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題名: 臺灣無線電視數位轉換與實施政策之探討-以美國和英國經驗為鑑
Digital Terrestrial TV Switchover Policy in Taiwan: Lessons from the United States and the United Kingdom
作者: 黃燕蘭
Ng Yen Lan
貢獻者: 劉幼琍
Liu, Yu-Li
Ng Yen Lan
關鍵詞: 無線電視
Terrestrial Television
DTT Switchover Policy
日期: 2011
上傳時間: 3-Dec-2012
摘要: 無線電視的電波頻率具公共財特徵,在電視數位化扮演火車頭的角色,期許它將帶動和促進數位整體產業經濟發展。世界各國在無線電視數位轉換政策和發展均由政府主導並規劃強制性的時程與實施策略。電視數位轉換工程浩大,大部分國家在實際推動無線電視數位轉換之進程並不如預期順利,尤其數位無線電視電波訊號的涵蓋率和數位電視的普及率攸關民眾能否繼續收視和享受無線電視節目與服務,因此除了建置數位改善站和進行民眾宣導與教育之外,政府亦推出數位機上盒的補助措施,針對需要人士提供補助以維護民眾的收視權益,減輕數位轉換政策給民眾帶來的負擔與經濟壓力。\r\n\r\n數位轉換後所釋出的無線電頻譜-數位紅利,若有效運用這些頻譜資源不但有助於增加國庫,更有潛在發展不同類型的資通訊服務,因此政府積極導引無線電視數位轉換的政策與發展方向以有利於電視產業在數位時代的的競爭優勢。臺灣推動數位轉換多年,終於於2012年6月30日,五家無線電視正式全面數位化。本研究主要以最早推出數位電視的美國和英國的無線電視數位轉換與實施政策之經驗為鑑,採用文獻分析和深度訪談之研究方法,分別探討分析美國、英國和臺灣無線電視數位轉換相關政策、實施措施和推行的作法,進而提出各國在相關政策所面對的考驗和對策,並提出可供臺灣借鑑之處。\r\n\r\n類比訊號關閉在數位轉換只係一個過程,並不是終點。因此,政府在無線電視數位化後的後續相關發展政策和目標願景包括數位紅利和空白頻譜之使用應該更加以縝密研擬。依據臺灣無線電視數位轉換與實施政策之分析和評估,本研究針對臺灣未來在推動相關數位無線電視發展之政策提出建議包括:(一) 釐清第二梯次數位無線電視政策方向與目標、(二) 保護少數民族或弱勢族群收視權益和追尋媒體多元化與文化多樣化、 (三) 適時修法,迎合時下趨勢、 (四) 建議建構水平分工的產業結構、 以及 (五) 積極推動高畫質數位內容發展。
Terrestrial television uses spectrum so it has the characteristics of the public good. Thus, terrestrial TV should play a leading role in the process of digital television switchover which thereby stimulated the development of national economy as a whole. The government was a key driver in DTT switchover through careful development policy to schedule analogue switch-off date and implementation strategy to meet the objectives. Without a doubt, this is a huge project evidenced by how the implementation process of the DTT switchover has not been smooth and successful as expected for most countries. Particularly in enhancing the reception of the DTV signal, where the transition requires that DTT transmission infrastructure to be built out to provide universal coverage. In addition, comprehensive public awareness and education campaign have been carried out. The government also has to provide digital set-top box equipment subsidies to meet the demand in order to maintain public good and reduce the burden brought about the DTT switchover policy. \r\n\r\nThe digital dividend radio spectrum was released through the transition from analogue to digital by TV broadcasters. This digital dividend has potential benefits to increase the state treasury as a result of licensing. It will also foster the introduction and development of new communication services. Thus, the government wishes to see a DTT platform and competitive advantage continuity in this digital era. As in many countries, the Taiwan government’s aggressive promotion of its DTT switchover policy had succeeded the migration and fully digitized the five terrestrial broadcasters on June 30, 2012. This paper mainly studies the DTT switchover policy in Taiwan and the lessons learned from the United States and the United Kingdom. Literature analysis and in-depth interview were conducted as the research methodologies. \r\n\r\nAnalogue switch-off was one of the digital switchover processes, but it is not the end. Thus, in the next section in developing the perspective policy of DTT objective of the use of digital dividend spectrum and white spaces need to be more meticulous. As mentioned above, based on the DTT switchover and implementation policy, analysis for the future DTT development, the study recommends: (1) The 2nd stage of DTT’s license allocation should be necessary to clarify expectations related to policy objectives, and resolve statutes that conflict with limitations. (2) Protection the public good of national ethnic minority and underprivileged groups, with the pursuit of media pluralism and cultural diversity. (3) Amendments and reviews the law, regulations, standards and practices in a timely manner to adapt to changes in trends for future promotion of policies related to DTT development. (4) To build a vertically integrated DTT industry structure. (5) To actively promote HDTV content development.
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