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題名: 創造我們的故事:以共同敘事概念建構體驗型互動裝置
Creating Our Stories: Constructing Experiential Interactive Installation with Collaborative Narrative Concepts
作者: 吳岱芸
Wu, Dai Yun
貢獻者: 吳岳剛<br>廖文宏
Wu, Yueh Gang<br>Liao, Wen Hung
Wu, Dai Yun
關鍵詞: 共同敘事
collaborative narrative
日期: 2011
上傳時間: 1-May-2013
摘要:   近年來數位科技的蓬勃發展,讓行銷溝通加入了消費者參與、進行互動的可能性。這趨勢使得消費者在行銷溝通中所扮演的角色日益重要,而品牌也漸漸跳脫透過傳統廣告說故事給消費者聽的形式,開始以消費者為中心,提供開放式的體驗環境,邀請消費者參與其中,與品牌共同創造價值。 \n  本研究以「共同敘事」的概念來描述這種新型態的行銷溝通手法,主張共同敘事包含了廣告「主張」、消費者「參與」,和「敘事」三項基本要素。品牌將廣告主張植入一個開放的敘事結構中,然後設置目標,邀請消費者透過實際的參與行動,決定故事的發展和結果,共同創造一段與個人密切相關的特殊經驗,並從中體驗廣告主張。\n  在討論相關文獻之後,本文鎖定「家外裝置」(out-of-home installation)作為主要媒介,探討其定義、特色和價值,接著提出一個實踐共同敘事學理的創作計畫。其主要內容包括:(1)以「蔬食搶救死亡海域」為溝通議題,並選定「國立海洋生物博物館」作為溝通情境;(2)整合感測器、社群、以及行動運算科技,設計一套虛擬海底世界裝置,呈現一個因為人類肉食需求而快速惡化的海底世界,邀請消費者採取行動,幫助海洋恢復原貌。透過共同決定海底世界的命運,這個互動裝置除了讓人了解肉食與生態環境之間的關係之外,還進一步引導消費者將永續的觀念落實於生活中。\n  在創作的過程中作者發現,共同敘事裝置的故事情節不宜太過複雜,體驗的重點應放在故事的發展如何被「共同決定」上。因此創作時適合先將廣告主張轉換為簡單的因果關係,接著才思考故事中消費者參與的方式應如何安排。而數位科技的加入,無論對故事架構的發展、或互動體驗的設計,都帶來相當程度的幫助,甚至為互動裝置帶入電玩遊戲的成分,也因而帶來更讓人沉浸的互動體驗。
  In recent years, digital technology empowers marketing communications with the possibilities of consumer participation and interaction. This new trend causes consumers to play increasingly important roles in marketing communication. Meanwhile, brands attempt to go beyond traditional forms of communication by offering consumer-centric experiences and inviting consumers to participate in the value-adding process. \n  In this thesis, we propose a new type of marketing communication technique based on collaborative narrative. We argue that collaborative narrative consists of three essential elements, namely, advertising claim, consumer participation, and story. First of all, the advertising claim should be converted into an open-ended story structure. The brand has to set a goal for the story. Then, the brand invites consumers to play a part in the story, and shape the ultimate development of the story. In this way, consumers co-create a personally relevant and unique experience with the brand, and experience the advertising claim directly. \n  Through the discussion of related work, we select out-of-home installation as the primary media, and clarify the definition, features, and value of out-of-home installation. We then outline a creation plan based on the collaborative narrative concept. This project contains two key components. Firstly, the main issue of the communication is &quot;go vegetarian and revive dead zone.&quot; We choose the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium as the communication context. Secondly, we integrate sensors, social networks, and mobile computing technologies to design a virtual underwater world. The installation displays an underwater world which is rapidly deteriorated as a result of meat consumption. We ask consumers to revive the marine ecosystems by their joint efforts. By determining the destiny of the underwater world in a collective manner, consumers can understand the relationship between meat intake and ecological protection, and learn to implement sustainable practices in their daily lives.\n  The main challenge of collaborative narrative creation arises from the fact that advertising claim, story arrangement, and participation design must be closely linked for the consumers to experience and appreciate the advertising claim while co-creating the story. Besides, new digital technologies help to expand the scope of collaborative narrative, and bring the ingredients of video games and immersive experiences into interactive installations.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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