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題名: 論安理會決議之法律效力
On the Legal Force of Security Council Resolution
作者: 楊天立
Yang, Jimmy T.L.
貢獻者: 陳純一
Chen, Chun I
Yang, Jimmy T.L.
關鍵詞: 安理會決議
Security Council Resolution
Legal Force
Binding Force
Legislative Role of Security Council
Judicial Review of Security Council Resolution
日期: 2011
上傳時間: 4-Feb-2013
摘要: 一些著名案件與決議在學術界引起對安理會決議性質的熱烈辯論,其中包括國際法院勞特派特在波士尼亞種族滅絕案的個別意見、前南斯拉夫國際法庭的塔迪奇案以及歐盟法院的卡迪案,以及安理會決議第1373號與第1540號。本論文提供討論這些案件與決議的相關議題的一般架構。本論文主張可以用更精確的方式定義安理會決議的法律效力以及安理會的立法功能。本論文所檢視的範圍超過上述案件與決議,嘗試捕捉自冷戰結束以來安理會權力擴張趨勢的一般意義,並指出決議做為國際法的一項淵源的可能性。
Several prominent cases and resolutions elicit hot debates on the characters of Security Council resolution in academia. These include ICJ in seperate opinion of Lauterpacht on Bosnia Genoocide case, ICTY in Tadic case, ECJ in Kadi case, and Security Council resolution 1373 and 1540. The thesis provides a general framework to discuss \nthe relevent issues in those cases and resolutions. It argues that legal force of Security Council resolution \nand legislative role of Security Council can be defined in a more refined way. Its investigation went byond the above cases and resolutions, trying to catch the general implications of the trend of expansion of Security Council`s power since the end of the Cold War, by indicating the potential of the resolutions as one of the sources of international law.
參考文獻: 參考資料\n\n一、 條約與權威文件\n\n1. 條約與條約草案\n\n《公民權利和政治權利公約》\n\n《加弗納斯島協定》\n\n《全面性恐怖主義公約草案》\n\n《防止與懲罰種族滅絕罪公約》\n\n《制止向恐怖主義提供資助的國際公約》\n\n《制止非法劫持航空器蒙特利公約》\n\n《保護戰爭受害者各項日內瓦公約》\n\n《保護戰爭受害者各項日內瓦公約》的《第二附加議定書》\n\n《美洲人權公約》\n\n《國家對國際不法行為的責任》,最終版,A/RES/56/83, Annex, 28 January 2002.\n\n《國際軍事法庭憲章》\n\n《國際刑事法院羅馬規約》\n\n《國際組織的責任條款草案》,2011年版,A/66/10\n\n《陸戰法規和慣例》(1907年10月18日海牙第四公約)\n\n《陸戰法規和慣例》的《公約附件 陸戰法律和慣例章程》\n\n《維也納條約法公約》\n\n《歐洲人權公約》的《保護人權與基本自由公約》\n\n《歐洲人權公約》的《第一議定書》\n\n《歐體條約》\n\n《聯合國憲章》\n\n2. 安理會決議\n\nS/RES/1 (1946) 軍事參謀團\n\nS/RES/8 (1946) 吸收新會員國:阿富汗,冰島,瑞典\n\nS/RES/9 (1946) 國際法院\n\nS/RES/18 (1947) 軍備:調節與裁減\n\nS/RES/22 (1947) 科府海峽事件\n\nS/RES/27 (1947) 印尼問題\n\nS/RES/52 (1948) 原子能:國際控制\n\nS/RES/54 (1948) 巴勒斯坦問題\n\nS/RES/68 (1949) 軍備:調節與裁減\n\nS/RES/74 (1949) 原子能:國際管制\n\nS/RES/77 (1949) 戰略防區之託管\n\nS/RES/78 (1949) 戰略防區之託管\n\nS/RES/82 (1950) 大韓民國遭受侵略之控訴\n\nS/RES/83 (1950) 大韓民國遭受侵略之控訴\n\nS/RES/84 (1950) 大韓民國遭受侵略之控訴\n\nS/RES/216 (1965) 南羅德西亞\n\nS/RES/217 (1965) 南羅德西亞局勢問題\n\nS/RES/221 (1966) 南羅德西亞局勢問題\n\nS/RES/232 (1966) 南羅德西亞局勢問題\n\nS/RES/253 (1968) 南羅德西亞局勢問題\n\nS/RES/255 (1968) 保障防止核武器擴散條約非核武器當事國之措施問題\n\nS/RES/264 (1969) 納米比亞局勢\n\nS/RES/276 (1970) 納米比亞局勢\n\nS/RES/279 (1970) 中東局勢\n\nS/RES/286 (1970) 商用飛機劫持事件日增所造成之情事\n\nS/RES/541 (1983) 賽普勒斯\n\nS/RES/579 (1985) 綁架人質\n\nS/RES/618 (1988) 譴責劫持和綁架人質行為\n\nS/RES/635 (1989) 塑膠炸藥或薄片炸藥加添標記以利偵測\n\nS/RES/638 (1989) 人質扣留\n\nS/RES/678 (1990) 伊拉克-科威特間局勢\n\nS/RES/687 (1991) 伊拉克-科威特間局勢\n\nS/RES/688 (1991) 伊拉克\n\nS/RES/713 (1991) 南斯拉夫社會主義聯邦共和國\n\nS/RES/731 (1992) 利比亞問題\n\nS/RES/748 (1992) 利比亞局勢\n\nS/RES/777 (1992) 前南斯拉夫的馬其頓共和國局勢\n\nS/RES/787 (1992) 波士尼亞和黑塞哥維那局勢\n\nS/RES/808 (1993) 前南斯拉夫的馬其頓共和國局勢\n\nS/RES/810 (1993) 柬埔寨局勢\n\nS/RES/824 (1993) 波士尼亞和黑塞哥維那局勢\n\nS/RES/827 (1993) 前南斯拉夫的馬其頓共和國局勢\n\nS/RES/883 (1993) 利比亞局勢\n\nS/RES/912 (1994) 盧旺達局勢\n\nS/RES/918 (1994) 盧旺達局勢\n\nS/RES/929 (1994) 盧旺達局勢\n\nS/RES/935 (1994) 盧旺達局勢\n\nS/RES/940 (1994) 海地問題\n\nS/RES/955 (1994) 盧旺達局勢\n\nS/RES/981 (1995) 前南斯拉夫的馬其頓共和國局勢\n\nS/RES/984 (1995) 關於安全保證的提案\n\nS/RES/990 (1995) 克羅地亞局勢\n\nS/RES/1189 (1998) 和平與安全–肯雅和坦桑尼亞\n\nS/RES/1244 (1999) 南斯拉夫科索沃局勢\n\nS/RES/1261 (1999) 兒童和武裝衝突\n\nS/RES/1265 (1999) 武裝衝突中保護平民\n\nS/RES/1267 (1999) 阿富汗局勢:制裁塔利班\n\nS/RES/1269 (1999) 消除國際恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1296 (2000) 武裝衝突中保護平民\n\nS/RES/1308 (2000) 愛滋病毒/愛滋病\n\nS/RES/1314 (2000) 兒童與武裝衝突\n\nS/RES/1325 (2000) 婦女與和平與安全\n\nS/RES/1326 (2000) 南斯拉夫聯盟共和國加入聯合國\n\nS/RES/1327 (2000) 和平行動問題小組的報告\n\nS/RES/1333 (2000) 阿富汗局勢:制裁塔利班\n\nS/RES/1353 (2001) 加強與部隊派遣國合作\n\nS/RES/1366 (2001) 預防武裝衝突:安理會的作用\n\nS/RES/1368 (2001) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1373 (2001) 國際合作防止恐怖主義行為\n\nS/RES/1374 (2001) 安哥拉局勢:制裁監測機制\n\nS/RES/1377 (2001) 全球努力打擊恐怖主義的宣言\n\nS/RES/1379 (2001) 兒童與武裝衝突\n\nS/RES/1390 (2002) 反恐怖主義:制裁本‧拉丹和“基地”組織\n\nS/RES/1431 (2002) 盧旺達法庭和前南法庭:修改規約\n\nS/RES/1438 (2002) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1440 (2002) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1441 (2002) 伊拉克裁軍:強化視察制度\n\nS/RES/1450 (2002) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1452 (2002) 打擊恐怖主義:金融措施\n\nS/RES/1455 (2003) 制裁塔利班和“基地”組織\n\nS/RES/1456 (2003) 打擊恐怖主義的宣言\n\nS/RES/1460 (2003) 兒童與武裝衝突\n\nS/RES/1465 (2003) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1502 (2003) 保護聯合國人員和人道主義人員\n\nS/RES/1503 (2003) 前南問題國際法庭和盧旺達問題國際法庭:分設檢察官\n\nS/RES/1512 (2003) 盧旺達問題國際法庭\n\nS/RES/1516 (2003) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1526 (2004) 制裁塔利班和“基地”組織\n\nS/RES/1530 (2004) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1534 (2004) 前南問題國際法庭和盧旺達問題國際法庭\n\nS/RES/1535 (2004) 反恐委員會:設立執行局\n\nS/RES/1539 (2004) 兒童與武裝衝突\n\nS/RES/1540 (2004) 防止核生化武器擴散\n\nS/RES/1546 (2004) 伊拉克臨時政府:設立\n\nS/RES/1566 (2004) 打擊一切形式的恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1611 (2005) 打擊恐怖主義\n\nS/RES/1612 (2005) 保護受武裝衝突影響的兒童\n\nS/RES/1617 (2005) 對與恐怖主義有關聯者採取的措施\n\nS/RES/1618 (2005) 譴責在伊拉克的恐怖行為\n\nS/RES/1624 (2005) 國際和平與安全面臨的威脅\n\nS/RES/1625 (2005) 加強安理會預防衝突的效力\n\nS/RES/1631 (2005) 聯合國與區域組織在維護國際和平與安全方面的合作\n\nS/RES/1646 (2005) 建設和平委員會組織委員會成員\n\nS/RES/1673 (2006) 不擴散大規模毀滅性武器:延長1540委員會任期\n\nS/RES/1674 (2006) 武裝衝突中保護平民\n\nS/RES/1718 (2006) 防擴散問題:制裁朝鮮\n\nS/RES/1730 (2006) 制裁:除名程式\n\nS/RES/1735 (2006) 恐怖主義威脅:制裁恐怖分子的措施\n\nS/RES/1738 (2006) 武裝衝突中保護平民:新聞媒體人員的保護\n\nS/RES/1747 (2007) 伊朗核問題:制裁措施\n\nS/RES/1787 (2007) 恐怖行為對國際和平與安全造成的威脅:延長反恐執行局任期\n\nS/RES/1805 (2008) 恐怖行為對國際和平與安全造成的威脅:延長反恐執行局任期\n\nS/RES/1810 (2008) 不擴散大規模毀滅性武器:延長1540委員會任期\n\nS/RES/1820 (2008) 婦女與和平與安全:要求武裝衝突各方停止針對包括婦女在內所有平民的一切性暴力\n\nS/RES/1822 (2008) 恐怖行為對國際和平與安全造成的威脅:制裁恐怖分子的措施\n\nS/RES/1882 (2009) 兒童與武裝衝突\n\nS/RES/1894 (2009) 在武裝衝突局勢中保護平民\n\nS/RES/1904 (2009) 恐怖行為對國際和平與安全造成的威脅\n\n3. 國際組織基本文件\n\n《安理會暫行議事規則》,S/96/Rev.7.\n\n《聯合國國際法院規約》\n\n《聯合國國際法院訴訟規則》\n\n《聯合國行政法庭分庭規約》\n\n《聯合國上訴法庭規約》\n\n《盧旺達問題國際法庭規約》\n\n《前南斯拉夫國際法庭規約》\n\n《前南斯拉夫國際法庭訴訟程式與證據規則》\n\n《盧旺達問題國際法庭訴訟程式與證據規則》\n\n4. 國際實踐(聲明稿、演講稿、新聞稿、信件、報告、會議紀錄、議程、與決議草案)\n\n1267委員會監測報告,S/2005/572 (2005)\n\n1989年5月24日聯合國經濟及社會理事會第1989/65號決議\n\n1990年5月25日「經濟暨社會理事會」(Economic and Social Council)第1990/48號決議特別報告員B.W.恩迪阿耶(Ndiaye)先生關於1993年4月8日至17日到盧旺達查訪的報告,E/CN.4/1994/7/Add.1\n\n1994年10月1日秘書長給安全理事會主席的信,S/1994/1125\n\n1994年10月31日烏干達常駐聯合國代表團臨時代辦給安全理事會主席的信,S/1994/1230\n\n1994年9月28日盧旺達常駐聯合國代表給安全理事會主席的信,S/1994/1115\n\n1994年9月28日關於盧旺達難民和安全問題的聲明,S/1994/1115, Annex\n\n1995年2月13日秘書長按照安理會第955(1994)號決議第5段提出的報告,S/1995/134\n\n2004年8月4日安理會主席聲明,S/PRST/2004/28\n\nA More Secure World: Our shared responsibility, Report of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, United Nations, 2004, A/59/565.\n\nA/41/PV.53\n\nA/RES/44/162\n\nA/RES/47/1\n\nA/RES/55/12\n\nA/RES/60/251\n\nA/RES/63/253\n\nA/RES/686(VII)(1952)\n\nBasic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary, Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Milan, 26 August to 6 September 1985, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.121/22/Rev.1 at 59 (1985).\n\nE/CN.4/1994/7/Add.1,1990年5月25日「經濟暨社會理事會」(Economic and Social Council)第1990/48號決議特別報告員B.W.恩迪阿耶(Ndiaye)先生關於1993年4月8日至17日到盧旺達查訪的報告\n\nE/CN.4/1995/12,1994年8月12日「人權特別報告員Rene Degni-Segui先生根據1994年5月25日S-3/1號決議第20段提出的關於盧旺達人權情況的報告」(聯合國秘書長又將該報告轉遞給安理會,S/1994/1157, Annex II)\n\nE/CN.4/1995/7,1994年6月28日「人權委員會特別報告員R. Degni-Segui先生根據委員會1994年5月25日第S-3/1號決議第20段提出的關於盧旺達人權情況的報告」(聯合國秘書長又將該報告轉遞給安理會,因此文號又為S/1994/1157, Annex I)\n\nE/CN.4/S-3/1,人權委員會1994年5月24至25日第三次「特別會議」(special sessions)第S-3/1號決議\n\nE/CN.4/S-3/3,人權委員會,1994年5月24至25日第三屆特別會議,臨時議程項目3\n\nEC Law, Commission Regulation 1190/2008 of 28 November 2008, 2008 O.J. (L 322) 25\n\nEC Law, Council regulation (EC) No 881/2002 of 27 May 2002\n\nFact Sheet on Listing,\n\nFinalized by Martti Koskenniemi, Report of the Study Group of the International Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties Arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law, Addendum, Appendix, Draft conclusions of the work of the Study Group, A/CN.4/L.682/Add.1\n\nFinalized by Martti Koskenniemi, Report of the Study Group of the International Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties Arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law, International Law Commission, Fifty-eighth session, Geneva, 1 May-9 June and 3 July-11 August 2006, A/CN.4/L.682, 13 April 2006\n\nGerman Law, Law regulating the cooperation with the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia\n\nHow the European Union and the United Nations cooperate, United Nations Regional Information Centre, January 2007.\n\nInternational Law Commission, Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its twenty-first session, 2 June-8 August 1969, pp. 80-81, U.N. 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Serbia and Montenegro), Further Requests for the Indication of Provisional Measures, Order of 13 September 1993\n\nApplication of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Further Requests for the Indication of Provisional Measures, Separate opinion of Judge ad hoc Lauterpacht, Order of 13 September 1993\n\nApplication of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment of 26 February 2007\n\nApplication of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 11 July 1996\n\nApplication of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures, Order of 8 April 1993\n\nApplication of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 18 November 2008\n\nQuestions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 27 February 1998\n\nQuestions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 27 February 1998\n\nQuestions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom), Preliminary Objections, Dissenting opinions of Judge ad hoc Sir Robert Jennings, Judgment of 27 February 1998\n\nQuestions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America), Request for the indication of Provisional Measures, Order of 14 April 1992\n\nQuestions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom), Request for the indication of Provisional Measures, Order of 14 April 1992\n\nCertain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter), Advisory Opinion of 20 July 1962\n\nLegality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion of 8 July 1996\n\nCorfu Channel (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania), Preliminary objection, Judgment of 25 March 1948\n\nEffect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, Advisory Opinion of 13 July 1954\n\nInterpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt, Advisory Opinion of 20 December 1980\n\nAccordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion), Advisory Opinion of 22 July 2010\n\nLegal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion of 21 June 1971\n\nLegal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion of 9 July 2004\n\nLegal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Separate Opinion of Judge Kooijmans, Advisory Opinion of 9 July 2004\n\nLegality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium), Preliminary Objections, Judgment of 15 December 2004\n\nMilitary and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment of 27 June 1986\n\nMilitary and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Jurisdiction of the Court and Admissibility of the Application, Judgment of 26 November 1984\n\nNuclear Tests (Australia v. France), Judgment of 20 December 1974\n\nReparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of 11 April 1949\n\nUnited States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran), Judgment of 24 May 1980\n\nWestern Sahara, Advisory Opinion of 16 October 1975\n\n2. 前南斯拉夫國際法庭案例\n\nBlaškić (IT-95-14) ``Lašva Valley``, Trial Decisions, Decision on the Objection of the Republic of Croatia to the Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum, 18 Jul 1997\n\nBlaškić (IT-95-14) ``Lašva Valley``, Appeals Chamber Decisions, Judgment on the Request of The Republic of Croatia for Review of the Decision of Trial Chamber II of 18 July 1997, 29 Oct 1997\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Trial Decisions, Decision on the Defence Motion on Jurisdiction, 10 Aug 1995\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Appeals Chamber Decisions, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 2 Oct 1995\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Appeals Chamber Decisions, Separate Opinion of Judge Sidhwa on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, 2 Oct 1995\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Trial Chamber Decisions, Decision of the Trial Chamber on the Application by the Prosecutor for a Formal Request for Deferral to the Competence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Matter of Dusko Tadic (Pursuant to Rules 9 and 10 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), 8 Nov 1994$FILE/Dusko%20Tadic%20TCD%208-11-1994.pdf\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Trial Decisions, Decision on the Defence motion on the principle of non-bis-in-dem, 14 Nov 1995\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Trial Judgement, Opinion and Judgment, 7 May 1997\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Trial Judgement, Separate and Dissenting Opinion of Judge McDonald Regarding the Applicability of Article 2 of the Statute, 7 May 1997\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", Appeals Chamber Judgement, Judgement, 15 Jul 1999\n\nTadić (IT-94-1) "Prijedor", The Prosecutor’s Response of the Motion of the Defense on the Jurisdiction of the Tribunal, 7 July 1995\n\nFurundžija (IT-95-17/1) ``Lašva Valley``, Appeals Chamber, Judgement, 21 Jul 2000\n\nAleksovski (IT-95-14/1) ``Lašva Valley``, Appeals Chamber, Judgment, 24 Mar 2000\n\nMartić (IT-95-11) "RSK", Trial Chamber Decisions, Review of the Indictment Pursuant to the Rule 61 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, 13 Sep 1996\n\n3. 盧安達國際法院案例\n\nMusema, Alfred (ICTR-96-13), Trial Chamber I, Judgement and Sentence, Jan 27, 2000\n\nMusema, Alfred (ICTR-96-13), Appeals Chamber, Judgment, Nov 16, 2001\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Trial Chamber Decisions, Trial Chamber I, Decision on the Prosecutor’s Motion to Withdraw the Indictment, Mar 18, 1999\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Indictment, Sep 28, 1998\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Trial Chamber Decisions, Decision on the Review of the Indictment, Sep 29, 1998\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Trial Chamber Decisions, Warrant of Arrest and Order for Continued Detention, Sep 29, 1998\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Trial Chamber Decisions, Declaration on a Point of Law by Judge Laïty Kama, President of the Tribunal, Judge Lennart Aspegren and Judge Navanethem Pillay, Apr 22, 1999\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Amicus curiae submission by the Belgium Government on the Prosecutor`s request to withdraw in the Ntuyahaga case, International criminal tribunal for Rwanda, Feb 24, 1999\n\nNtuyahaga, Bernard (ICTR-98-40) (Indictment Withdrawn), Prosecutor’s Motion under Rules 51 and 73 to Withdraw the Indictment against the Accused, 23 February 1999\n\nBarayagwiza, Jean Bosco (ICTR-97-19), Defence Written Brief of 15 February 1999, (filed on 18 February 1999)\n\nBarayagwiza, Jean Bosco (ICTR-97-19), Appeal Chamber Decisions, Decision, Nov 3, 1999\n\nBarayagwiza, Jean Bosco (ICTR-97-19), Appeal Chamber Decisions, Separate Opinion of Judge Shahabuddeen, Nov 3, 1999\n\nKanyabashi, Joseph (ICTR-96-15), Trial Chamber Decisions, Decision on the Defence Motion on Jurisdiction, Jun 18, 1997\n\nAkayesu, Jean Paul (ICTR-96-4), Trial Chamber I, Judgement, Sep 2, 1998\n\n4. 常設國際法院案例\n\n"Lotus" Judgment of 7 September 1927, PCIJ Series A, No. 10\n\nMavrommatis Palestine Concessions, PCIJ Series A, No. 2\n\n5. 常設仲裁法院案例\n\nJudge Huber, 2 Reports of International Arbitral Awards, 831\n\n6. 歐洲人權法院案例\n\nAl-Jedda v. The United Kingdom, App. No. 27021/08, 7 July 2011\n\nBehrami and Behrami v. France and Saramati v. France, Germany and Norway, App. Nos 71412/01 and 78166/01, ECtHR judgment of 5 May 2007\n\nBosphorus Airways v. Ireland, Judgment, App. No. 45036/98, 30 June 2005\n\n7. 歐盟法院案例\n\nCFI, Kadi v. Council & Community, Case T-315/01, 2005 ECR II-3649\n\nECJ, Costa v. ENEL, pp. 593-594, 1964 ECR 585\n\nECJ, Case 4/73 Nold v. Commission, 1974 ECR 491\n\nECJ, Kadi & Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council & Community, Joined Cases C-402/05 P and 415/05 P, 2008 ECR I-6351\n\n五、 內國法院案例\n\n1. 我國法院案例\n\n大法官釋字第632號許宗力、廖義男大法官協同意見書\n\n大法官釋字第632號余雪明大法官部分不同意見書\n\n2. 美國法院案例\n\nMarbury, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803)\n\nMorrison, 529 U.S.598\n\nChampion & Dickason v. Casey, 1792\n\nCooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1(1958)\n\nMedellin v. Texas, 552 U.S. 491 (2008)\n\nAmalgamated Meat Cutters v. Connally, 337 F. Supp. 737, 747 (D.C. 22 October, 1971)\n\nEash v. Riggins Trucking, Inc.(757 F.2d 557 (3d Cir. 1985)\n\nUnited States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974)\n\n3. 英國法院案例\n\nHouse of Lords, R (on the application of Al-Jedda) (FC) (Appellant) v Secretary of State for Defence (Respondent), 12 December 2007\n\n4. 加拿大法院案例\n\nR. v. Nixon, 2011 SCC 34
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