策工具。反映出當時轉型政治所面臨的困難,以及共黨政治轉型到民主政治之間,體系轉換的矛盾。此外,淨化政策也代表,當時捷克政治環境危機的解決方式。回到歷史的脈絡下來看,淨化政策是一種人事改革的手段,也是推動整體改革的基礎。解構舊有的權力結構,讓新民主有機會發展。\n 淨化政策在施行上,仍有許多爭議,包括可能侵害個人政治權力,以及被認為是一種對於共黨的報復手段,但淨化政策最重要的目標,是為建立特殊時期的改革基礎,也沒有具體的資料顯示,淨化政策會造成政治民主發展的傷害,相反的,淨化政策的施行得當,對於新民主的發展是有助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe most important purpose of this thesis is to understand the characteristics of the Czech transitional justice and Lustration Law. The Czech, as a Central and Eastern European countries, transitional justice occurred in the Post-Soviet with the political, economic restructuring context. Both \"de-communism\" and \"the dealing with the past\" is important task of the Transitional Justice in Central and Eastern European countries, and the Lustration Law implement in this background. Czech Lustration Law is result from wild lustration, because of democratic electoral system, leading to blackmail over the place, caused a serious political problem. Therefore, the legislators decided to make the law. Based on the above, the Lustration Law is a special, temporary policy tool. The situation reflects the challenges of political transition, and the communist political transition to a democratic system, is facing tremendous contradiction. In addition, the Lustration policy also represents a solution choice of the Czech political environment crisis. Lustration policy is a kind of a personnel reform policy, and promotes the overall reform. Destroy the former power structure, so that the new democracy has a chance to develop.\nExamining the Lustration policy, there is a lot of controversy. Including it may infringe the personal political right, and it’s considered as retaliation to the former political elite. However, the Lustration policies the most important goal is to establish the basis of a special period of reform. There is no specific evidence to show that Lustration Law will result in damage to the development of political democracy. On the other hand, lustration policy is implemented appropriately; it would be beneficial for the development of new democracy.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論..............................................1\n第一節 研究動機與目的......................................2\n第二節 研究方法、途徑、範圍與限制............................4\n第三節 文獻回顧..........................................10\n第四節 章節安排..........................................20\n\n第二章 轉型正義意涵.......................................22\n第一節 概念界定..........................................22\n第二節 淨化法與轉型正義....................................35\n第三節 中東歐國家轉型正義..................................39\n第四節 小結.............................................54\n \n第三章 捷克淨化法的制訂與施行...............................55\n第一節 捷克轉型正義.......................................56\n第二節 淨化法立法背景與制訂.................................65\n第三節 淨化法內容與施行 ...................................70\n第四節 小結..............................................78\n \n第四章 捷克淨化法的成效與爭議...............................81\n第一節 淨化法的成效.......................................81\n第二節 淨化法的爭議.......................................97\n第三節 與斯洛伐克的比較...................................117\n第四節 小結.............................................124\n\n第五章 結論.............................................126\n第一節 結論.............................................126\n第二節 未來研究建議......................................134\n\n附錄一 捷克淨化政策相關年表................................136\n附錄二 捷克《淨化法》.....................................138\n附錄三 捷克《共黨政權非法性及對其反抗法案》...................148\n附錄四 赫爾辛基對捷克提出的備忘錄...........................151\n參考書目................................................162\n\n表目錄\n表1-3.1中東歐各國淨化政策一覽表…………………………….…..49\n表3-3.1捷克在1992年與1996年大選的主要政黨得票率………...78\n表3-4.1布拉格之春受難人數………………………………………...79\n表4-1.1聯邦議會 72位支持法案議員,提及淨化政策目標的比…..83\n表4-1.2捷克淨化政策評估1991-2001………………………………..89\n表4-1.3捷克淨化政策目標實現的影響因素………………………….90\n表4-1.4中東歐國家淨化政策與民主關係…………………………….95\n表4-1.5中東歐國家自由狀況………………………………………….95\n表4-1.6中東歐國家施行淨化政策進程……………………………….96\n表4-2.1捷克受淨化成員的政治意識(是否具有黨員身分)……….107zh_TW
dc.subjectTransitional Justice in the Czechen_US
dc.subjectLustration Lawen_US
dc.subjectTransitional Justice in Post-Communist Europeen_US
dc.subjectTransitional Justiceen_US
dc.titleA study of transitional justice and lustration law in the Czech Republicen_US
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