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題名: 中國大陸捍衛「綠家園」的「志願者」: 組織變遷的觀點
The analysis of China environmental organization “Green Earth Volunteers” with the theory of organizational change
作者: 許繼中
貢獻者: 王信賢
關鍵詞: 組織變遷
Environmental NGO
Green Earth Volunteers
Organizational Change
New Institutionalism
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 4-二月-2013
摘要: 環境問題在全球已成為迫切討論的議題,中國擁有廣闊的領土、眾多的人口和豐富的自然資源,但在二十年來的現代化過程中,卻形成嚴重的環境危機,人民的生存權也受到威脅。因此,國內外的壓力迫使中國政府必須重視環保問題,加強對於國際環保活動的關注及參與。是故,在中國特殊政治體制下,環保非政府組織獲得興起的契機。綠家園志願者為中國知名環保組織,以保護中國江河為職志發展,關於環境教育與生態文明的宣導,中國許多大壩爭議事件,綠家園志願者皆投身其中,不遺餘力。因此,處於中國特殊政體之下,環保組織的治理結構與行動策略,值得我們反覆審視與思量。本研究以中國北京草根環保組織「綠家園志願者」為研究個案,在理論觀點上,以組織變遷為基礎,結合理論與實證,以怒江大壩擱置爭議及小南海電站開發延宕,此兩個個案進行比較與分析,以理解「綠家園志願者」的組織變遷型態。
In contemporary world, environmental issues have become an urgent topic for discussion. China has a vast territory, large population and abundant natural resources, but the process of modernization in the past two decades caused a serious environmental crisis, and people’s right to life was also threatened. The pressure at domestic and international forced the Chinese government to lay emphasis on environmental issues, enhancing the attention and participation in international environmental activities. Therefore, in the special political system, the environmental NGO obtained an opportunity for developing. Green Earth Volunteers, a well-known environmental organization in China, is expert in using the media. It is worth mentioning the Green Earth Volunteers is often concerned about the Chinese rivers. Initiated by this organization, “River Battle” is a milestone of environmental protection in China. This thesis chose Beijing’s grassroots environmental organization Green Earth Volunteers as a case study. Theoretically speaking, the view of the field, and the organizational system theory of multi-level analysis strategy, trying through a holistic way, combining theoretical and empirical concern in China under the special regime, the governance structure and organization of field images of the grassroots environmental organization “Green Earth Volunteers”.
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