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題名: 俄羅斯核能產業發展之研究
The Study of Development of Russia’s Nuclear Industry
作者: 李遠祥
Li, Yuan Xiang
貢獻者: 魏百谷
Wei, Bai Ku
Li, Yuan Xiang
關鍵詞: 核能復興
nuclear renaissance
nuclear energy diplomacy
nuclear security
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 1-Jul-2013
摘要: 近年來,在全球氣候變遷與化石燃料價格高漲的影響之下,節能減碳成了各國政府能源政策的圭臬。正因如此,核能重新被視為一種可行的替代能源,獲得長足的發展。但這股核能復興潮並沒有持續太久,2011年日本福島核事故的發生,使全球核能產業陷入了新一波的低潮。這場核能浩劫,與25年前在前蘇聯發生的車諾比核事故如出一轍,都影響了許多國家在核能政策上的選擇。\n 本研究針對俄羅斯核能產業之發展進行探討,以了解其核能利用上的立場及發展策略。特別是在2011年日本福島核災後,俄羅斯在核能政策上是否有所轉變。值得注意的是,俄羅斯國家原子能公司(Rosatom),作為國營之核能企業,展現了其企圖心,矢言成為新一代的全球核能復興先驅。\n 本研究認為,俄羅斯仍不會放棄核能的利用,而且也將持續進行核能復興的政策路線,尋求擴大在全球核電市場上的影響力。核能對俄羅斯而言,除了經濟方面的利益外,同時也兼具了政治、能源安全上的意涵。除非未來科技進步,足以發展出一種高效率同時兼顧生態發展的發電方式,否則近期內俄羅斯的核能發展現狀將不會有太大的改變。
In recent years, under the influence of global climate change and high fossil fuel prices, carbon reduction has become a model as energy policy for many governments. Because of that, nuclear energy was re-considered a viable alternative energy source, and developed rapidly. But this trend of "nuclear renaissance" did not last too long, due to Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, the global nuclear industry fell into another serious decline. Just like Chernobyl nuclear accident that occurred 25 years ago in former Soviet Union, This nuclear catastrophe have affected many countries in nuclear energy policies.\n In this study, we discussed the development of Russia`s nuclear industry in order to understand its position on nuclear energy and development strategies. Particularly, we would like to see if there is a significant change in Russia`s nuclear energy policy after Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. It is noteworthy that the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, as a state-owned nuclear company, demonstrated its ambition, and vowed to be a pioneer of global nuclear renaissance in a whole new era.\n In this study, we concluded that Russia will not give up nuclear energy, but also continue its nuclear renaissance energy policy routes, seeking to expand influence in the global nuclear power market. In addition to economic benefits, for Russia, nuclear energy also means both the political and energy security implications. Unless the technological progress in the future that is enough to develop a high-efficiency and ecological way of power generation, otherwise, Russia`s nuclear energy development situation will not have a significant change in the near term.
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