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題名: 《情書》劇本創作與論述
" Love Letters": a screenplay and writing notes
作者: 李懿芳
Li, Yi-Fang
貢獻者: 盧非易
Lu, Fei-I
Li, Yi-Fang
關鍵詞: 電影劇本
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 1-十一月-2013
摘要: 本故事意圖捕捉停滯時代裡的抒情碎片,過了經濟起飛好時光的台灣,一切進入了停滯,當金錢已經無法成為未來寄託的奮鬥目標時,看似渺渺的日子,卻多了份緩慢生活的優雅。小巷弄裡的抒情滋長,尤其隱居巷弄的二手書店風情林立。人們多了許多時間與空間可以漫遊、思考、迷惘。故事沿著女主角對於不告而別戀人的追尋之旅,展開一幕幕台灣的抒情風景。\n\n 故事舞台橫跨台北、中國上海與日本伊豆三地,並有實地勘景。劇中人物持續旅行,從小巷子裡的二手書店出發,到烏鎮古城與富士山前,故事收尾在台灣東部深山的祕境「鬼湖」。融合魯凱族最淒美的愛情傳說,將故事景緻推向高潮。\n\n 寫作手法向「純愛文學」靠攏。由一封無人知曉的情書拉開序幕,女主角徒勞的寄著一封封到不了目的地的手繪明信片,像是時空膠囊般;保存著旅途中的溫度,卻始終無人回信。這是個關於「失去」、「回憶」與「救贖」的故事。
The story was intended to capture the lyric fragments of the era of stagnation. Taiwan’s rapid economic growth had never come back again, and overall everything seems stagnant. When massive fortune is not the way forward, rambling life come to be slower and more elegant. There are many alleys enchanting and worth exploring, especially those second-hand bookshops are very stylish and polished. People earned much time and owned many spaces to wander, ponder, and wonder. We could enjoy Taiwan’s lyric scenery scene by scene followed the heroine’s step, who was on her trip to look after her ex-lover who took French leave.\n \n The scenery of the story traversed Taipei, Shanghai(China), and Izu(Japan), where the author had been there and scouted the location. The heroine kept travelling, from the seclussive second-hand bookshop in the alley to the old town Wuzhen and Mount Fuji; finally her destination was “Ghost lake”, an uncharted mountain in the East of Taiwan, where the story climaxed with a local aboriginal poignant love legend.\n \n Writing style is close to “pure love literature”. The prelude began with an unknown love letter, followed one letter after another, which could not find their destination and turned into time capsules. However, those letters kept the memory of journey had no reply whatever. This is a story about ”disappearance”, “recollection”, and“salvation”.
參考文獻: 王士儀譯(2003)。《亞理斯多德<創作學>譯疏》。台北:聯經。(原書Aristotle.《創作學》。)\n王筱玲、張苓譯(2012)。《情書》。台北:新經典文化。(原書:岩井俊二.《情書》。)\n井迎兆譯(2011)。《編劇心理學:在劇本中建構衝突》。台北:五南。(原書William Indick[2004]﹒《Psychology for Screenwriters: Building Conflict in Your Script》。美國:Natl Book Network。)\n台大(2003)。《南南山語 : 大小鬼湖區域探勘手記》。台北:台大登山社。\n石美倫譯(2006)。《史蒂芬.金談寫作》。台北:商周。(原書:Stephen King.《On Writing.:A memoir of the craft》。)\n尖端出版(2006)。《純愛是王道》。台北:尖端。\n伍麗華(2006)。《魯凱族 : 鷹羽.百合.冠冕.榮耀》。台中:莎士比亞。\n余阿勳、黃玉燕譯(1996)。《伊豆的舞孃》。(原書:川端康成.《伊豆的舞孃》。)\n李士勛,徐小青譯(2003)。《班雅明作品選:單行道、柏林童年》。台北:允晨文化。(原書Walter Benjamin.《Einbahnstra e & Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert》。)\n李小石(2012)。《山魂》。台北:印刻。\n林芳玫(1994)。《解讀瓊瑤愛情王國》。台北:台灣商務。\n易智言譯(2004)。《電影編劇新論》。台北:遠流。(原書Ken Dancyger, Je. 《Alternative Scriptwriting--Writing Beyond the Rule》。) \n孟祥森譯(2010)。《愛的藝術》。台北市:志文出版。(原書Erich Fromm.〔1956〕. 《The Art of Loving 》。) \n政大傳院媒介寫作小組(2009)。《傳媒類型寫作》。台北市:五南出版\n馬國明(1998)。《班雅明》。台北:三民。\n泰吉華坦(2007)。《充滿藝術氣息的民族 = Rukai : 魯凱族》。台北:臺灣原住民族文化產業發展協會。\n陳寶蓮譯(2002)。《冷靜與熱情之間(紅)》。台北:方志。(原書:江國香織:《冷靜與熱情之間》。)\n許榮哲(2010)。《小說課:折磨讀者的秘密》。台北:國語日報。\n黃英雄(2009)。《編劇高手》。台北:書林。\n張旭東、魏文生譯(2010)。《發達資本主義時代的抒情詩人》。台北:臉譜。(原書:Walter Benjamin.《Charles Baudelaire, Ein Lyriker im Zeitalter des Hochkapitalismus》。)\n蔡琰(2000)。《電視劇:戲劇傳播的敘事理論》。台北:三民。\n蘇西亞譯(2009)。《小說面面觀:現代小說寫作的藝術》。台北:商周。(原書:Edward Morgan Forster《Aspects of the novel》。)
描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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