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dc.contributor.authorCheng, Yu-Chuen_US
dc.creatorCheng, Yu-Chuen_US
dc.description.abstractReligion not only provides spiritual encouragement and consolation, but also brings a number of material aspects to people in their everyday life. Among them, exchanging of religious artifacts and sacred object is often seen in the historic record, while in the context of modern capitalism, Religious consumerism emerged. The current research focuses on a new generation of religious artifact “Long Gong Sarira” (Sarira from the Palace of the Dragon king), taking the Taipei Jianguo Jade Market, energy gem stores as samples for field research, interviewing holders of Long Gong Sarira, which are the distributors, retailers and general consumers, combined with a quantitative research with questionnaires to compare the differences between Sarira and Long Gong Sarira. The first part of this study introduced the origins of Long Gong Sarira, including secondary data analysis of Sarira and the Dragon King recorded in the sutra, information about the place of origin in Thailand, as well as the story of how Long Gong Sarira crossed the sea and entered Taiwan. The naming and the origin of the legend of Long Gong Sarira play a crucial step in sanctifying the artifact. Further, the exchanging of Long Gong Sarira in Taiwan was not promoted by religious groups or monks, but by the retailers who builds its own consumer market and mechanisms.At the same time, through consumer feedback, retailers gradually build a complete classification of Long Gong Sarira, with their functions, characteristics and identifying the authenticity, etc., and to strengthen the criterion measurements and application methods. In addition, the holders of Long Gong Sarira spontaneously form and join social networking sites as a platform to share their experience and knowledge. The mythical experience of Long Gong Sarira’s holders made believe that Long Gong Sarira brings effects and miracles; however, it is beyond the description with words. These experiences enhanced the holder’s confidence and dependency, becoming a proof of ‘hierophany’ in modern religious artifact or sacred objects. Results from qualitative and quantitative data revealed that Long Gong Sarira can be defined as a new sacred object in modern religion.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 文獻回顧 6\n第三節 研究方法與章節安排 19\n第二章 建構聖物—龍宮舍利的興起 22\n第一節 佛經中的舍利與龍王 22\n第二節 泰國的龍宮舍利及發現過程 26\n第三節 龍宮舍利的變化 30\n第四節 龍宮舍利的傳奇 34\n小結 44\n第三章 消費聖物 46\n第一節 臺灣民眾認知中的龍宮舍利 46\n第二節 龍宮舍利的產品類型 51\n第三節 龍宮舍利的衡量標準 54\n第四節 通路中的龍宮舍利 61\n小結 74\n第四章 詮釋靈驗 76\n第一節 擁有者對磁場及龍宮舍利的詮釋 76\n第二節 龍宮舍利帶來的靈異感應 78\n第三節 與命理結合的龍宮舍利——九星論命法 84\n第四節 與命理結合的龍宮舍利——生肖開運物 87\n第五節 龍宮舍利的社群網站—Yahoo!奇摩家族:龍宮舍利家族 91\n小結 97\n第五章 新造聖物—從龍宮舍利觀察佛教舍利傳統的變遷 99\n第一節 臺灣民眾的宗教物質概念 99\n第二節 龍宮舍利與舍利的特徵比較 102\n圖表 117\n第三節 不同的舍利傳統的變遷 127\n小結 130\n第六章 結論 132\n參考文獻 139\n附錄 145\n附錄一:宗教物質調查表 145\n附錄二:宗教物質調查受訪者基本資料表 149\n附錄三:舍利態度調查表 150\n附錄四:龍宮舍利態度調查表 154\n附錄五:訪談大綱 158\n附錄六:深度訪談受訪者資料 159\n附圖 160zh_TW
dc.format.extent8619985 bytes-
dc.subjectLong Gong Sariraen_US
dc.subjectReligious Consumerismen_US
dc.subjectReligious Artifacten_US
dc.subjectSacred Objecten_US
dc.titleThe Formation and Consumerism of Sacred Object: Long Gong Sarira in Taiwanen_US
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