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類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 20 of 230
10-八月-2023Book Review: Tim Fulford and Sharon Ruston, eds., «The Collected Letters of Sir Humphry Davy»Hricko, Jonathon
10-八月-2023Book Review: Emily Sun, «On the Horizon of World Literature: Forms of Modernity in Romantic England and Republican China»Huang, Bo-yuan
10-八月-2023Intermediality in Contemporary Nigerian Standup Comedy: The Gordons’s CaseChukwumah, Ignatius
10-八月-2023「英雄神話」的符號生產——葉慈悼亡詩之羅伯特.格雷戈里的身份建構楊珊;馮偉; Yang, Shan;Feng, Wei
10-八月-2023Retelling Folk as Gothic in Kothanodi and AamisBora, Anshuman
10-八月-2023Queer Werewolves in India: Hybridity, Sexuality and Monstrosity in Indra Das’s The DevourersValančiūnas, Deimantas
10-八月-2023A Theatre of Ghosts, a Haunted Cinema: The Japanese Gothic as Theatrical Tradition in GurozukaKevin J. Wetmore, Jr.
10-八月-2023Liberal Vaccine for Communist Viral Disease: National Paranoia, Body Politic, and Contagion as Political Allegory in Por Intharapalit’s “Songkhram Chuerok” [Germ Warfare] (1963)Prabunya, Suntisuk
10-八月-2023Introduction: Why Do We Need Asian Gothic?Ancuta, Katarzyna;Hsu, Li-hsin; 許立欣
29-三月-2023Burning Fat: Edgar Allan Poe’s “Hop-Frog,” Literary Overproduction, and the Engine of RevengeManuel, Herrero-Puertas
29-三月-2023從《撒哈拉歲月》英西兩譯本註釋分析翻譯策略古孟玄; Ku, Meng-hsuan
29-三月-2023Hybridity of Genres in Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing World蘇靖棻; Su, Jing-fen
29-三月-2023Seeing and Hearing through Glass: An Exegesis of the Artificial in Der SandmannLee, Feng-Shu
29-三月-2023從身體行動到體驗「活角色的生」:晚期風格和史坦尼斯拉夫斯基的身體行動方法蘇子中; Su, Tsu-Chung
29-三月-2023The Earth’s Tragic Drone: Revealing the Incommunicability of Nature’s Mournful Sounds in Wallace StevensLin, Chih-wei
29-三月-2023Shakespeare in Mark Twain’s 1601Ou, Hsin-yun
29-三月-2023Contrary Witnesses: John Addington Symonds, Samuel R. Delany and the Historiography of the UnspeakableEarl Dewayne Jackson, Jr.
29-三月-2023不吃不理性:從瑪莉安的情傷,看《理性與感性》的拒食、進食,以及餵食陳建龍; Dahn, Alvin
29-三月-2023"A Voice as of the Waters": Women`s Watery Narrative and Julia Margaret Cameron`s "Fluid" Photography in Tennyson`s Idylls of the King劉涵英; Liu, Han-ying
29-三月-2023The Power of Things in Terry Tempest Williams`s Refuge and when Women Were Birds張麗萍; Chang, Li-ping
類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 20 of 230