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題名: 內向僅為外向之相反嗎?­ –「內外向性多向度量表」之編製及驗證
Is Introversion Merely the Opposite of Extraversion? – The Development and Validation of Multi-dimensional Inventory of Introversion-Extraversion
作者: 周穎琦
貢獻者: 詹志禹
關鍵詞: 內向性
personality inventory
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 1-Nov-2013
摘要: 本研究旨在挑戰常見的內外向性單向度思維。首先,提出一個替代性假設:內外向性為雙向度之構念 ; 再者,發展出內外向性雙向度量表,並以全台北、中、南三區共1,011位大學生為施測對象。最後,透過試題分析刪減題目,並以結構方程模式(SEM)進行假設模式之驗證。\n 結果發現:(1)內外向性乃多向度之構念,共分為正面外向性、負面外向性、正面內向性、負面內向性四個向度。(2)「自我導向性」乃為正面內向性因素之核心構念,「活躍性」則為正面外向性因素之核心構念,有別於傳統認為「社交性」為外向性因素之核心構念。此外,本量表乃具可接受之信效度,唯效標關連效度尚待進一步驗證。
The purpose of the study was contesting the prevailing view of the one-dimensional construct of Introversion-Extraversion ( I-E ). The researcher first proposed an alternative hypothesis that I-E is a bi-dimensional construct and developed a new type of I-E inventory treating I-E as independent dimensions. The inventory was administered to 1,011 college students form Taiwan’s 3 geographical regions and then refined by item analysis. Finally, the data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to verify the hypothetic model.\n The major findings are: (1) I-E is a Multi-dimensional construct including Positive Extraversion (PE), Negative Extraversion (NE), Positive Introversion (PI), and Negative Introversion (NI) as four facets. (2) The core construct of PI is “Self-orientation” and that of PE is “Activeness” which is in contrast to the conventional view of “Sociability” as the core construct of extraversion. \n Besides, the Multi-dimensional Inventory of Introversion-Extraversion has acceptable reliability and validity; however, the criterion-related validity remains to be verified.
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