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題名: 選民與種民:基督宗教宗徒教父作品與早期天師道經典之比較研究
The Elected People: A Comparative Religious Study on the Apostolic Fathers’ Writings and the Early Scriptures of the Way of the Celestial Masters
作者: 張毅民
CHANG, Iee-Ming Paulus
貢獻者: 李豐楙、黎建球<br>Lee, Fen-Mao & Bernard Li
CHANG, Iee-Ming Paulus
關鍵詞: 選民
chosen people
the elected
seed people
apostolic fathers
Way of the Celestial Master
1 Clement
Epistles of Ignatius
Lao-Zi Xiang’er Zhu
Dao-dao Jialing Jie
Yiang-ping zhi
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2013
摘要: 本論文針對基督宗教宗徒教父作品之《十二宗徒訓誨錄》、《克來孟致格林多人前書》、《依那爵主教七封書信》,與早期天師道之經書《老子想爾注》、《大道家令戒》、《陽平治》中的蒙選思想,進行經典分析與比較研究。研究方法除了縱向的經典分析之外,亦採橫向主題討論與比較。在個案分析方面,本論文指出︰《十二宗徒訓誨錄》的蒙選思想特點是「遵守規範與誡命以確保選民身分」、「呈現出猶太基督徒的信仰跳躍」;《克來孟致格林多人前書》特點是︰「蒙選標準的改變︰義人vs.惡人」、「蒙選者的神祕數字」、「教會︰集體式的蒙選思想」;《依那爵七封書信》特點是︰「殉道與磨難是基督徒蒙選的記號」、「基督徒是天主之愛的果實」、「基督是唯一的天父之門」;《老子想爾注》特點是︰「道是有意志的至高神,祂的旨意是創造與救援」、「蒙選之人與偽技」、「恪遵道誡就是守約」;《大道家令戒》與《陽平治》特點是︰「天人盟約︰正一盟威之道」、「種民︰道教式的『選民』」、「種民︰與男女合氣或黃赤之術無關」。在橫向主題式的比較方面︰一、「盟約與蒙選」指出盟約是神(或道)的旨意與人的意願二合一的結果,這個觀點不僅見於三件宗徒教父作品中,也同見本研究分析之早期天師道經書中,同時,均明確強調「至誠之心」的重要性,而盟約也是祝福、並且神(道)與人雙方自願受束縛的表示。二、「罪與蒙選」指出宗徒教父時期延續以色列信仰傳統中創造、犯罪、盟約、蒙選的思想,但是「克來孟」或依那爵均高舉耶穌基督之血建立的新約的重要性。「種民」則是在罪惡世界中因奉法有功且積極行善,蒙老君揀選獲救的道民,儘管了不可得,但「道」並沒有放棄救援的意願。三、「蒙祝福的種嗣」方面,基督徒的「選民」具有濃厚的「種嗣」思想,而「種民」辭彙中亦有「罪惡世界中蒙祝福的種嗣」的意思,在天人符應過程中,是使天地再度出現太平氣的關鍵角色。
This research focuses on the ideas of ‘the divine election’ in the following documents: the Didache, 1 Clement, 7 Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, Lao-Zi Xiang’er Zhu(The Xiang’er commentary of the Dao-de Jin,老子想爾注), Dao-dao Jialing Jie (The Rules Governing the Family of the Dao,大道家令戒), Yiang-ping zhi ( The Diocese of Yangping, 陽平治). Both scriptural analysis and thematic comparative analysis are applied as the method of the research. The findings are as followed. In the scriptures, ideas of the ‘divine election’ are expressed with different distinguishing features: in the Didache, they are:’ keeping commandments for ensuring the chosen identity,’ ‘the leap-of-faith of the Jewish Christians;’ in 1 Clement they are: ‘righteousness vs. wickedness as the boundary of the election,’ ‘mysterious number of the elected,’ and ‘ecclesia: a collective idea of the divine election;’ in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, they are: ‘persecution as a sign of the divine election,’ ‘Christian as a fruit of God’s Love,’ and ‘Christ, the door of the Father.’ In the Xiang’er Zhu, they are: ‘Dao, the supreme God, who’s will is to create and to save,’ ‘the elected people and the false skills,’ and ‘compliance to Dao’s precepts is to keep the Covenant;’ in the Jialing Jie and Yiang-ping zhi, they are: ‘ “Zhengyi mengwei zhi dao(正一盟威之道)” is the Covenant,’ ‘Zhong-min(種民), a Daoist expression of “the elected people”,’ and ‘zhong-min, a dignified and extraordinary identity and status unrelated to sexual rites.’ In the thematic analysis: 1. Covenant and the Election: (1) covenant as a union of wills of God and of man; highly emphasizes on whole-heartedness and sincerity; covenant as a divine blessing as well as an expression of the both sides’ willingness of being constrained. 2. Sin and the Election: (1) although clear inheritance of Israel’s faith tradition can be found in the Apostolic Fathers’ writings, 1 Clement and Epistles of Ignatius highly emphasis on the Blood of Christ and Jesus’ New Covenant. Whereas zhong-mins are the divine elected in the sinful world; though they are extremely rare, the Dao does not give up searching them for the purpose of saving the world out of the depths. 3. The Blessed Seeds: Christians’ ‘the elected people’ densely connotes ‘the seed people;’ both ‘zhong-min’ and ‘the elected’ connote ‘the blessed seed in the sinful world.’ Zhong-mins not only can survive eschatological catastrophe, but also function as the ones inducing Tai-pin Chi (太平氣) in the post-catastrophe world. They are the ones through which the Dao bestow the divine blessings upon the world.
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Sharpe)(著),呂大吉等(譯)(民80)。《比較宗教學:一個歷史的考察》。台北:桂冠。\n卿希泰(2009)。《中國道教思想史》(第一卷),國家社科基金成果文庫,北京:人民出版社。\n張超然(2008)。《系譜、教化及其整合:東晉南朝道教上清經派的基礎研究》。台北:國立政治大學中文研究所博士論文。\n許地山(編)(民76)。《道教史:「道」的源起與發展》。台北:久大文化。\n黃俊傑(編)(民80)。《中國經典詮釋傳統(一):通論篇》。台北:喜瑪拉雅基金會。\n黃冠閔(編)(2010)。《跨文化視野下的東亞宗教傳統:多元對話篇》。台北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所。\n萬繩楠(1994)。《魏晉南北朝史論稿》。台北:雲龍。\n傅飛嵐、林富士(編)(2000)。《遺跡崇拜與聖者崇拜》。台北:允晨文化。\n湯一介(1988)。《魏晉南北朝時期的道教》。陝西:陝西師範大學出版社。\n湯用彤(1983)。《湯用彤學術論文集》。北京:中華書局。\n葛兆光(2003)。《屈服史及其他:六朝隋唐道教的思想史研究》。北京:生活‧讀書‧新知三聯書店。\n葉貴良(2007)。《敦煌道經寫本與詞匯研究》。四川:巴蜀書社。\n楊聯陞(1992)。《楊聯陞論文集》。北京:中國社科院書版,新華經銷。\n劉 屹(2000)。《敬天與崇道:中古道教形成的思想史背景之一》。北京:首都師範大學博士學位論文。\n鄭土有(1991)。《曉望洞天福地:中國的神仙與神仙信仰》。陝西:陝西人民教育出版社。\n鄭素春(2002)。《道教信仰、神仙與儀式》。台北:台灣商務印書館。\n蒲慕州(2005)。《鬼魅神魔:中國通俗文化側寫》。台北:麥田出版。\n黎志添(編)(2003)。《道教研究與中國宗教文化》。香港:中華書局(香港)。\n黎志添(編)(2012)。《華人學術處境中的宗教研究:本土方法的探索》。香港:三聯書局。\n劉昭瑞(2007)。《考古發現與早期道教研究》。北京:文物出版社。\n謝世維(2010)。《天界之文:魏晉南北朝靈寶經典研究》。台北:台灣商務。\n謝和耐(等著)、耿昇(譯)(1993)。《法國學者敦煌學論文選萃》。北京:中華書局。\n謝和耐(等著)、耿昇(譯)(2011)。《明清間耶穌會士入華與中西匯通》。北京:東方出版社。\n鍾採鈞、周大興(編)(2011)。《猶太與中國傳統的對話》。台北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所。\n蕭登福(民87)。《周秦兩漢早期道教》。台北:文津出版社。\n蕭登福(民78)。《漢魏六朝佛道兩教之天堂地獄說》。台北:台灣學生。\n饒宗頤(民92)。《饒宗頤二十世紀學術文集》。第七冊,卷五「宗教學」,台北:新文豐出版社。\n\n1.3.2 外文方面︰\n1.3.2.1 基督宗教類\nAuget, Jean-Paul (1958). 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