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題名: 電視新聞動畫化之倫理研究:真實再現?
The Ethics of Animated News on TV:Representation of Truth?
作者: 張涵絜
Chang, Han Jie
貢獻者: 鄭自隆
Chang, Han Jie
關鍵詞: 新聞倫理
journalism ethics
animated images
television news
media reality
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2013
摘要: 本研究以影像倫理作為觀察角度,探討電視新聞動畫化所帶來的真實「再現」與新聞倫理的爭議。本研究採深度訪談法,訪問業與學界共十三人,研究發現,動畫的重建/再現過程,反映感官主義,當新聞報導超越了事實,有可能傷害新聞的專業倫理原則,進而造成資訊淺薄化的發展;再者,虛擬的再現,未必呈現資訊原貌,一則新聞的大量訊息,經過新聞工作者的判斷、篩選,通常只留下具有故事性或衝突性的重點來產製成動畫影像;最後,多層次守門的干擾,影響新聞真實性,在文字轉化為圖影像的過程中,難免會受到編輯室社會控制與新聞價值內化、新聞工作者之間的溝通落差與資訊查證之影響,使得真實性流失成為必然的副作用。
This study examined that some controversy concerning ethic of images exists in the animated news on television, discussing the relationship changing between representation of truth and journalism ethics during the production process. Through empirical in-depth interviews with journalists and scholars of thirteen, we came to explore the ethical effect of animated news on traditional news production and standards. It reveals that the reconstruction of animated news reflects sensationalism. When news reports are not based on facts, they are likely to harm the profession principles of journalism ethics and they will result in the process of information trivialization. In addition, virtual representations may not present the original information, messages are chosen and judged by journalists from a piece of news with story or conflicting points to make animated images. Finally, because multilevel gatekeeping interference affects the authenticity of news, it will inevitably be influenced by several factors, such as social control in the newsroom, newsworthy internalization, communication gaps between journalists as well as verification of information, during the process of transforming a message from written to animated form. The loss of authenticity is an inevitably side effect.
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