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dc.contributor.advisorYu, Hsueh Yingen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Tsi Chuenen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Tsi Chuenen_US
dc.description.abstract句子的主題具備了串連訊息、引導文句發展的重要功能,然而資料顯示許多外語學習者常因為使用不適當的主題而影響語句的連貫性以及文章的流暢度。本研究透過觀察台灣高中生記敘文的主題類型,分析其在高、中、低分群學生文章中的使用情形來了解主題的選用對文章連貫性以及整體作文品質的影響。\n 本研究分成初步試驗以及正式研究兩階段,在初步試驗階段我們建立了分析的架構。在正式研究階段,我們採集111位高三學生於課堂上完成的記敘文並交由兩位經過訓練的閱卷老師進行評分,最後結果產生高、中、低分三組學生作文,接著再從每一組的文章中各抽樣10份進行主題類型之分析研究。\n 分析結果顯示,三組學生作文的主題類型及出現頻率大致雷同,整體而言,學生最喜好使用非標記的名詞主題,卻最少使用標記的分詞+名詞主題。然而進一步分析三組的主題發展情形,卻發現有顯著的組別差異,以高分群為例,其主題多具備銜接上文或有利推進文意的背景資料文字,相較之下,中等或低分群的作文比較容易出現和上下文不相關或中斷文意發展的新主題。\n 根據本研究的發現,我們建議在英語作文課中介紹句子主題的概念,幫助學生熟悉其類型和功能,期使學生能在記敘文文章中正確使用主題來達到語句連貫,文意流暢的溝通目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTheme plays a significant role in guiding the information flow in text. Nonetheless, there is evidence indicating that many EFL learners often fail to make good choices of theme to secure sentential relationship or writing coherence. \n Through the observation on the occurrences and distribution of theme types in three levels of student compositions: the high, the middle and the low-rated narratives, the present study aims to investigate the establishment of theme in Taiwanese senior high school students’ narratives in order to gain understanding of theme’s effect on writing coherence and writing quality. \n The entire study consists of a pilot study and a formal one. The pilot study helps establish the criteria for the main study. In the main study, 111 student compositions were gathered and two raters were recruited and trained for the rating. Based on the rating system, the student compositions are divided into 3 levels. 10 samples from each level were randomly selected for thematic analysis. \n The result shows that the occurrences and distribution of theme types in the three levels of writing are alike. In general, unmarked NP theme is the most favored by all the students and marked theme Non-fi C + NP is the least desirable. Nonetheless, in terms of the establishment of theme, there are major differences between groups. In particular, the high-rated essays tend to establish a theme that is connected to the theme or the rheme in the preceding discourse or provides background information for the development of the event. In contrast, the mid-or low-rated essays are more likely to establish a theme that is unrelated or disruptive to the progression of the current discourse. Based on the findings of the present study, it is suggested that the notion of theme including its features and functions be incorporated into the teaching of English compositions to help Taiwanese senior high school students identify the characteristics of coherent writing and facilitate coherence in their English narratives.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsAcknowledgements iii\nChinese Abstract ix\nEnglish Abstract xi\nChapter One: Introduction 1\nBackground and Motivation 1\nPurpose of the Study 4\nResearch Questions 5\nSignificance of the Study 5\nChapter Two: Literature Review 7\nTheme and Rheme 7\nThe Combining Approach 8\nThe Separating Approach 10\nThe Realization of Theme 11\nThe Function of Theme 15\nTheme Types 20\nUnmarked Theme 21\nMarked Theme 22\nMarked themes of special construction 23\nWh-cleft 23\nAnticipatory it 23\nExistential there 24\nThematized complements and objects 24\nThematized adjuncts 25\n\nTheme Types in Narrative 25\nTheme Types in Taiwanese Students’ Writing 26\nChapter Three: Methodology 31\nPilot Study 31\nThe Writing Task 32\nAnalytical Framework 33\nThe Identification of Theme Types 33\nThe Establishment of Theme 37\nFormal Study 39\nParticipants 40\nAdministering the Writing Task 40\nTraining for Inter-Rater Reliability 40\nScoring Student Compositions 42\nChapter Four: Results and Discussion 43\nTheme Types in the Students’ Narratives 43\nFrequencies of Theme Types 43\nThe Establishment of Theme in the Students’ Narratives 46\nCategories of NP Theme 46\nDevelopment of NP Theme in the Data 47\nCategories of PP + NP Theme 52\nDevelopment of PP + NP Theme in the Data 53\nCategories of Adv + NP Theme 56\nDevelopment of Adv + NP Theme in the Data 57\nCategories of Conj + NP Theme 60\nDevelopment of Conj + NP Theme in the Data 61\n\nCategories of Adv C + NP Theme 64\nDevelopment of Adv C + NP Theme in the Data 65\nCategories of Non-fi C + NP Theme 67\nDevelopment of Non-fi C + NP Theme in the Data 68\nSummary 70\nChapter Five: Pedagogical Implications 73\nIdentification of Theme-Rheme Structure 73\nTheme Use on the Discourse Level 75\nTheme in Narrative 79\nSuggestions for the Establishment of Unmarked Theme 80\nSuggestions for the Establishment of Marked Theme 81\nChapter Six: Conclusion 83\nSummary of the Major Findings 83\nComparisons with the Previous Studies 86\nSignificance of the Present Study 87\nLimitations of the Present Study 89\nSuggestions for Future Research 89\nReferences 91\nAppendices 97\nAppendix A: The Writing Task 97\nAppendix B: The Rubric for Rating 98zh_TW
dc.subjecttheme-rheme structureen_US
dc.subjectinformation systemen_US
dc.subjecttheme typesen_US
dc.subjectword orderen_US
dc.subjectwriting coherenceen_US
dc.subjectdiscourse studyen_US
dc.titleA study on theme types in Taiwanese senior high school students` narrativesen_US
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