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題名: 目睹兒童之社會工作處遇模式
The model of social work treatment in witnessed children
作者: 陳映潔
貢獻者: 宋麗玉
Song, Li Yu
關鍵詞: 目睹兒童
日期: 2010
上傳時間: 4-Sep-2013
摘要: 探討目睹兒童之社會工作處遇模式的目的在於:\n一、 瞭解國內針對目睹兒童的處遇服務現況,包含評量的方法與內容、處遇目標、處遇方法與內容、理論依據、處遇評估等。\n二、 探究社會工作者提供目睹兒童處遇服務時,本身的處遇價值與原則、工作者的角色與功能。\n三、提供目睹兒童的處遇現況與社會工作者處遇之建言。\n\n 研究者採用質化研究之方法,以個別深度訪談法蒐集資料,總共訪談四個民間社福機構的五位目睹兒童社工。研究發現可分為兩大要點:\n一、目睹兒童社工主要是以生態系統觀點作為評量方式與內容的基礎。\n二、目睹兒童的社會工作處遇模式共有五種:優勢復元模式、社會支持網絡聯繫模式、創傷輔導模式、家庭支持模式、以及研究者認為最佳的綜融模式。\n\n 研究者根據研究發現,分別提出法令與政策、實務工作與機構之建言:\n一、法令與政策\n(一)目睹兒童須長期且精深的協助\n(二)拓展目睹兒童的資源\n(三)規劃初級與二級預防的目睹兒童處遇策略\n二、實務工作\n(一)關懷目睹兒童:發展間接的行動倡議,以及促進直接服務的成長\n(二)目睹兒童的社會工作處遇模式:資源整合;婦保社工與目睹兒童社工的合作;目睹兒童處遇服務的成效評估之方法\n三、機構:培養社工與施暴者一同工作的技巧
The study is to investigate the social work treatment model in witnessed children. As far as the study is concerned, there are 4 goals the research would like to explore: \n1.To understand the social work treatment in witnessed children, including the assessment method and content, treatment goal, treatment method and content, treatment theory, and treatment evaluation.\n2.To explore the characters of social workers, including their values, principles, roles and functions.\n3.To propose suggestions for the social work treatment of witnessed children services.\n The study employed qualitative method of in-depth interview to collect data; furthermore, applying semi-structured interviewing method to gather data. All information were from 4 participants who came from 5 different social welfare institutions. The major findings were divided into two parts as below: \n1.The social workers of witnessed children is based on eco-system for assessment.\n2.The social work model in witnessed children includes strength recovery model, social support network association model, trauma counseling model, family support model, and comprehensive model which researcher believes the best model based on the finding of this study.\n According to the findings, the researcher proposed below suggestions from “law and policies” and “practical work”:\n1. Law and policies\n(1)Provide long-term and extensive treatment assistance.\n(2)Expand the resources of witnessed children.\n(3)Develop the primary prevention and second prevention.\n2. Practical work\n(1)Care about witnessed children: advocating the concept of witnessed children, and encouraging the development of practical services.\n(2)The social work treatment model in witnessed children: resources integration; the cooperation of female social workers and social workers of witnessed children; Develop the method of how to evaluate treatment. \n3. Institution: Develop the method which enables social workers to work with perpetrators.
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