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題名: 群聚效應對文化創意產業發展的貢獻:以華山1914文化創意產業園區為例
Contribution of clusters to cultural industries: the case study of Huashan1914 creative park
作者: 周凌霄
貢獻者: 童振源
關鍵詞: 群聚效應
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 1-Nov-2012
摘要: 在過去的產業發展經驗中,廠商群聚發展的模式常常是很重要的一個考量,透過群聚能夠產生降低交易成本、整合產業鏈、人才的相互流通等諸多效益,然而隨著時代與環境的變遷,創意慢慢成為廠商或者產業的競爭基礎。這樣的知識經濟時代來臨加上文化創意產業(簡稱文創產業)在各國興起,而為了能夠讓文創產業有適合的發展環境,文創產業的發展與規劃就必須借鏡過去產業發展的經驗,在台灣甚至很多其他國家都選擇以文化創意產業園區(簡稱文創園區)的方式輔導文創產業的發展,因為群聚的模式對過去產業發展是有貢獻的。\n\n台灣目前所規劃的五大文創園區中位在台北市的華山園區是起步最早的一個,目前由台灣文創公司經營,而針對華山園區也有很多質疑的聲音,包括華山經營得太過商業化,甚至排除很多創作者在華山發展的機會等,儘管如此廠商集中群聚在華山園區內部仍然能夠分享到群聚所造成的各種幫助。\n\n透過訪談與文獻分析發現,華山園區的群聚效應對於園內廠商的貢獻有四:\n(1)華山園區形成並提供跨界合作的平台,園區內的廠商透過跨界的交流與合作促成更多創新。\n(2)華山園區開始形成一個文創品牌以後,除了透過高知名度吸引更多顧客以外,也辦理主題性的活動來吸引廠商所需要的目標族群,達成市場區隔。\n(3)華山園區能促進人才交流與流動的發生,這樣的過程將有助於廠商的創新行為,在人才培育上華山預期在未來的BOT旗艦中心能有更積極的作為。\n(4)華山園區能夠讓廠商與顧客接觸,進一步使組織的知識與顧客互動結合產生如何做(know how)的知識,並且再次透過園區來讓這些知識能夠累積、傳承。
From past industrial experiences, clusters are considered not only to cut firms’ cost but also integrate their supply chains and other favorable effects. Creativity becomes the base of competition over time and cultural industries had grown up in many countries. In order to make a favorable environment for cultural industries, past industrial experiences are needed because of the big contribution of clusters to past industries. And the cultural industrial cluster mode is not only adopted in Taiwan but also in many other countries. \n\n There are 5 cultural industrial clusters in Taiwan. Huashan1914 Creative Park, the first one which was established. Even if there are some criticisms of the park such as about over commercialized operating and artists are crowded out. However, firms in the park shared advantages from this cluster in many ways.\n\nContributions of clusters to cultural industries in Huashan1914 Creative Park’s case can be summed up through literature review and interviews. There are 4 items: \n(1) Huashan1914 Creative Park offers a platform that firms and individuals share their ideas on it. The ideas on the platform are interdisciplinary. Moreover, the platform also stimulates collaborations and brings more innovations.\n(2) Since Huashan1914 Creative Park becomes a brand name, it attracts more customers by its high profile and also distinguishes the target customers from the public for firms in the park by holding events. \n(3) Huashan1914 Creative Park stimulates people to interact with each other and it’s also helpful to firms’ innovations. Moreover, Huashan1914 Creative Park is looking forward to making bigger and more contributions of talent cultivation after it finishes the BOT building.\n(4) The firms combine their organizational knowledge with the experiences of talking and interacting with customers in Huashan1914 Creative Park, thus the firms have their know how knowledge. And firms cumulate and create much knowledge by the park once again.
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資料類型: thesis
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